That's what I gathered from the above post. I was like huh?? I think people like pani and the guy in the video think that Al Sharpton is supposed to fight crime. lmao
What Bliss Panicked and people of that ilk seem to ignore is we have a social contract with police and government. I pay my taxes and am law abiding you protect me so if you fail to do the rose things its on me to hold you accountable. I as a private citizen have no such contract with thugs and criminals. We have no such understanding but again it goes back to police (who I do have that contract with) to protect me but unfortunately these people also ignore the rampant corruption that allows these crimes to happen. Black communities can be outraged all they want but I guarantee if private citizens stood up to these criminals they themselves would be considered criminals for acting outside of the law. So just like white people (other law abiding citizens) can count on the police why shouldn't black people?
Beasty,you,Bliss,Thump and others think that is something simplisic in solving the bloodbath in the hoods is to have those private security watch outfits? That is just foolhardy. To starve it would take no cuts to community outreach,bring businesses from overseas,and yes more government spending as well as gun control. The conservative legislatures in the South including my own are making things worse instead of better for the poor in their areas. The comentators,house slaves,and supporters of Mr.Z are just blowing smoke and having kooky ideas.
Dark King,I would not be surprised if gun runners pay the police to look the other way as well as the councilpeople. Who make it easy to get a gun in the hood? The saddest part of it is it takes money and investigation from the media but,they are going broke too.
I was going to leave this alone given the negativity and coonery that came with it....but with this discusions I have to say something... first, the concept that the blacks in the community that kill one another are all criminals makes me sick to my stomach. MANY innocent women, men and esp children are gunned down, often by accident but dead all the same. Google the name Delrick Miller. He was a beautiful 6 month old baby that was killed when idiots shot up his house. There are hundreds of innocent children/women/men that are caught in the cross fires. When I first got on the job I came across a man that was trying to settle a score with a former gang member but instead he killed a innocent woman that lived next door.....did he care..nope...her life meant nothing. SHe was a honor student in her first year of college...shit didnt even make the news cause niggas dont give a shit. One of critics asked me what I do to help....I dont defend myself much and its rare for me to even go back and forth on the internet but I have to remember the coonery I may be dealing with so here it goes. For 5 years I have been a cop in the most violent city in the country. I volunteer at differernt programs to help especially young men to cope with life in a world they fill is no hope....its why I work nights and went to grad school full time to get a masters in dispute resoultion..thought I could help....but when one of my favorite students caught a bullet in the fucking eyeball and another I had to see locked up for lighting his sister on fire I took a little break. And after 5 years....the little kids you see start to become the people you arrest. Speaking of that....and here is where I will piss off thes negro conservatives....most of the problems in the community, gang actiivity, violence are perputrated by children...13-17...that is the age of average criminal....they kill, steal, and destroy but they are you know what that means??? it means they are victims.....victims of a insidious systemically racist and evil system that was created for them by racist america decades before they were born. is mostly sustained by guess who..other black people.....and I am not talking about the poor and uneducated.....they almost cant help it....also they make up a small % of black america.....but another section....chooses to ignore these problems and just blame the white man......I made the charge we have been doing same shit since end of the 60s...doesnt seem to be getting us anywhere...... I dont hate blacks..ghetto, educated or otherwise.....but until we realize this is a that we DID NOT create but has sustained, while anothe section ignores the reality and blames what they feel are outsiders....shit will only get worse. Thats my greatest fear....and its why I started this post in first place. Also.....for those that dont see a difference between the travon martin tragedy and the black on black violence in urban American.....hold a dead baby in your hand who is old enough to smile in pictures, and see the hole in his mouth that goes through his tiny skull. O....and to those that think black on black killers dont get away with killing.....can yall read the news in local URBAN neighborhoods....its about a year old but check out a guy anmed RA-RA in Detroit....he is one of at least 6 I can think of that killed someone else and got off free...with NO national media attention.... see the smile above, now imagine without half his face....maybe now even my black critics can see why black on black crime breaks my heart as much as when someone from another race does it. and forgive misspellings....I stopped giving a shit
Here's my issue with what you say, while its evident that there is a problem what am I am as a law abiding citizen suppose to do? Am I suppose to become a neighborhood watch man and start killing youth to curb the activity or speak out against the well known corruption in our political and corporate systems that capitalize on the pain and suffering of all people regardless of race? We are living in dark times for all people who aren't lucky enough to be rich and it doesn't stop with black people but making the community responsible for the actions of criminals is bullshit. Short of creating militia groups that patrol the city I don't see how we can change a single thing. This purely an economic issue, you see it through out the entire world with people of races creeds and religions. The economy goes bad crime spikes and unfortunately for you you became a cop during one of the worst times to be a cop. And again I will say the TM case is vastly different than your average gang violence because it shows even if you mind your own business and stay out of trouble even if you move to an area that suppose to be free of gang activity as a young black male your life can be snatched from you just for existing. You don't have to do the wrong thing for bad things to happen even if you're in a supposedly safe suburb. We expect violence in cities like Detroit and Chicago because there is incredibly high unemployment with very few options. Again through out the world from Belfast to Laos you see that shit, but you don't expect that shit in more economically stable suburbs where there is an expected level of safety.
