Good luck! This is what I tell my kids before their golf tournaments, applies to tennis as well I think. Do your best, one shot at a time and then move on. Remember that golf is just a game. Nancy Lopez
Thanks, TDK, Ches & Loki. Loki, I'm going to tell him that quote en route to the match. Thanks for that! If all goes well, he has 2 matches tonight, 1 tomorrow and the championship on Sunday. Results to follow.
many of the so-called "polls" are actually true, DK. Black men are killing each other at an alarming rate. It's often embarrassing to me as a black man to see these kind of stats. I think one of the worst things we could do as black men is turn the other cheek and say "well, white men & Hispanic me also kill each other". Saying that is really brushing off the real root of the issue. The first and one of the most important issues is reprogramming the minds of many brothas. It's gotta' start somewhere....
I think you misunderstood my point. The majority of blacks kill blacks but its.the.same for all races which makes it a human problem not a race specific problem. Hope I'm more clear.
I was almost killed by a black kid in July 17th, 1992. It was during a robbery. There were five of them in a car and they were hunting for victims. One ripped off my watch(a Christmas present from my younger brother), the driver in the car they drove pulled out the gun. Black-On-Black crime was the new phrase in the early 90's. I became a victim and a statistic. The kid who snatched my watch only hit me but I didn't fall down. He looked at me and I looked at him. After a few seconds, he got into the car and they drove away. The left side of my face was swollen and it stayed there for over a week. I changed my major in school, which, at the time was Communications, to Criminology and then criminal justice. Taking these courses was a revenge factor with me because I did not get any justice. Later, I became a correctional officer at Florida State Prison and was surprised by what awaited me everyday I went to work. I was on a 1 year probationary period and resigned after about eight months.
Very moving Story Gorath.....Then you should understand that bullets have no pigmentation.....What is relevant is who, with everything you read and hear, has the least reluctance to fire them at other human beings.......
In 1993, the pay per hour for new correctional officers was $7.10. I tried to crosstrain into law enforcement. But, that plan fell through because I was at the time a weak officer, but, I did work. I was always working. My sergeant told my on the day I had resigned, "Reid ,you'll never forget your time here. This place has become your Vietnam." My sergeant decided that day on the day I resigned to retire. I remembered the director of the food service department told me; and he repeated it,"This is another world." The experience made me appreciate my freedom even more because prison is an environment of deception anger and hate. You never know where it will come from. And you are constantly watched. Knowing who your friends and enemies are is very difficult. I survived by adhering to the chain of command and the guidelines by the statutes in the State Of Florida. But, a funny thing happened, I almost ended up throwing out what I had learned in the academy. Now, they require officers to be college educated. A classmate is a correctional officer. He wasn't working at Florida State Prison. ut he is happy where he is at. A girl I worked at McDonald's with became a correctional officer. She'll make more money now with the DOC(Department Of Corrections) than at McDonald's. When I resigned that Saturday, I remember saying the following quotes before I drove away; "From Hell's heart, I stab at thee. For hate's sake, I spit thy last breath at thee." Captain Ahab- Moby Dick(I did spit on the ground at Florida State Prison). "Yippee-ky-ayyy, motherfucker." _ John MacClane. I used what I had learned for my security job. The companies I worked for liked the incident reports I wrote. Sometimes, they wanted me to write all the time.
You should pose your question on a Pro-Black site or a site filled with Black women. Black women suffer greatly because of the death of sons, fathers, brothers, husbands, lovers so they are eager to discuss these things. I think it was naive of you to think Black men on a site aimed at the adoration of caucasian women, would be interested in focusing on the ills of the community they are trying to escape from. Interracial relationships are often a form of escape for the "person of color".