My previous post was not clear. When I said strip the race, I meant that the majority of reason why there is crime is not related to race. meaning yes, I agree with your statement and my statement was not clear enough to say the same. This post was because I think that you think I was saying differently. You may just be supplying more additional evidence to my post. I just wanted to make it clear.
Yeah Because if I'm going to kill anyone it's going to be another white chick. People kill people. I don't think anyone wakes up in the morning and thinks..hey! I'm black! So imma go kill some blacks. Maybe tomorrow some whites. But today some blacks. Sure, people who kill have preferences (how screwed up is that?). Klueless klux kunts like to kill black peopl. They have issues. Some men like to kill prostitues. They like wise have issues. Major, major issues. There are many reasons people kill. But it starts with bad motivation.
And to reiterate: Why should anyone give a crap about what black people like this guy, who don't actually give a crap about the black community in the first place, has to say about anything in regards to the black community?
I'm not wondering what he's talking about. I'm wonder WHY he's talking. Who is this guy? And does he make it regular habit to smoke a blunt before dragging out his holierthanthou soup box and much too obnoxious bullhorn and assault my brainwaves with his Ignorance? They only way I'd take his blunt smoking, non-since talking, imtoostonesallreadysoilljustwearshades, sorry ass for real is if he was t a hypocrite. And why for the love of fish is Martin Luther king upside down? Does he have no respect?
He makes a very thought-provoking point about all of us calling for justice to arrest Zimmerman, but when it comes to eyewitnesses helping police nail and arrest murderers of victims in our own neighborhood, 'no one sees shit'. Not even anonymously will they offer. Has any one ever done a counter to "Stop "If you see something, say something"? And he is correct when he offers up solutions of don't buy the booze and/or drugs, and they will leave the neighborhood. Every council has a meeting for new businesses when they apply for zoning. He is correct, we all should march, protest, DEMAND justice, and help the police with convictions, (and may I add, stop letting the laws allow for revolving incarcerations). I think anyone would agree to wanting to help clean up where you live and to keep it that way, I don't care what community you hail from.
He's not living in any of the communities doing any of the things he suggest however. That's where his ignorance comes into play. Just like I would put money on he doesn't do any mentoring to inner city youths or any kind of out reach on any level. Kind of hard to expect the black community to fix itself when you have had a couple of generations come up that don't know what's proper when there haven't been the proper role models in the community as was in days past. All the role models to show them the proper way either are no longer in the community or if any are living in the community they are the ones that are usually getting targeted by the screw ups, on purpose or through random violence. If this were such an easy fix then we wouldn't be having this or any other conversation in regards to the black community.
Your opinion. You came from a good two parent home & still went down the path of bullshit did you not? And it was only due to you coming from that good home that kept you from going the full path correct? How does one who never had a solid foundation go on to do the right thing? Yes some do make it, but clearly not enough. And yes there is victim mentality at play for some but it all can't be victim mentality. Nothing is ever that simple or clean cut in life. Nothing.
The difference between the Zimmerman situation and random thugs in the hood is that when caught the thugs just don't get to walk away.
That "stop snitching" bullshit is overblown. People snitch all the time, they'll even make shit up to save their own asses. And don't buy booze/drugs? Oh yeah, that's a realistic solution. Hey, first let's get white people to stop buying, just to see if it's feasible. :mrgreen: That shit is simple-minded.
Of course it feasible. But your problem lies in your assumption that for white people to drink and do drugs it's considered a problem. You know that we white folk can't be found guilty of the same crimes as you black folk. Like bliss' toon said: We have very HIGH standards. We even have DOUBLE standards. This outta the mouth of some no name dude with no constructive answers to the problems he's bitching about all the while smokin a fatty. *rolls eyes* The fuck outta here with that shit.
Nope. I just don't like how, as blacks, we do not see ourselves as a collective unit. How we are quick to turn our backs to our own people as we attempt to assimilate with a group who largely stereotype us based on things that have been brought up in this very thread. There IS an epidemic in the black community, and it affects all of us whether we see it or choose to turn a blind eye to it. We all hear the jokes that they make about us, we all hear the names that they call us. Why some of us feel that we are excluded from it is beyond me. When someone acts against a group of people based on their skin color, there is NO... "I'm not one of them" exception. Blacks in America are quick to brag about the European language that they know how to speak, we are quick to profess our love for European culture, we are quick to straighten our hair and adopt European fashion, we even practice the religion that the Europeans taught us.... even quicker than we are to do those things, we are quick to turn our back to our own people and say "I'm not one of them... I'm one of y'all". Now, let me be clear... I am by no means anti-whiite, but I am pro-black. Being one does not default to the other.
Where do you live??? Please state. Make sure it's not some warm sunny beach locale...or the suburbs where no snitching is NOT tolerated. Get the White people to stop buying? So that's YOUR solution/excuse? Perhaps you missed what he said... that THAT is the EXCUSE being repeatedly used to excuse the criminal behavior. He was telling THOSE THAT USE THAT exercise the power of your dollar and boycott. Kind of like how people are demanding to do to the State of FL since the verdict. Not visit or buy from there again. Yet they won't in their own community??? Explain to me why a State they don't live in is more important to BOYCOTT than the store and drug den down the street. That shit is simple.
We love to point out that writing, science, and math all originated in Africa.... then we go to school and flunk that shit. Pretty much everything that you've said in this thread, I have been trying to preach for years. You are 100% on point.
Don't forget too, one of the first, if not THE first University in civilization, was in Africa. Timbuktu, Mali.
People like this dude always fail to account for the black on black crime that is criminal related. Criminals killing each other is in no way similar to an innocent teen being stalked and shot. You really think black people don't snitch?? Ever wonder how many drug dealers have clean records?? Ever wonder how they get caught? So, let me get this straight, you really think the police know enough about whats going on in the black neighborhoods to arrest drug dealers without the help of snitches?? How did you get locked up?? Did you really commit a crime in front of the police? Did a white person snitch on you?? This video just serves to reiterate just how far out of touch you are, and that you are deeply indoctrinated just as you claim black liberals are.
That's no excuse, Beasty. Its still death and mayhem inflicted upon humanity in these neighborhoods and cities. No man is an island and the reverberations of indiscriminate murder run deep, even if it is criminal on criminal. Like the man in the vid said.. Seniors and kids and law-abiding families are being held hostage by the carnages. Get this: I was listening to an NPR story and they interviewed an Iraqi Vet with PTSD, and a local drug dealer - separately - on their mental states.... The reporter intertwined their comments...which were almost IDENTICAL. Each was finishing the other's sentence. It examined how living in, and being witness to a violent and/or, drug plagued community is actually causing PTSD in the community... not much different than a soldier in a war-torn country. Over here, Camden (across the river), is called 'mini- Beirut'. They now call Chicago...'Chiraq'. The man's delivery and message may be imperfect, but not enough to illicit that his message should be ignored, imo.
When things are the way things are, that is an indicator that people are content on it. Yes, I know people don't like crime. the question is do they dislike enough to come out of their little bubble and create crime prevention programs. the answer is no in many cases. It is easy to type or talk much harder to do the things I am talking about. That's where the rubber hits the road.