Trayvon absolutely would have been tried as an ADULT. My question is, how fair would his court case have been? Could he been acquitted on a self defense argument, or would he be facing jail time now? If we are going to hold tight to the laws of the land, lets make sure we apply them fairly. If you were to have sex with Trayvon Martin in his home state of FL, or your own you would be facing statutory rape charges for having sex with a minor.... or child. I will actually agree with you that at 17, most 'children' are actually young adults... but, this is a topic on the legal system, so lets stick to that. By law, at 17 Trayvon was still a minor. I'm not sure what his height has to do with anything, It was reported that Shaq was 6'6" at 13 years old. The entire thread? Oh, I agree with this entirely. I am not entirely convinced that Zimmerman is a racist, however I cannot dispute that due to a situation created by him out of his own profiling a 17 year old manchild is now dead. Everyone talks about how Trayvon should have handled the situation... he should have ran, he should have stopped and given Zimmerman his address. How about Zimmerman should have called 911 and left it at that? And if a team other than the Miami Heat won the NBA championship, the media would have been covering that instead. If Detroit hadn't filed for Bankruptcy, there would be no media coverage of that. If that chick in England didn't have a baby, there would be no media coverage of that. A computer programmer makes applications and the media follows 'stories'... The outrage is over the fact that Zimmerman was initially not arrested for the shooting and further that he walked free. Those same major cities where thousands of innocent African-Americans are shot and killed on a daily basis also have prisons that are full of African-Americans who shot and killed them. Down here in Florida, it seems like every Monday I'm hearing about the 40 something people shot and 7 or 8 who died due to gang violence in Chicago. It is making the news. But, again.,. the news is a business just like everything else in this country. As soon as the stories prove not to be profitable, they'll move on. Same happens when white cops shoot innocent blacks. It makes the news for a while and then it stops. Their business booms if they continue keeping racial tensions alive and kicking. I'm beginning to notice a theme though, it is the media that has you riled up. Aside from 'they always get away' or whatever statement he made, which in itself is not clear cut racism, I agree with this statement. Again, I do not know if Zimmerman killed Trayvon because he is a racist. However, I do know that he created a situation out of his own profiling that ended up in a man-child getting shot at his hand. There are other things about this that I take into account, for example... how was he able to get to the gun at his waist if Trayvon was on his chest 'bashing' his head into the sidewalk? Why was his gun off safety, unless he expected an altercation? It takes 2 hands to take a gun off safety. Or, are we to believe that in the middle of getting those two little scratches on the back of his head that he had the presence of mind to still manage to get his gun, disengage the safety (2 hand process), load a bullet into the chamber (2 hand process) and fire then fire the firearm? ... and Trayvon just sits there and lets all of this happen? Also what was the weight difference between the two? Seems Zimmerman would have had an innate strength advantage just based on that alone. Or maybe Trayvon is just THAT good of a fighter? As you've stated, this is ALL pure speculation. What isn't speculation is that Trayvon walked to the store for candy and a drink, while walking home was profiled and as a result is dead. I will also speculate that if Trayvon was little Timmy and GZ was Tyrone, Tyrone's ass would be in prison right now. That's just a gut feeling that I have, nothing more.
About those full jails? In my city sadly, murder often doesn't get you many years anymore. Also, in many cases people don't help. They see nothing. This is where I just don't get it and like the old man said...People demanded Zimmerman be arrested, but won't demand it of the killers in our own streets. Suddenly no one saw anything, heard anything, & speak nothing. We have 150 killers on the loose and it's scary as hell.
Are those murders unsolved because they're not prosecuted or unsolved because arrests are not made? As far as people not seeing anything, that is simply because black people do not want to work with the system. There is a general hostility toward the police already, add to that the fact you could end up next if you were to cooperate with the police. I agree with you, the mentality in the black community needs to change. That does not dissolve the need for justice in this instance though. Just some quick statistics pulled off a wiki (yes, I know... it's a wiki) out of laziness. - A black male born in 1991 has a 29% chance of spending time in prison at some point in his life.2 - Nearly one in three African American males aged 20–29 are under some form of criminal justice supervision whether imprisoned, jailed, on parole or probation. - One out of nine African American men will be incarcerated between the ages of 20 and 34. - Black males ages 30 to 34 have the highest incarceration rate of any race/ethnicity. The justice system has NO issue with locking up black males.
