You base alot of shit on how you personally feel but the number of whites who do feel u.der attack and who don't like blacks is staggering. Read some youtube/internet comments some time. And its not every ethnic or racial group it seems to be entirely focused on black people.
What I posted was an opinion piece and was not intended to be interpreted as anything but. I posted it because I wanted to post something that articulates the view that racism still exists in cogent terms and that hopefully read as less emotional than the average op ed. Sorry if it did not shed more light for those who read it here at the forum. It is quite natural for us all to view the world in starkly different terms, given the sharply different social experiences which have shaped us both as members of different racial groups as well as individuals. I am aware that 209 some-odd people may or may not be a representative sampling, depending on the sampling methods used. However, much of the rest of the opinion piece relies on some verifiable trends, such as the fact that white residential segregation and redlining began and continued long before the initial surges in black urban crime statistics, which are largely a function of the post-1968 US; assumptions of black intellectual inferiority driving attitudes toward integrated schools (as old as slavery); the importance of the "reasonable person" judgment which is essential to legal determinations; and others. The piece was not intended to be a determinative piece, simply a thought-provoking addition to the discussion.
Man, if I had a dollar for every time I was asked to fetch something, clean up on aisle #6 or had it otherwise assumed that I worked somewhere that I didn't, I'd have a small fortune! LOL
My man, Immortal Technique. Black and indigenous Peruvian. Progressive. Key insights into both cultures from an insider's perspective. Some of the dopest, deepest lyrics in hip-hop since KRS and Chuck D.
What If George Zimmerman Was Not The Triggerman GZ told the truth on what happened when Trayvon got shot. But he did not tell the whole truth. GZ story has too many holes and inconsitencies that do not match with the forensic evidence. Everything GZ said that took place going up to confronting Tray was true. What probably happened was there was no full blown fight between them, just shoving and shit talking with GZ trying to keep Trayvon from getting away before the police arrived. Neighbors heard the commotion, some looked out there window, some or just one person came outside. Everybody knew it was GZ outside with someone. (Now remember, it came out that GZ had met with tenants discussing about the recent burglaries) GZ and Tray got more intense with their pushing and shoving and grabbing each other. At some point GZ firearm came out and fell. GZ was unaware he lost his firearm. Trayvon got more agitated and began getting the upperhand over GZ. A neighbor approached and saw the firearm on the ground, maybe thinking it belonged to Trayvon, panicked when he/she saw Trayvon getting more aggressive and shot Trayvon. When the smoke cleared, they became aware it was GZ firearm, not Trayvon. GZ knew all hell would break out if the police saw that someone other than GZ fired that gun. GZ knew he is 100% responsible for that firearm and is not to let it out of his possession. GZ would get automatic involuntary manslaughter with a big prison sentence and whoever fired that gun would get murder. They had plenty of time to clean the gun of prints and get stories "straight". The question is who pulled the trigger? Who had a lot to lose more than GZ for GZ to take the heat? I doubt West or Omara knew about this and they were just being your typical American assholes trying to defend their client.
