It's suppose to show that Trayvon Martin like to fight, so he had to have been the one to throw the first punch, thereby giving Zimmerman his reason to claim self defense ....
Thanks for the legal clarity. :~) Having cameras in the court-room is always a good thing. He helped pick the 6 women. No can complain unless he has proof of misconduct. I did read a funny comment on it, though... Gulf Coast • G-boy has one thing on his side. I have never known 6 woman to agree on anything?
so zim gets a pass for beating his gf and fighting a cop while drunk and lets not forget he lied at bond hearing about knowing about the stand ur ground law
Want to take a moment... With the trial over and while the Jury deliberates....just wanted to acknowledge that regardless of facts or any of our opinions ...this mother lost her son.. A son who, throughout his life until that fateful night, wasn't known to have maliciously hurt any person or kill anyone... So whether for or against, just remember that, and respectfully empathize that his mother continues to grieve.
I can only speak for myself but I'm not even looking at any of that shit. I'm looking at it from the POV that a grown man used suspect judgement to engage in a situation that would have never occur if he used sound judgement. Even taking race out of the equation I'm still looking at it from that POV.
Poingnent reminder, Bliss thank you for that. Might I also add, that whether or not Zimmerman gets convicted..his family has to "grieve" a loss as well. I'm not trying to minimize this mothers loss. Nothing, not even time, heals that. But what we do, our actions and our words, impact others around us and those we don't even know. I won't speculate on Zimmermans family because its much to heated even for me. But when you hurt others you hurt yourself. When you hurt, your loved ones hurt. Zimmerman must have loved ones deeply affected by this tragedy. A loss also. But not to be compared to a grieving mother and family and not to make excuses for Zimmerman.
Absolutely beautiful family in that picture. I pray for her. She will never be the same and the depths of her anguish and sorrow... It really highlights how we lose track of what's important here. Suffering and how no matter where we stand on this issue..the inherent suffering caused even more suffering. The cycle repeats itself everyday everywhere and with everyone. I'm kinda pissed at Zimmerman But focusing on that has prevented me from keeping the acute hurt of the WHOLE situation at the forefront. I get swayed by strong emotion. So who am I to condemn Zimmerman for the same thing. It goes back to separating the person from their actions. No easy task. As Pema Chodron says: Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity.
the difference between trays family and zims is that tray can no longer communicate with his fam, his mother or dad and siblings
i have a major problem with zim. he stated on hannity that he had no regrets at what happened and it was gods will. now thats some arrogant and evil shit. he was in my eyes saying he did america a service...god wanted him dead
People have. Just like you don' how they think they won't understand how you think. You have to be open for that.
You're right but frankly, you have people here that just don't care about it. All they care about is a relationship with a skinny, blonde white woman. Our country does have a high percentage of people who received or previously had an episode of mental illness. That says something about the mentality of what kind of people we're dealing with here.