I also hope this stays on TM, stories like these always lose their point and instead become race baiting topics. I hate to say it, but it's true. When I hear or read stories like this, I cross my fingers that the assailants weren't black.
This is nauseating. I'm certainly not trying to get into another argument about stepping in when you witness a physical altercation, but if a man sees through the peephole, the woman he loves being attacked and he doesn't open the door and tear into the fucker(s) hurting her...shame on him. I can understand not stepping into a fight between strangers (I don't agree with that way of thinking, but I understand the reasoning behind it)...but I'll never understand someone not defending those they love. He didn't open the door until the assailants were gone and his girlfriend was dying...seems like a cowardly move to me.
Every week. ..as we examine and comment on these violent stories involving race....It is amazing how this very bright, very popular forum family brother angles a story. ..This guy has a white woman in his life who has white extended family members, but appears to only see the world through a black prism.... For white victims, Fam has an ice cold indifference in his discourse to their hurt and is so exclusively black in his heart, that he cannot bring him self to condemn even the most reprehensible black behavior.......how in the hell can there be an explanation the frequency of crimes like this. ...
Replace seeing the world through a black prism with seeing the world through a strictly ideological prism and you have pretty much described yourself with your own post sir.
I think there's a huge difference between walking away from a schoolyard fight (be the bigger person; turn the other cheek; etc), and hiding behind a door when someone you love is being murdered. I certainly don't teach my children to fight, but you better believe if my son sees some dude beating on his sister...I'd want him to step in and get that guy off of her. When possible, I want my kids to use their words instead of their fists. When that's not possible, they know I back them 100% to defend themselves and each other by whatever means necessary. Too many kids nowadays resort to throwing blows without even trying to verbally correct the problem. Teaching our children to try and resolve conflict without first throwing blows, isn't teaching them to be punks IMO.
you know it took a bit of time to understand his "language". I've met criminal, scrupulosity black people and black people I owe that I am still alive. But never, ever I've made the bridge that it is depending on the skin colour . That are characters; you know you find them in all nationalities and races. But in some minds, the race is existing so deeply, that it is terrific. The congolese i.e., they've tried to manage all themselves, the guinée people the same and now the SAs try, they all failed. Hate and war will never be a good Partner, whatever you want to accomplish
I agree, it takes a little common sense to know the difference. Yet this society is still a society that encourages men to be pussies.
What does him being a guy have to do with anything? If she were the one listening to him get killed you'd probably say poor girl had to listen to her man die not she should have risked her life too. This shit ain't movie guys dude would have people probably got killed too. Our bodies tell is to literally fight or run if your body says hide then you better hide. Millions of years of instincts wont fail you but some macho tv bullshit logic will.
I would rather spend my time doing something constrictive rather than giving the generic "that's sad" comment. That goes without saying but there are bigger issues at hand that need to be addressed.
I knew you were going to take it there, that's why I almost didn't even post. The story is about a man, so I commented from that perspective. If roles were reversed and I heard my boyfriend/husband in a struggle outside the front door, I'd grab the biggest knife I could find and march my ass out there. I wouldn't win against a gun, but I'll be damned if I stand on the other side of a door and listen to someone I love get hurt. Don't presume to know what people would say if roles were reversed love. It's a human issue, not a man/woman issue.
People have to make their own decisions and have to live with it..If someone feels fine to hide, if things get hot..we have to accept. But accept that some people think different, too. It has nothing to do with gender or race, some cannot see injustice and run into fire....other shiver and hope not to be the victim
what is constrictive in your post? Spreading hate? Showing people that they are not worth to live? That it is more valuable to make a politician statement than to feel with victims?
Ok, what would you have done? Wait for the police or help your fiance. (assuming that you intend to marry her) I would expect my woman to help me if she had access to a gun or a baseball bat ect and she had a clear opportunity, but 90 percent of the time I would much rather her not, especially If I had a kid by her. IMO it is clearly the responsibility of the man to protect his family, I am not one of those to say we are the same. I say I am in charge of what I do best, and she is in charge of what she does best. I bench press 360, so yeah protecting the family would be my responsibility.
:smt007:smt007:smt007 I think I could probably bench press a mean 50 pounds...don't be jealous TDK I get your point but in the heat of the moment I think you'd be hard pressed to find a woman who'll sit behind the door and listen to her partner get hurt/killed. Women may not be as big or necessarily as strong as men in most cases, but we're fierce when our loved ones are threatened.
Whats bench pressing 360 good for if your going up against an Ace shooter? Still gender politics aside I think its clear this boyfriend didn't really value her at all. If you value a person you do not basically do nothing when you know something bad is happening to them.......Also as far as "pussifying society" I have seen women with more courage, and guts facing down dudes more then twice their size, and the men backing off. (though these chicks were smart, and had mace.) Being a spineless coward honestly has nothing to do with certain anatomy. Honestly this dude deserves an award for probably one of the worst boyfriends of the year. But honestly what is it with white boyfriends, and being basically chicken.....Even letting random guys clearly hitting on their girls. On numerous occasions in college I actually have made out with girls, and found out a few minutes later their boyfriend was in the same room. Even more ironic one time it was even the dude's own party, and I was basically cuffing her, and I only found out she had a boyfriend later when she was all" Sorry can't go with you....my boyfriends here."... Then I noticed some dude looking at us with a not to pleased expression.....Nothing was said between us.....LOL In every case the boyfriend was a white guy, and now I see this case, and I have to wonder WTF? Disclaimer aside I know some white dudes that would fuck a fool up if they saw their girl cheating or in harms way....But to be racially observant its only white dudes that I see that seem spineless to stuff happening to their girl.Whether its her cheating with him their or in this case seeing her in physical danger.
I don't know how many life or death situations you guys have been in but one thing I am sure of is actions in those situations has way more to do with instinct than thought. You're body is hardwired for survival and it will do what it knows is best. RL the reason I brought up gender is because you did and the wording you chose. There's definitely a hint of gender bias there despite your intentions. I think we are so obsessed with movies and tv in this country we often fail to see how real life really is.