The Zimmerman Mind-Set Why black men are the permanent under caste. By Michelle Alexander Back in 1903, in his groundbreaking book The Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. DuBois argued that the defining element of African-American life was being viewed as a perpetual problem--one's very existence as a problem to be dealt with, managed and controlled but never solved. More than 100 years later, DuBois' rhetorical question seems as relevant as ever: How does it feel to be a problem? There is a profound difference, of course, between having problems--which all people are allowed--and being a problem. One of the reasons that Trayvon Martin's tragic death resonated so powerfully with millions of people of color, black and brown men in particular, is that it was one of those rare situations in this so-called era of colorblindness when suddenly the curtain was pulled back. All the usual rationalizations for routinely treating young black men as problems and up to no good, were stripped away. There was just a young teenager on the phone with a girl, carrying a bag of Skittles and an iced tea, and he was viewed for no logical reason as scary, out of place, on drugs--someone who needs to be confronted, interrogated and put in place. Our criminal-justice system has for decades been infected with a mind-set that views black boys and men in particular as a problem to be dealt with, managed and controlled. This mind-set has fueled a brutal war on drugs, a get-tough movement and a prison-building boom unprecedented in world history. Today, millions of people of color are stopped, interrogated and frisked as they are walking to school, driving to church or heading home from the store. In 2011 alone, the New York City police department stopped and frisked more than 600,000 people. The overwhelming majority were black and brown men who were innocent of any crime or infraction. Their mere existence was cause for concern, just as the sight of Trayvon Martin walking leisurely through his own neighborhood was enough to make George Zimmerman call the police. Studies have consistently shown that people of color are no more likely to use or sell illegal drugs than whites, yet black people have been arrested and incarcerated at grossly disproportionate rates during the 40-year-old war on drugs. If people who abuse illegal drugs were viewed as people who have real problems--rather than people who are problems--then drug treatment would be the obvious and rational response rather than putting people struggling with addiction in cages, treating them like animals and stamping them with a lifelong badge of inferiority. Once released from prison, most people find that their punishment is far from over. Felons are typically stripped of the very rights supposedly won in the civil rights movement, including the right to vote, the right to serve on juries and the right to be free of legal discrimination in employment, housing, access to education and public benefits. They're relegated to a permanent undercaste. Unable to find work or housing, most wind up back in prison within a few years. Black men with criminal records are the most severely disadvantaged group in the labor market. In some places, more than 50% of people are in this demographic. Research shows that racial disparities in violent crime disappear when you control for joblessness. Unemployed men of all races are equally likely to be violent, particularly if they are chronically without work. But rather than viewing high levels of violent crime in ghettoized communities as a symptom of the deeper economic and social ills, black men and boys are viewed as the problem itself and treated accordingly. Jobs are promised but almost never delivered, and schools are allowed to fail as ever bigger prisons are built to manage "the problem." Trayvon Martin will not be the last black boy who dies or goes to jail or gives up on his life because he was viewed and treated as nothing but a problem. We are all guilty of being too quiet for too long. Let it be said hereafter that we were quiet no more. Alexander, a civil rights lawyer, is the author of The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.
you're a fool to believe a word from zimmerman....He didn't pull his gun until the last minute like YOU believe... If you are in a lion infested jungle you don't wait to pul your weapon until the lion mauls have it in your hand....locked and loaded... He pulled it when he closed in on Martin...that's why you heard the screams for help.... STOP with this nonsense about him getting his ass whipped..TM was likely blindly flailing judging from those screams... There was NONE of fat george's greasy blood on the concrete.....anywhere... His injuries were likely self-inflicted...they should have checked his flash light..the one that didn't work...
Yeah I've never seen or heard of someone screaming like a bitch with a firearm in their hands, and it's nearly impossible to pull a concealed gun holstered almost in the middle of your lower back while someone's on top of you. GZ had a rep for having a temper when he gets angry. I think Trayvon popped this fool in the nose, they wrestled a bit and separated, that's when Zimmerman IMO took his piece out which is when Trayvon started to scream like a scared child. Guys with guns just don't scream like that, especially when the other guy is unarmed. It's scary being followed by a stranger, but one of the most frightening experiences in life is having someone line up a 9mm at your torso and you have no fucking idea what their next move is. I think Zimmerman is a closet psycho. That's why I don't think this is the last time we hear about this dude being involved in some fucked up shit down the road. He's assaulted a cop while resisting arrest. He's fought with his wife and I believe had a restraining order filed against him. He killed an unarmed teen and lied his way out of a murder/manslaughter conviction. A fuckup like Zimmerman has to think he's totally invincible on some level, and guys with that mindset usually screw up huge at some point.
Good points here, they should have made the defense demonstrate how he pulled that gun out while he was on his back. That would be very difficult and damn near impossible if someone is kicking your ass.
It wouldn't have mattered. Come on Beasty...everyone knows that African-American men are super-criminals, animals and highly dangerous. Crazy things like logic don't matter when facing black men. Shoot first, ask questions later. The Lord must have aided Zimmerman in pulling that pistol. Divine Providence.