I am not blaming you personally....all I ask from a conversation....which you have actually offered all the same things I said....change the culture by making this dumb shit something to almost laugh at, put money in education and have women step up and only date men that are legally ambitious..... ALL I want to is a leads to action....action leads to policy...policy can...well sometimes lead to change....but in the last 25-30 years we stopped talking about it and just blamed "the man"......that shit applies to a degree but this is something I think we can fix...... the first step that can affect real change.......change hip hop/rap music but that's a topic for another day
It ain't the music fam, other kids listen to it including many black kids and they are perfectly good law abiding citizens. I agree people need to better parent their kids or just don't have any at all, its not blessing to have kids if they are a curse on the rest of society.
I agree. White kids buy it more than blacks. And even if we change education, poverty, the music industry, make dads accountable, force parenting classes etc.... It would take 20 years to fix things. At least a generation. But if we start now.......just talking. Who knows. The civil war started and ended and so did the end of segregation (although it never really ended) all were started. By one conversation
A slight digression, but applicable... TDK, you may want to rethink your relationship with the police in terms of your contract with them (and keep you guns locked and loaded :smt002 ), because police are not constitutionally obliged to protect you. They basically enforce laws, investigate crimes and make arrests. Here is Supreme Court case law you should keep in your back pocket.... Warren v. District of Columbia case (444 A.2d. 1, D.C. Ct. of Ap. 1981) .... that held police do not have a duty to provide police services to individuals, even if a dispatcher promises help to be on the way, except when police develop a special duty to particular individuals. Excerpt... The court has kept this stance for over 30 years. The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that police officers at all levels of the government have no duty to protect the citizens of this country. And keep in mind, the United States Supreme Court upheld it in 2005... That ^ case is for Jessica Gonzales who had a restraining order.... Finally, here is another 2011 Appeal Case of a woman who was raped and the police's obligation to her...and Warren was basically upheld. **********
I stand corrected but I do maintain that is the job of the police to investigate/prevent crimes not the average citizen again it goes to the social contract. I nor you are responsible for patrolling our streets nor should we be. I am not an enforcer of the law and I am sick of this notion that I should clean up neighborhoods that I don't frequent nor live in because the residents share a similar skin tone and even if I did live in those areas I don't have the training nor the authority to prevent/stop crime. I will say this though it goes the bullshit we are taught since childhood, if in danger go to a policeman because they will help you. Sad
Because you're not white people in this country. Stop thinking that way, please.... seriously, I'm begging you. As much as you want to think you are an 'American', you really are not. it seemed that you were coming to realize that in the Zimmernam thread when you pointed out, you were one of the first ones pointing out how the goverment failed the black community with the verdict. How a black life means so little in this country. Then you turn around and spout this 'private citizen, I want the government to protect me' mess? C'mon man.
Anything short of creating my own cartel to kill rival gangs and employ blacks myself what can I realistically do?
You remember this show?? I guess this is whats expected of us?? :smt102 I welcome the answers to this question [YOUTUBE]zge345LB5ZM[/YOUTUBE]