Right. And you fight when someone you love is in trouble, be it your man, your kids, your parents, etc. You don't hide behind a door. No matter if you're a man or a woman. Your love, fear and pain for the other person overrides your fear for yourself.
And I explained why I phrased my post the way I did. There was no gender bias from my end... For the sake of you and your gf, I'm saddened that you seem to feel your suvival instinct trumps protecting a loved one from harm. I highly doubt you'd do the same as the bf in this scenario if it was your girl on the other side of that door. I don't doubt for a second that you'd go out there to protect her. You can play devils advocate all you want, but I don't buy it.
So you've done this I presume? Seen your man getting fucked up and jumped in or think you'll do if the day comes? Im betting the latter.
Maybe maybe not. I hope I'd step up but I learned a long time ago that what you plan to do and you will do may conflict. Always thought if someone pointed a gun at me id be the crazy motherfucka who would say pull the trigger then saw the barrel and was speechless. You really don't know till it happens.
First, I have to have a man to come to his defense. But my son? Yes. When he was in danger, I didn't think twice about my own safety. Remember the guy who died after saving the young girl? I posted the thread. He didn't think twice either - he saw a little girl - a stranger, even - drowning. And he rushed to her aid with little thought to his own life. Sadly, he paid the ultimate price.
Ra-ra!!! Lurvvveesss you (Arch: luuuurrrvves you 2. No sides. It's an important pont to remember all the way around with everything a person personally believes and states as a result)
I totally get this. I'd like to think I would charge in there and grab the gun away, etc., etc. While I may not do that, I would do SOMETHING to help my loved one. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't think I did all I could. Just the thought of my loved one being brutalized would kill me. I do believe that would galvanize me into some kind (hopefully constructive) action.
I am not a stranger to such an experience. My mother has always been my best friend, it would be my instinct to take some hot lead for her on any given day. With that said, if I had a kid how could I expect my kid to grow up without a mother, so yeah, If I was married I would take some hot lead for my wife too. I am just being real.
Beasty gets it. TDK...not so much. If I'm married to you, you should protect me with your life and I would do the same for you. You stand up for those that you love...whether it's a parent, child or SO. Shoot...family is family love. If my cousins or siblings or aunts/uncles were being beat down, I'D JUMP IN. No one dies on Raiders watch lol. You can sit back and doubt yourself all you want, but I think you'd do the same.
1.Let me get this straight three men with guns are robbing someone you love. Unless your name is Clark Kent, all you are going to get is a bullet to the head. People just don't understand reality. They would rather be reading about two dead bodies and how the boyfriend tired to save his girlfriend over one. No loved one would want someone coming in under almost impossible odds of winning to suffer the same fate. 2. TDK, that was cold if that was the first thing that popped into your head. You are right with the media being A-holes but it was unlikely that they would report on her because of the background she is in.
Dont understand Reality?? man you just said that the video where the MMA guys are getting their ass kicked is the most violent thing you ever seen in your life. Some of you guys just make me chuckle.
I have never seen a man punch an unconscious man over 15 times. You may see that stuff more often than me. that being said someone should no better than to go fighting it out with armed men. You don't bring fist or knives to a gun fight.
Why would I?? Every man should have the advantage on his home turf. If not, He needs to step his game up. I am ALWAYS 100% safe at home, and so is anyone I care for.
My point was that that guy(BF) did the right thing. I saw a few folks trying to make him out as something he is not. He did the reasonable thing. I'm sure he is beating himself over not having picked up his g/f from work or rethinking what he could have done to stop the event from ever happening in his head but to make it out like that is shameful or bitchy. I could understand if he sat there and did nothing but you can't go into a gun fight with a knife or fist.
just drop it bro. This is a case of beliefs. You aren't going to win. beliefs are hard to change. I agree with your point but she will never agree. edit: It isn't that you are not going to win on your belief but that you aren't going to win on changing her beliefs.