I respect where you are coming from, but you should also know the SYG facts... as sobering as they may be. This case is actually NOT unique. People do not get arrested, more than we know (see below). "Compiled by the Tampa Bay Times, of fatal Florida cases in which SYG was invoked. The DC's findings: 133 Floridians have used a 'Stand Your Ground' defense. Of these claims - 73 were considered 'justified' (55 percent) 39 resulted in criminal convictions 21 cases are still pending. 44 African American Floridians have claimed a 'SYG' defense. Of these claims - 24 were considered 'justified' (55 percent) 11 resulted in convictions 9 cases are still pending. 76 White Floridians have used the defense - Of these claims - 40 were considered 'justified' (52 percent) 25 were convicted 11 cases are still pending. 10 Hispanics have used the defense - 7 successfully, according to the database, which included George Zimmerman as a 'SYG' defendant." The incorrect inclusion of Zimmerman aside...1/3 of all SYG defendants were Black; African Americans make up 16 percent of Florida's population. When Black defendants invoked the law, they were successful as often as Whites. Discounting cases that are still pending, their success rate was 69 percent of the times SYG was invoked, compared to 62% for whites, and 65% overall. Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” cases have resulted in 78 white victims to 40 black victims, including Martin, and 10 Hispanic victims. 2/3 of all SYG Victims, were White.
Fair-enough presentation. ...The stats speak for themselves. .. The question is , like Bookie's piece , can you get anyone to read and believe and accept certain inalienable truths. ...
Quit trying to make your opinions & views "inalienable truths", because someone can post up stats supporting views & opinions you don't agree with and you would claim they were biased. SMDH.
You like so many keep confusing what the outrage is about and most likely will never get it. Its not just about who killed TM its how the case was handled and more importantly the character assassination of this kid after the fact. Its like even if you are minding your own business not bothering a soul you are automatically guilty and should comply with the requests of any stranger tracking you at night. Bookie you're full of shit right now kid.
Here is a very Liberal Site who deciphered the numbers of White victims of Black defendants - - When the victim is White and killed by a black or Hispanic person, the murder is considered justified just 60 % of the time. *Also, while you didn't ask, in case you were wondering... - Whites who kill Blacks are found justified 86% of the time. - Blacks who kill other Blacks are found justified under “SYG” 73% of the time. So, there is definitely a 13% favorable disparity in 'justified' outcomes for Whites. *** To see the complete raw data compiled by The Tampa Bay Times of each of 200 cases broken down, etc...
Fair-enough presentation. ...The stats speak for themselves. .. The question is , can you get anyone to read and believe and accept certain inalienable truths. ...
Its so counter intuitive to everything I see and here as far as the culture of race in this country goes. Its really hard to believe. Btw Bliss wouldn't it be 26%extra disparity.
It would be easy to just run with those statistics, as they do support the claim that justice is not as colorblind as the system would have us believe. However, I do know all too well that statistics alone are not so cut and dry. There is a story to tie into each killing represented in those statistics that can pendulum the discussion.
Unsolved because arrests are not made. I posted only an excerpt, however the article covered it. No one is saying that it dissolves the need. Totally agree that justice be sought. I feel the issue of neglect lies in not helping the police to arrest alleged murderers. Where is the 'general hostility towards the police' you speak of when it comes to demanding arrests of White killers? It just doesn't compute. Depressingly high numbers. I think we could also guestimate that a high percentage of those numbers come from drug convictions. *Quick FYI: I provided TDK with a Govt link recently showing there has been some recent amendments to drug case sentencing guidelines which might reflect for the first time in a long time, an actual lowering number of Black male incarcerations than the previous years. By contrast, there is a rise in White male incarceration. Same figures with Black women - lowered, while White women's has risen. However, there is no doubt still a high number of incarcerated Black males.