Oh yeah. Zimmypoo is going to press and press his luck until he can't press it no more. It's a good thing hes on such a radar. When he does murder his next black victim perhaps people will start to see a pattern. Like men who only rape and kill prostitutes. Where's what's his face? Stompykins. Love to have him weigh in on this. It. Will. Give. Me. Good. Reason. To. Rollmyeyes.
The thought of Zimmerman being in Texas makes me ill. Way too close for comfort...he needs to take his killer ass someplace else (preferably a place where he can't be around people).
Sadly Tamstrong he is right at home there. Until the Latino and Black vote takes back from the White Republican power structure in Austin there will be people like him.
That club that whose membership you don't have to 'earn'. And the victim had better survive to prevent the post-mortem character assassination that they would do on them if Zimmerman were ever brought to trial. Hope they have never cursed or smoked marijuana... and they had better not be urban (read: menacing and giving GZ a 'reasonable' fear for his life).
Dash Cam Footage Of George Zimmerman Getting Pulled Over For Speeding. [YOUTUBE]w0UOoWuY-Tc[/YOUTUBE]
I was thinking the cops were giving him the "white guy's break" a la Eddie Murphy's skit. <iframe src="http://www.snotr.com/embed/422" width="400" height="330" frameborder="0"></iframe>
So... I've decided to edit this because I think it was unecessarily mean to po' 'ol stumper. I know he can't help himself and one should have pity for his plight as opposed to mean snarkiness. Someone has to love zimmypoo after all and it's better him than me.
Truth be told, there are assholes with no regard for human life like him all over the world, and there's not anyplace a person can go that's asshole-free. That's just a sad fact of life. Texas has its issues (Rick Perry being a bitchass is one of them), but so does every other state. Texas isn't perfect, but it's not the worst place to live IMO.
Politics aside, the State of Texas has genuinely friendly people(excluding the racists) in it who would help you out if you are in a jam like car trouble or are lost. Like anywhere else, there are friendly people and not so friendly people. I don't see myself as a Texan(even though Texas has a lot to offer and has a lot going for it). I'm an East Coast dude. I would not fit in deep in the heart of Texas.
(CNN) -- Lawyers for George Zimmerman, the Florida man who was acquitted of second-degree murder in the killing of Trayvon Martin, plan to ask the state to reimburse Zimmerman for at least $200,000 of expenses incurred during his trial.
Did you see the news item last night about him going to visit the manufacturer of the gun that he used to kill Trayvon Martin? He paused to take celebrity shots with random workers at the factory.
That's infuriating. Ignorant people nauseate me. Supporting this man to the extent of wanting a picture with him? Sickening. :smt013