So soon... George Zimmerman Trial Juror Plans Book, Will Reveal Why Jury Had 'No Option' But To Rule 'Not Guilty'
If movies and TV glorified the gangsta lifestyle as much as gangsta rap I would definitely blame them for being a part of the problem. For now, I don't really see hobbits and zombies as much of an issue in the black community. And before you run off with the blaming rap music route, I am not saying it is the problem but a component of it. Write it off all you want, but we've accepted it as being an aspect representative of our culture. Lets take a look at some of the key plights in the black community glorified in modern gangsta rap: Dealing Drugs: Possibly the biggest stain on the black community. Denigrating Women: How many black kids are being raised just by bitches, cause we don't love them ho's. Killing each other with no regard: Look at black on black crime statistics. I don't understand why people are so quick to point out that hip hop is the voice of a generation and how great of a tool it is for reaching black youth, but refuse to acknowledge those very same points when the focus is on the negatives of the "art". Furthermore, how foolish does it look to see a generation of black youths dancing and bobbing their heads to anthems created by other blacks detailing the exact same thing anti-black movements have been highlighting for years? Hell, we are more efficient at doing what the klan has been trying to do to us for years and then we turn around and sing songs about it.
He wasn't convicted for a murder he commited. Good for him and his murdering ass. He can and should go away. Permanently. Oh, and his father needs the fuck the shut up and get the fuck outta here before someone pops him in the ass with some..whatever bullets are made of. Every time I read something that assfuck said I throw up in my mouth a little bit
Bitch please. It's amazing how many people, even many black people, buy into the propaganda that black people in 20th and 21th century America are the only group in history that's ever glorified violence in their popular culture.
VERY interesting insight on what the jury felt during the of them talked to Anderson Cooper tonight...
Back in the day Hip-Hop and Rap music didn't have those saggy pants etc. Now it has evolved into something I do not recognize. Plus,those right wingers should check themselves in the White culture of metal music etc.
Right, because that's exactly what people are saying is that black people in the 20th and 21th (twenty oneth?) century America are the only group in history that's ever glorified violence in their popular culture. Why do people continue to use.... 'we're not the only ones who do / have done it' as a basis for their debate?
VERY interesting because it falls in line with your stance? Zimmerman is allowed to defend himself by shooting an unarmed Trayvon in the heart during an altercation that he provoked? Trayvon is not allowed to defend himself from the man who profiled, stalked and confronted him? If the same situation existed, but Trayvon shot Zimmerman instead, how many years would Trayvon be facing right now? This juror talks about GZ's 'heart being in the right place'... I will be sure to use that as my argument should I ever find myself in court.
Great point, jaisee. How could the juror know what was in GZ's heart if he didn't take the stand to express it?
Because people make violence a black culture thing when its a human culture specifically American in this case and as a result we see it in everything from movies to video games yet the only one focused on is the one poor blacks create and listen to. And we don't listen to it exclusively so if everyone else can listen to rap and no deal drugs and/or kill people then obviously the music isn't the problem. Unless you want to argue blacks are simpler and far more easy to manipulate than other races or is it more plausible that our conditions is a combination of several factors and that demanding that we as a group regardless of circumstance just rise above is unrealistic. Its like telling a man to walk a tight rope while having stones thrown at him and expecting him to just endure and have the nerve to get mad at him when he falls. Yes we can toughen up and take the hits but people gotta stop throwing the damn stones too.
I listened to rap all my life and sometimes I still do. I am not a thug, I am a computer security analyst. I know first hand that rap music alone does not equate to a criminal lifestyle. There are some rappers out there who have a very positive message. If a white person made a song about killing blacks, raping black women, selling drugs in the ghetto, and how much more successful they are than blacks, you'd be up in arms.... how can you talk about what a shame it is that black life means nothing in America, then turn around and defend an 'art form' that evangelizes that exact sentiment? I struggle to understand what it is about gangsta rap music that you are defending, aside from the fact that you enjoy it.
I refused to click on the link and read this overly interesting view point from a woman who let a murderer walk free. Especially considering the source? You know dem racist site homies is crazy. Meh. Why bother.
one reason we didnt get the verdict we wanted is because blacks need to vote more to make sure we get the qualified people we need at the state and city levels and also (from what I understand) if you dont vote you will not be part of the jury pool.
You can blame the Prosecution, for asking her to do that. In their rebuttal - their LAST FINAL chance to make an impact - his first 2 minutes were spent asking the jury specifically to wonder 'what was in GZ's heart that night?'... For the next 9 mins he pretty much continued to talk/ask "WHAT DID GEORGE ZIMMERMAN HAVE IN HIS HEART that night?!" Begins at 2:00 - 11.00 [YOUTUBE]p2jLnUI0l4E[/YOUTUBE] I think I, or you, could have done a better rebuttal opening. The Prosecution failed Trayvon, imo.
In the mean time: 40 People Were Shot Over The Weekend In Chicago From Chicago Breaking News At least 40 people were shot over the weekend across Chicago, with seven of them slain, according to police logs. The toll covers a period from 8:43 p.m. Friday–after violent storms hit the city–to 6:39 this morning. On Sunday, Chicago Police Superintendent Jody Weis acknowledged a high number shootings over the weekend and attributed more than half of them to the work of gangs. The total from overnight Sunday into this morning was at least 18, including a 1-year-old girl who suffered a graze wound and a 44-year-old man who was shot in the head and killed. Can we pay some tribute to those victims too?.....