Damn, Bookie got run off. Books, u will be missed. Y'al cold blooded running moderator of the site and shit. Zimmerman got off coz he had better lawyers who were able to present the case much logical and methodical than the prosecution team. The burden of proof was on prosecution, they should have done a better job than that lousy theatrical crap they put on. He got off coz of self defense, his case has nutin to do with SYG. It is a sad day in the world where a teen can't even walk to the store to buy candy and come home safe. By the way y'al should know the law has nothing to do with justice. Law does not equal justice. The federal govt snooping around his case, they don't have enough evidence to bring about charges against GZ and take him to court. They can't try him again like double jeopardy. He might be found gulty on civil suit for wrongful death, but Zimmerman is a bum, he ain't got that much cash to pay for the family. Hopefully coz of heated discussion, demonstration and so forth, this case will bring attention to blk lives that gets lost to senseless crimes day and day out, especially blk on blk crime in inner city like chicago, etc...
Now that the heat has died down. I will address this. I think that people want to twist the law into w/e they want. Unless someone is murdered or badly beaten, the law should not try juveniles as adults. You can not have it both ways where you don't give adult rights to a person but all of sudden you want to put adult consequences. Make up your mind, America! Also, there is no medium in the law. It is either one or the other. I understand if people want to add a medium but wanting and or believing it is there is different from what is in the law. I want to say that the one Hispanic woman restored my faith in people seeing things for what they are. I don't know about the other women. The more I hear from them the more I think that this judgement by peers is a joke.
I was joking. I know I left this thread almost 10 pages ago. :smt036 I had to go back to see why it got so heated up.
I knew you were dere, lol. I know your sense of humor by now. But I meant my comment, nonetheless. And yeah, it's the kind of thread that if you go away for a few hrs, you come back to some ish you wish you didn't. But your gifs were fun and on time.
Oh please....don't be fooled by numbers and names. Some of us were here long before and will be around long after. People come and go every day. Some just don't have the need to post they are leaving on several different threads or have the need to push numbers, rep, and whatever titles there are at whatever given time. No one runs anyone off...that's just bullshit excuses for something they want to do anyway usually because they are not the center of popularity at that particular moment.
Well oddly, American States have different ages for juvenile and adult. In some States, its 16 as an adult for victim and perp. In others, it's 18. There is no Federal mandate. I agree with the unless badly beaten (and raped) or murdered. Bottom line, when it doesn't involve anything egregious, they are always tried as Juvies. @ your last paragraph: juror29 I think is likely back-tracking. Because she said some other odd things, as well. Not sure what she is trying to say, as she is all over the place (which I guess is understandable) .....
I know about the age issue with states. The Genarlow Wilson case was where Genarlow Wilson was 16 and being treated as an adult for getting a blowjob from a 15 year old in georgia. He was charged for child molestation.:smt011 They wrote a law and didn't even make it retro active. unbelievable. 50 fucking states and 50 fucking set of rules like they are countries or something.
I remember that travesty! it was after school and in the school, right? I had read his story in the press, and then Oprah covered it with his mother as a guest. He was pardoned/released? no?? I'm pretty sure of it. Please say it aint so...*Gonna look it up.... * EDIT: Ok, wrong story...the one I was referring to in a school room, I distinctly recall that detail. I do vagely recall this one too now having looked it up... and he was released, thankfully.
The rock is indeed republican and Mr. Wilson got jiffed on the release. They released him on cruel and unusual punishment. Which is bull shit. They don't want to admit that they are wrong but they want to say that it was too cruel.
I think that the reps have served their purpose. Though I do not side with you on trayvon, I think most people can agree that the rep system is a way of people taking shots at people without consequences. I would wager that very few people like it.