Trayvon Martin's Murder

Discussion in 'In the News' started by goodlove, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I can't find anything about this online or on TV. I'm on the road with my son so I can't drive over and check myself, but my girlfriend works about 20 blocks north and she hasn't heard anything about this either. Strange.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2013
  2. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    honestly dude, Zimmerman isn't going to tell the truth to make him(zimmerman) look bad. You can't honestly be this foolish to believe zimmerman isn't going to say what he wants to get a better case. the same can be said about trayvon.
    That's the reason why that verdict came the way it did. There needs to be proof. That's why I asked for a video recording. I need evidence that trayvon actually did that and not someone who has an agenda.
  3. tropolis

    tropolis Member

    you have a point. but when witness after witness for the prosecution is agreeing with the defense, then what can you do? the prosection witnesses are supposed to help the prosecution, not the defense.
  4. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Could you point me to the witness that said he was hiding in the bushes?
    From what I remember none of them were watching the start of the fight.
  5. tropolis

    tropolis Member

    i told you it was in the walkthrough gz had with the investigator.

    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    it happened already. a black woman got 20 years for shooting a warning shot to her abusive husband. and here is the kicker: the one who prosecuted her was that obnoxious prosecutor who was smiling atthe press conference.
  7. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Right. A warning shot, without hitting anyone and she gets 20 years. Zimmerman ends Trayvon's life and walks.
  8. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    and I told you that zimmerman would say anything to save his ass. There was no creditable proof of what he said. No witness stated trayvon hid in the bushes. Don't make something out to what it isn't.
  9. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    When I watched the verdict being read and heard the words,"Not Guilty", I was speechless. I knew the prosecution had the burden on this case and it wasn't enough to get George Zimmerman guilty on manslaughter. But, the jury had done their job. The jury had spoken. There is nothing more to be done. The Martin family can sue Zimmerman in civil court. But, Zimmerman cannot be tried again for murder. He'd probably have to pay the Martin family. As for George Zimmerman, his life will never be the same after this. He can never pursue a career in law enforcement or security. He has to be careful as to whom he accepts money from for his story. He'll probably be a prisoner in his own home because of the fear that someone would and could kill him in the name of Trayvon Martin. I don't think Martin's parents would want that, but some people would gladly go to jail for the chance to carry out vigilante justice. I want to get out of The Sunshine State. Like the spoken part in the Alice Cooper song The Ballad Of Dwight Fry,"I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!" My heart goes out to the Martin family. And I pray that after this incident, the State Of Florida re-examines Stand Your Ground. The U.S. Justice system is the best in the world, but it is flawed and fickle, mostly. But it is all that we have.
  10. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    I'm not saying anarchy.
    But I'm saying given the above: black people should riot. So should white people. And purple people.

    This is such a miscarriage. Such an utter slap in the face to law abiding, decent humans of all colors and creeds.

    I hope Zimmerman is forced to take his murdering ass out of the states based on this verdict.
    I sincerely hope that he's made to fear for his life to the point that be safe he has jump ship.

    And I hope that no matter where he goes he's always aware that he is indeed a wanted man.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    how much you wanna bet he kills another black person in self defense?
  12. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    The only state he will be safe in is in a dead state. WhathefuckeryFloridaAsshatState.
  13. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    I heard a commentator discussing the verdict suggest that indirectly Trayvon Martin had been posthumously convicted of AGGRAVATED ASSAULT, since Trayvon had to be guilty of that crime in order for Zimmerman to be justified in his claim of self defense.

    Basically Trayvon was guilty of his own murder.:rolleyes:

    I don't know if there's a more frightening experience than knowing a stranger is following you..home....AT NIGHT.

    For a man, you think you're about to be robbed. Or worse.

    Minding your business, walking along the sidewalk talking on the phone and sensing you potentially are about to be the victim of a crime is enough to make you lose your mind.

    That's why I don't blame Trayvon for fighting Zimmerman, because he had a right to be scared shitless.

    I think this case was lost during jury selection.

    The defense made a point to disqualify ALL possible Black jurors.

    In New York, if you bring a gun to a fistfight and shoot an unarmed person dead, it's an automatic manslaughter charge.

    Florida is just a fucking backwater state legally.
  14. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I hope that his family prevails in a civil suit, at least. I also hope that civil disobedience actions across the country force a reevaluation of criminal statutes across the country, removing laws with biased application and/or outcomes. I do NOT want to see a riot, because it will be used as further fodder to demonstrate the essential 'inhumanity' of blacks and bolsters the same irrational thinking about blacks and criminality that already has much of white America burdened with irrational fears.
  15. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Many states operate essentially the same.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I say let Florida have their succession lets call it a day. From the beginning that state has been horribly racist and has no sign of changing. Not only can cops kill unarmed black men/teens now private citizens claiming fear can do it too. Can't wait to see how things turn out with the case where the kids had the music too loud.
  17. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    First that poor excuse of a mother walks, then thus. I'm so fucking disgusted! Have no words:smt105
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    All I can I say is be happy you're white and blonde in America it makes life a lot easier.
  19. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    That guy is guilty.

    Trayvon had no witnesses to state who started the fight. This guy has at least one witness who was there for the whole event. Guilty guilty guilty.
  20. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Innocent and Not Guilty are not the same. A good summation quote is below. Just because a defendant is found not guilty does not mean they are innocent, it just means that the prosecution did not meet the burden of proof for the crime the defendant was charged with in the eyes of the judge/jury.

    The lack of compelling eye witness testimony, and in my opinion, a weak closing argument by the prosecution led to this travesty of justice.

    "Juries never find defendants innocent. They cannot. Not only is it not their job, it is not within their power. They can only find them "not guilty."

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