Trayvon Martin's Murder

Discussion in 'In the News' started by goodlove, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    zimmerman would not have followed trayvon if zimmerman didn't have a gun.

    The guy didn't think any crime was going on. He had a gun and wanted to feel like a big man.

    Michael Dunn would not have confronted Jordan Davis if Dunn didn't have a gun. Michael Dunn is the next not-guilty verdict, when the shit will really hit the fan.

    But in the meanwhile there are are going to other black teens in florida picked on by armed white men, now that they know if any fight breaks out, they can fire and claim self-defense. Now that they think every black man in Florida is going to be cowed by the zimmerman verdict, they're going to try to get their jollies.

    If I had the means and lived in Florida, I would open a pistol and rifle range and market specifically to black men. It's an under-served market. Would probably make a mint.
  2. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

  3. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Terrifying to think about, but sadly, may be very true. This case may have set a horrible precedent. :(
  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    there is a difference between not guilty and innocent. i agree with u on the rest. as long as the black workers at the job where he will work just alienate him.....just train him as told but after training dont give that fool help at all. then blacks should silently boycott that business.

    JUANMACKER Active Member

    They believed the 911 call was George Zimmerman

    They believed the 911 call was George Zimmerman crying out for help.

    You think Trayvon would attack George if he knew there was a gun involved?

    George provoked him into attacking. Trayvon was only defending himself.

    George looked for trouble. he is not a security officer or a policeman. His only

    job was to call police if there was something suspicious.

    It was manslaughter...
  6. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    thanks! I like to think I'm shedding light on something we all know: bullies get all out of hand when society gives them license

  7. tropolis

    tropolis Member

    look at the type of black men who end up getting gunned down.

    trayvon was a troubled teen, suspended from school multiple times., cell phone footage of him robbing another kid on mediaite, gold lower teeth.

    sean bell: lengthy criminal record.

    oscar grant: lengthy criminal record and went to prison, resisting arrest.

    there is a pattern with these black men who end up dead, and they arnt the type of black men the black community should be rallying around. much of the reason of why they died had to do with the fact that they continually put themselves in situations they shouldnt be in.

    focus on prosecuting guys like michael dunn instead of glorifying criminals like these.

    i will add the disclaimer that in trayvons situation he did not put himself in a situation he shouldn't have, but i dont think his shooting was racial to believe with. the dispatcher recording has zimmerman saying i dont know, i think he's black, and as i said earlier in the thread, martin eluded zimmerman and zimmerman lost him. zimmerman did not hunt him down like a rabid dog. zimmerman went back to the car, and martin decided to go back and confront him.

    so i guess martin did put himself in a bad position. martin should have just walked home.
  8. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

    Question For Everyone

    This jury consisted of 6 women.

    5 were white and one was Latina.

    Who here thinks they told by their spouses, boyfriends on choosing a not guilty verdict?
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    These also need to be protested....

    Location details: Outside the Top Flite Club in Tallahassee, Leon County, on July 21, 2007

    What happened: After an altercation in a nightclub, Jimmy Hair shot and killed Charles E. Harper, who had forced his way into a car in which Hair was a passenger. The two tussled while a third man tried to drag the unarmed Harper away. Prosecutors pursued charges, in part, because Harper was being pulled from the car when he was shot in the forehead.

    The outcome: Hair spent two years awaiting trial and was released when the 1st District Court of Appeal ruled "stand your ground" immunity applies even if the person presenting the threat retreats before the person standing their ground uses their weapon.

    Was the victim armed?

    Was the victim committing a crime that led to the confrontation?

    Investigating agency: Tallahassee Police

    Case decision made by: Judge

    Invoked SYG and won.



    April, 2012
    Shooter Cordell Jude

    Was not charged for 3 months.

    What Jude said happened.

    Jude was in the drive-through as Adkins was walking his dog nearby, and Adkins got upset after Jude apparently almost hit him with his car.

