Best Buy Geek-Squad post Customer's Nude Pics Online

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Bliss, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Best Buy Geek Squad employees 'posted woman's nude photos
    Online after working on her computer'

    - Student sues after staff removed pictures while repairing her laptop

    By Paul Thompson, 13 August 2013

    A student is suing Best Buy after claiming a member of their Geek Squad posted her nude photos on the internet after working on her computer.

    Nicole March, a University of Alabama student, is said to have been left 'devastated and humiliated' after the photographs appeared online.


    According to the lawsuit the student took her laptop computer to a Best Buy store in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, for repair.

    The laptop, which had a problem with the hard drive, was worked on by one of the technicians at the store who was part of the Geek Squad in August 2011.

    Nine months later Ms March, who also had a part time job at the Best Buy, was told by a co-worker that nude photos of her were circulating on the internet.

    The lawsuit claims that a Geek Squad employee took the photos from her computer, uploaded them to the internet and also linked them on a file-sharing site.

    The lawsuit says that the photos were part of the plaintiff's class work at the university where she was studying the human form.

    The lawsuit states: 'In her artistic endeavors and with an interest in the human body, plaintiff [Ms March] has, from time to time, had professional and privately made nude photographs of herself which she stored on her personal computer for private, personal and professional reference and use.'

    Ms March went to the police to complain, but no action was ever taken against the Geek Squad member.

    The lawsuit stated that managers at the store identified the culprit, but asked Ms March not to inquire about their identity.

    The lawsuit added: 'This conduct was utterly reprehensible and cannot be tolerated in a civilized society where a customer entrusts her computer to a service for repair and rescue only to have sensitive and private data, images, and information uploaded to public links for use by strangers and the public at large.'

    Her lawyer, Stephen Hennigen, said: 'In this day in society we've got to do everything we can to protect privacy and that's the purpose of this suit.'


    The lawsuit said Best Buy invaded her privacy and that the company was negligent in the supervision and training of its employees.

    In seeking damages the lawsuit said Ms March has been caused to suffer mental anguish, embarrassment, and humiliation 'from now knowing these private and sensitive photos have been published and made accessible to untold and innumerable persons for improper use and viewing.'

    A spokesman for Best Buy said they were waiting for a copy of the lawsuit.


    Just disgusting! Now she will sue their pants off, and post it online!
  2. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    This is why I zero out my data and never let folks use my stuff.Did she rally think someone wasn't going to look. just assume!
  3. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    Wow. Pretty fucked up...
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Look? is one thing. Going beyond the trusted scope of your job and stealing and illegally posting a client's pics publicly online and to a file sharing site, is a whhoole other ball game. I would relentlessly pursue AND file suit against the employee to boot. Hopefully she will be set for life.
  5. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    all the lawsuits in the world isn't going to take it down now. trust no one!
  6. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Who gives a shit about taking it down at this point, if she has good lawyer, can u say cha ching
  7. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    good being the key word. I'm sure they have something in their legal paper to excuse the action. If she sues the guy, then all I got to say is he works at best buy.
  8. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Um serious.
    When you look at 12 computers a day, the veryast thing you are interested in is someone's personal data.
    It's like looking at vaginas. The only thing you are actually look for is abnormalities.

    Whatever technician did this had a grudge or a vendetta against this girl.
    Not saying what they did was right but trust me.
    No technician who looks at personal data all day long is going to care one way or another about the pron or naked pictures on your computer.
  9. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Searches don't take more than 5 mins. you just type *.jpg or *.png or *.gif. or click on the picture option.

    also, I think he was just being a guy. no grudge but the grudge is possible.
  10. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member


    Regardless of how long a search might take, you have completely missed my point.

    Ive seen everything and all kinds of fucked up on computers.
    My point is....
    The way you get paid is by finishing repair jobs. The longer the spend looking through people's naked hooha pictures and then transfering them to storage mediums..the longer the store makes no money for the repair.

    Maybe it's just me but I highly doubts it. All the techs I've known can't be bothered to care about customers private info. We have far too many other things to focus on.
    That's what makes me think this technician was somehow disgruntled with this customer.
  11. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    sorry but 5 mins is not much. It can be done. You are judging this off of your experience. We wouldn't be here if he followed your example.

    folks be careful who you give important data to.
  12. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    But do you really think people who aren't naturally paranoid are going to search their computer for embarrassing pictures?

    And what about computers that have mechanical hard drive failure but the data can still be rescued?

    What she should have done is take it to a store where she didnt work.
    Again, I'm not saying that the technician isn't at fault for a violation of trust but if it could potentially be embarrassing you don't take it to co-workers.

    Very few othe technicians could be bothered enough to care enough to consistently search computers for nudies.
  13. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    is she naturally paranoid?
    If not, then why was the nudity pics still there?

    remember our talk about raids and backups? You keep backups like I do.

    true... but who isn't to say that the bestbuy guy wouldn't do this to another person.

    It only takes one person to do the wrong thing to eff up your day.
  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Arch and Ali, you are both making excellent points to motive. Real food for thought.

    Ali, when you noted that she shouldn't have let her co-workers fix it, I wonder if she did it BECAUSE she figured she could trust them more than strangers. That they wouldn't do her wrong.
    And (or) that perhaps as a student, she probably didn't have much money and maybe was given an employee discount...all this can lend to motivation as to why she possibly chose to let them repair it.

    Let's not also forget he was just a sinister creep! And who knows, perhaps infatuated with her, or she brushed him off once..some people's minds are whacked. As someone noted, this was probably the closest this Geek ever got to a naked woman.
  15. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I think her point was that most people aren't paranoid thinking someone is going to steal your pics, and you then searching through possibly thousands when you have an issue with your And like she said, what if you can't access your pics due to HD failure. Dude just went to place he had no business going to.

    I wondered that too... time will tell if he did that to another....but how would you know....she didn't for 9 months but for the grace of her co-worker....I think every client he worked on should be notified, just like if he was found to have stolen CC numbers.
  16. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Concerning the HDD failure:
    Yea, Aliona and I had a talk about backups in another thread. You are suppose to keep backups just in case these things happen. HDD's are cheap.
    concerning the other part:
    I'm not saying that all techs do this but again this one did. You don't know how many people he might of done this to or who else may be doing this. I mean how are you going to catch them. If someone had not told her, She might not have ever found out.:smt102

  17. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    my hard drive is sitting at office depot right now so any of you that sent me compromising pictures over the years...perhaps they are enjoying them:smt081
  18. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    This is a messed up situation, but people need to learn that the only person you can really trust with your private things is you.
  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Very true, Thump ^^^^ Bottom line.

    LOL, classic!
  20. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    This isn't true at all. Folks do this all the time on all types of jobs. I must admit I find peoples cell phones all the time and many of them leave their phones unlocked. I be snoopin like a motherfucker.

    btw if it wasn't for them snooping, this dude wouldn't of got caught


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