OIC. Well as you say, I have missed much... I was just going by the clips in here. IDK if I should start watching it or not to see for myself now.. Either way, if I compare Edward to the rest, I still think he's better than the racists. (btw, 'Tom" isn't a word, or something I subscribe to, sorry). What I saw was, he smartly diffused an escalating situation, ensuring they both get one step closer to the prize. *Curious btw, does Candice ever throw him under the bus at all?
Damn when I watch shit like this I really feel like a race war is bubbling. Its a little scary. They have complete disregard for that chick and I know she did the smart thing by walking away but I wish she would have slapped the shit out of both those blonde bitches. The way they were taunting her was totally a racist angle. SMFH
I think that she did the wrong thing. She should have called her a female hitler. a racist or a bigot that represents why america is what it is. Call her out on the asian comments. call her out on everything. If you give an inch, well how did that turn out with the natives of this land and the pilgrims......
you're right but I guess they feel so under pressure being the only blacks in the house. The white cast on there has made it a clear racial divide.
I think that it is the guy that sort of, brought it down. He should learn how to make comments without getting physical. He should have defended her. They should have defended the asian girl too. but w/e
Lately the urge to leave the US keeps growing. People shouldn't have to live like this. Race should not be the be all end all.
what i mean is he will insult candy in front of those same racists like aaryn. candice doesn't talk about anyone, all she does is cook and wash dishes. aaryn and the other racists just pick on her for no reason, it's basically bullying. just look at the video they flipped her bed, who does that? in regards to howard, i call him a tom because one minute he's comforting candy the next he's talking about her the next minute to the same racist aaryn. i don't respect ppl like that. this gives you live feed updates(the stuff they don't show on the show- http://www.jokersupdates.com/