    Jude told police at the time that Adkins hit his vehicle with a bat, pipe or some type of object of similar size -- which was never found.

    Jude told police that he shot Adkins after he took another swing at him with the pipe -- which no one else ever saw, and again, police never found -- using a pistol he had been carrying in his lap.

    Jude told the cops he felt that he was in some sort of danger -- he also had his 8-months-pregnant girlfriend in the passenger seat -- but said that he never felt that their lives were in danger.

    Jude was arrested in July on Drug charges, and after public pressure, he was arrested also for the killing of Adkins. he is claiming SYG.


    I would think that a man should be allowed to effing walk his dog and not have some asshole hit him with a car?? And then get SHOT for it and have his killer let go by cops? Right?? :mad:
  10. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Real talk, if you get gunned down your life is not worth squat, just another dead nicca who must have been doing dirt and deserved it
  11. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    So it only counts as murder if the victim is a saint?
  12. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I don't think that's what happened though. A witness did say (I posted before, view the HuffPo links) that Zimmerman's family members harbored racism towards African America. His mother also complained about Obama during the 2012 elections and didn't want him to win because he was black.

    They all voted for Mitt Romney even though he lost the election.
  13. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    20 years seem crazy as fuck though.
  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Florida's SYG Law, I believe needs to be REDEFINED.

    A Tampa Bay Times investigation has found that Florida's "stand your ground" law is being used in ways never imagined — to free gang members involved in shootouts, drug dealers beefing with clients and people who shot their victims in the back.

    In the most comprehensive effort of its kind,
    the Tampa Bay Times has identified nearly 200 "stand your ground'' cases and their outcomes.
    The Times identified cases through media reports, court records and dozens of interviews with prosecutors and defense attorneys across the state.

    • Those who invoke "stand your ground" to avoid prosecution have been extremely successful.
    Nearly 70 percent have gone free. (that is ALOT)
  15. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    It sets a very creepy precedent. Any disgruntled redneck in Florida can roam the streets with his firearms, like Charles Bronson in Death Wish, confront whomever he doesn't like and then say I just stood my ground because I felt threatened, even though he is the one with a firearm.

    This is sheer madness unleashed. Where is the limits.
  16. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Only in America can a dead black victim be victimized so many gotdayum times.
    First when he was shot while holding skittles and iced fucking tea
    Then when the rat bastard cops were just going to let the murderer go with no investigation as to why he even ended up killing him.
    Then when his mom had to ask people to support her efforts to bring this asshole to justice.
    Then when this asswipe excuse of a human was acquitted if ALL charges for the role he directly played in the death of a boy who was "packing" skittles and iced fucking tea.
    Then when people like to come here and say that Trayvon Martin was responsible for his own death.

    I'm so sick with America and the fucked up 'tards who make it such a shitty place to live for the rest of us.

    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    it's bizarre twilight zone america.

    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    it happened in florida but imo but this would have been the same result in the other 49 as well. just remember rodney king.
  19. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL, exactly that opens up a slippery slope if we start to go down that path.

    Its akin to saying well she was raped because she was a woman of poor character, so she deserved it or it could happen to her given the environment.

    We have to be very careful when we go down such roads.

    Even if someone may have a prior criminal background, doesn't mean they are incapable of trying to turn their life around.

    Remember Ryan Mcintosh of the McDonald's beat down of those two women that came over the counter and after him, didn't he do time, but he was out and trying to work an honest job until he encountered them.
  20. tropolis

    tropolis Member

    your a black man, you havent been involved with the law and you are here today. why is that? you are smart enough to not put yourself in situations where trouble can occur.

    why do the majority of the young black men who put themselves in bad situation after bad situation with long rap sheets end up dead?

    you are creating something that isnt there, and excusing these blacks who get killed as some victims of a corrupt system when they themselves continually put themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    its bad news for blacks to be rallying around these men who are gang bangers and up to no good.

    save your outrage for the true injustices.

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