True,generation by generation. The right wing are always in denial when it comes to Blacks. True some Blacks advance over the years between 1865 to today but over the years a lot of horrible acts had being made like for example using slave labor via the penal system,red lineling homes,expulsion of lands,lynching,not being treated like a human being, etc. Then of course the jobs route came and in the last 30 years dried up. In the meantime the criminal underworld did not bring money to build the hoods but to suck the people dry. The dealers of those drugs did not be as big like the Italian,Irish,or even the Latino mobs. A lot of rappers name themselves after White mob figures not Black ones. The look of success does not mean a thing since showing off and spending wealth instead of of investing. Plus,in the sports world there is no cohesion of Black athetes. It is a hard job to lift a race after all of this baggage.
Basically we have some of our own wanting to wholeheartedly embrace the "Herman Cain Legacy" of don't oppose the racial status quo of America rather than stand and fight like MLK & others of that era & before who worked to change the status quo. I'll try to find it later, unless someone else finds it before then, but saw a while back a video clip from a black conservative giving a speech at what may have been a black church gathering or what not where he is suggesting that the current state of the black community are the fault of MLK & others who fought for civil rights. Even worse there were voices of full agreement in the audience.
AMEN... More young men died in mexico last year than anythwhere else on earth....killed by other mexicans... Native Indians kill one another on the reservations like it's going out of style...but negroes still IDOLIZE them ....for some weird reason.. Look at the murder and mayhem that is Russia.....killing one another... People are most likely killed by members of their own race. I don't know why coonish fools continue to bask in black crime like it is unique...
Hai you smexi beast, That post was directed at pani The only thing he's going on about is how black men kill other black men which he are obviously are very aware of. When people point to contributing factors as why it might be that the violence rates are so high? He can only go on and on about how black males buy into victim mentality. While this may be true, it is not an solution to the problem. If he thinks everyone wallows in victim he himself being an example as to how he doesn't do that? Or is he posting pictures about the kkk killing less blacks than the blacks who are doing the killing? It's a sickening comparison to make. But most especially from him. 'What's so bad with the kkk? They kill less blacks than blacks.' That's what that picture ultimately says in this regard. Seriously. Never fricken mind that racism is an attitude, a learned behavior and the nuts at the kkk hq perpetuate it. But it's ALL good! Because more black people kill black people. As compared to the helpful and concerned people at your friendly neighborhood klan.
I think the question that really needs to be posed is why are so many black kids/teens killing each other. Those are the numbers that are staggering. They say that the average inner city black male dies between the ages of 18-25. Not sure how accurate that statement is, but if so we're in a world of trouble.
That's the most frightening part. I don't think TDK or flaminghetero are justifying the behavior, just noting that black people are, once you control for the extenuating circumstances of being an oppressed minority in this country (similar to the exaggerated negative statistics among Native Americans), our dynamics are not that different from others.
Ra,that is so sad that those Black parishiners cheered in agreement with that House slave. I would not be surprised if the same thing happens to a Black church in South Africa of a fool blaming Mandela for ending Apartheid.
Well said. This argument (extenuating circumstances vs. personal responsibility) keeps popping up from time to time. It is clear to anyone that is serious about effecting change (not just pushing a negative agenda) that both factors are playing an ongoing role in the struggles of the disadvantaged. I have endeavored to offer solutions in my prior posts, as well as detailed what I have done/am doing locally (jr. golf mentoring program, 4H leadership, habitat for humanity). I could be wrong, but I have yet to see those who are trotting out the same old negative statistics and grinding on the personal responsibility angle, detail what they have done/are doing to help change the realities of where they live. Do those like many of us here, who have the ability/resources to give back have a duty to the community to do so? I would argue yes, all the while keeping in mind that the OVERWHELMING majority of Black people are working, striving, and bettering themselves leading law abiding lives.
put your head back up Rush's ass-hole Uncle Ruckus and pretend Blacks are the only ones.... Once again... You are an OBSCENE CHARACATURE of a Black man...that's IF you're Black
Exaggerated???????? Deal with these FACTS: Indian women are TEN TIMES more likely to be murdered than other Americans... Rape on the reservations: Exaggerated my ass..
I wasn't using 'exaggerated' in the sense of stating something as more than it really is, but in the sense of the word meaning: "Enlarged or altered beyond normal or due proportions." I'm with you on that point. Therein lies the rub with the personal responsibility argument. If it's all about personal responsibility, it validates the Social Darwinist "I got mine, so you get yours" line of reasoning. I'm sure there are plenty of black conservatives who do have a sense of racial obligation, but there are also, I suspect, some who use the trope as a way of avoiding getting involved.
that one man minstrel show is serious... Stop calling that trash fam....he has an anti-black agenda....he is not family..
I swear, I have not once heard a of a black person idolizing a Native American... aside from maybe their hair? And, as much as it pains me to say this.,. paniro is right. "But look, others do it too" does zip for your stance in a debate like this. That is an argument technique that 9 year olds use to which their mothers reply "If little Timmy jumped off a bridge, would you jump off too?" It's a deflective technique that, I suppose, is supposed to justify your position by pointing out that others face the same issues?