She was the best person to rely on to talk on behalf of Trayvon. She didn't do a good enough job. And I don't think John Guy did a very good job in the courtroom either. Same thing with Bao for the prosection. He couldn't answer a "yes" or "no" question when the Judge kept asking him the same question over and over again. The state of Florida is known for making these kinds of verdicts (ie - Terri Schiavo, Casey Anthony, etc.) Maybe it may not be race-based, could just be the way Florida's court systems operate. What is he doing in front of all of those people, putting on a show, celebrating?
Wow this is so messed up. Just shows me that even 2013, America doesn't care about us young black males
I think that attributing that much impact to Jeantel just makes her a bete noire for this case. People who think that lies about things like her age means she is lying about something as critical as the murder of her close friend strain credulity. That would be like me qualifying my 11-year old as a liar because he doesn't tell me the truth about how many cookies he ate. I am not excusing her for lying, but I would not allow that to taint every subsequent word she uttered.
Arming black folk will not the problem solve. The first Aferican American to use SyG in their own defense will go to prison. nd that's fact. The hypocrisy is stunning. But there it is.
he was found not to be guilty but that doesn't mean he's innocent his attorney did a better job than the prosecution team all I know is Mark O'mara is going to cash in BIG
Current TV has an interesting show on Stand Your Ground and individuals who have been acquitted using it as a defense.
This. I have my own thoughts on the jury's verdict but...I'm just tired and a little sad right now. *sigh*
The concern for such things is how the jury will take it. People who mention her lies don't care about her lie but how it may affect the jury. It was already a questionable case but the lies did not help.
justice failed by taking the day off justice has taken the day off folks and 5 out of the 6 jurors are mothers, interesting
Already been used as a defense in trials, and they've won. Some have also used it to explain it to the police, and were never charged. In Nevada after Trayvon was killed, a Black man used it (his victim was a White Hispanic) and he was not charged. The law is very adamant about it... as we once again saw tonight.
True, but this is what I know about guns; when a man pulls out a nine and suddenly his target draws his own piece, the street 'hero' has second thoughts. It's one thing to kill an unarmed civilian, but few cowboys want to go down in a mutual blaze of glory on principle. I still don't think Zimmerman drew on Trayvon from a prone position. IMO they separated, and Zim drew on him but didn't fire immediately. If Tray had a piece and had it in his hand and asked Zimmerman, 'why is your creepy ass FOLLOWING ME?', knowing the pussy that he is, we all know Zimmerman would've turned around and got back in his car. If Zimmerman even suspected Trayvon had a gun, I don't think he would've gotten out of his ride. I'm venting, but the way things went down in Florida and some people thinking you can murder with impunity an unarmed BM not even committing a crime, sometimes being armed is the better alternative. Hell, if there were a huge influx of BM applying for concealed carry permits, maybe we'd get some reasonable gun control laws in this
In Florida though? A new bar has been set by this though. And the fact that black men who are criminals or under the eye of the law get harsher treatment. As much as this wasn't fair to Trayvon or his family..the same applied rules will be unfair to a black >male< who uses this defense toward a dead white male. Plain and simple is America is shit to the black population a d always has been. (Shit as in: treats in a fucked up way)
The modern gun rights movement was arguably started by fear of the armed Black Panthers in California. Article HERE:
His mistake I feel was in his rebuttal was to tell the jurors to basically vote 'with their hearts'. Then right after he closed, the judge instructed them, don't (dare) vote with emotion. :smt120