It's not. Everybody here knows that Stumpykins is either 1 of 3 things Mentally deficient In denial Not who he/she/it represents him/her/whateeevvaaarrrr to be Certainly is not a covert racist though whatever it is.
Ali, you haven't given one iota of FACT in ANY of your posts. All you do is claim something, and then go off on some ridiculous emotional tangent that makes the overall post look more unintelligent. TDK, I'm saying he broke no laws. By getting out of his car, pursuing, staying on the phone with an operator, having a gun, etc, he still broke no laws. The only thing in dispute is the self defense, which the State has the burden of proof. They didn't come close to presenting an air tight case that said there was any other alternative but self defense. In fact, they raised more questions, than answered.
Like I said before him breaking no laws is questionable because I know if I were the one following a teenage white kid on a dark night there would be a lot of charges brought against me. Not even the stand your ground law is dispensed evenly and fairly as seen here The fact is law is apparently subjective since we can't rely on the police nor the courts to apply it fairly, I could give you stats but I doubt you care, so we the citizens are tasked with looking at things through a logical lens. Was bringing a loaded gun part of the duties of the neighborhood watch? No. That rule was put in place to prevent the very thing that happen to TM. Does following someone in the night without announcing yourself create an air of aggression? Any reasonable person would feel threatened if an unidentified person coming out of an unmarked car was following them. Those on the TM was thug bandwagon can deny it all they want but I know that I would feel scared as hell even to the point of panic if I was walking home and some big dude was following me. I would assume it was a mugging. Could this been avoided by a simple identification on GZ's part? Absolutely. He took on the role of an authority figure all authority figures down to mall cops announce themselves so why is that burden not placed on GZ. I will be honest and say I have no clue who started that fight, there really is no way to tell since the only other person who knows is dead. But lets assume TM through the first punch does him going for the gun and saying "I'm going to kill you" make any sense. I person who has no history of violence is going to go from a simple fist fight to attempted murder? It doesn't make sense in my head. I agree that the murder 2 charge was a big reach but stop making it seem as if GZ is innocent. You know better than that.
was watching this trial very closely. Defense to present closing statements today. Is it possible there will be a verdict tonight? I'm very confused about how I feel about this case. I feel like under the law he should probably be not guilty of 2nd degree murder... maybe manslaughter. But on the other hand, in the end what he did was terrible. Killed an unarmed teenager... Glad I'm not on the jury!
*sigh* Trayvon was UNARMED: fucking fact Trayv on was walking back home to his fathers house, not breaking and entering:fucking fact Treyvon was followed by a stranger carrying a concealed And loaded WEAPON: fucking fact Creepy dude was told to NOT follow Martin and did NOT listen: fucking fact A confrontation started: fucking fact Martin is permanently DEAD: fucking fact I hate you because i did this whole thing on my phone at three in the morning: fucking fact Zimmypoo is now awaiting a verdict in a court of law. One can resonable asserts in that he broke a "law" to do so: fucking fact Now for an emotional tangent: You suck and seem to serve no purpose here or in life in general. Also, iggy pop can suck my nuts. And. I fucking HATE YOU BECAUSE I HAD TO DO THIS WHOLE POST FROM MY PHONE AT 3 IN THE MORNING. I CORRECTED A LOT OF SHIT SO I WOUKDNT LOOK AS DIM AS YOU
i understand what you are saying. I got it. here is what Im saying ...It is sickening that we are accepting this fuckery. we have been accepting of this type of fuckery for years. the fuckery has always been the inference of how evil black people are. first it was BW. Oh BW are this and that. never any civil difference of philosophy or something. it was how disgusting BW are. so when I spoke up people got mad for me speaking up. they got so use to the bashing that they got numb to it. until a couple of guys spoke up after a month of it and then the hater site website put WWBM on blast. then all of the sudden the people here were awaken how vile it was. my position it is ok to express for grievances but to be vile is different. BW arent disgusting. you have a child with a ww and its a girl societies eyes she is black and you bwill see her black skin. is she disgusting? I told ww here be careful of men who constantly bash BW because they are incapable of loving you in a proper fashion. Now we have to people who are saying/inferring (especially paniro) that tray deserved what happened to him because he look like a thug. these are the same two that are constantly degrading Black People in general. Beyond critiquing but degrading. discussing their disdain for blacks. now they have shown clearly what they would love to do to a black person and here we are accepting of it. not just tolerating (bad in of itself) but accepting. what I said was bad and Im man enuff to say I was wrong. which a heap of people in this forum refuse to do when they offend others and get called out for it. what I will not apologize for? standing for my black skin. standing for someone of different class. standing for someone of another skin. basically standing for what I hope is right. these two fools hate their own skin. so why are we accepting that. this is an IR site that is suppose to be intolerant of hate because people hate what we do. so killing a teen by a grown and suppose to be mature man because he LOOK like a thug when he himself is a thug by definition is horrible.
like you stated earlier he and pan is not worth it. go to bed. their hatred for humans should not rub off on you they hate being black and they dont care about the victim. with that being said.....I believe zim will walk not because of the lack of evidence but because its legal to kill innocent people. Stand your ground law which was pushed by the NRA makes it legal to do so. go look it up. SYG was backed by the NRA.
GTFO, u have seen more evidence that zim has been lying about his account. true, the prosecution sucks but to villify the kid like you have......u better hope no one pops somone in ur family because people like zim will villify yours and you better be man enuff to say yes my brother , son and or father is a thug because they said so. it doesnt matter if it true......your family member deserve to die...right?
I can never tell if paniro sets fire to watch them burn or if he plays an irritating devils Advo. Either way, it IS frustrating. Only if it makes one question if he could possibly believe the stuff he says. As for stumpikins... I don't know who he is and can honestly say that God does grant small favors. So thank you for that, God. He comes across as a douche, though. I guess if that's "his" thing then he's welcoming to it. They probably told him he could be anything he wanted. Summers eve seemed like a good choice. Now I'm just being snarky. Whatever his problem is: it's purposeful and doesn't belong on a forum like this. I'm sure the man behind the curtain will be here to deal with it shortly.
as far as Im concern these two guys need to be removed from the forum. they need to be banned. its one thing to discuss the performance but to say that tray deserves it.....
get some milk...breath and go to sleep. they are worth it...your spiritual level should not be lowered because of the evilness of these two. Im more upset that the people of this forum has been embracing these two subhumans
Loki, maybe you know.... can the State at the end of closing add another verdict choice...a.k.a the manslaughter, which was added yesterday? I read speculation that the Judge introduced this because she possibly saw the case wasn't going too well for the State and is getting political pressure to make sure GZ is convicted of at least something? Also, what to you make of this new revelation that is making headline news? (if you have an opinion).
I'm not Loki but he should at the very least get voluntary manslaughter, right? Do they have that in Florida? Based on the possible sentences..what would be the length of punishment?
Come on dude. Unless you have an exact citation with a provable link this vid came from Trayvon's cell, this is just more bullshit. Again, Trayvon could have a million recordings of street fights, how does that relate to this case?? It blows my mind that some of you are still BLAMING Trayvon for being murdered by a dude who was taking MMA training 3x a week, yet still claims he felt this skinny kid was going to KILL HIM with his bare fists. There's only one victim in this case, and that victim is DEAD.
Yes Florida does, however he was not charged with it. @ 2nd q... here is a good breakdown...and punishment... My general question here is the underlined: If the State would not allow Manslaughter to begin with, however now the judge introduced it at the END of trial arguments (despite GZ's lawyers objections who feel he is about to be acquitted)...assuming he is convicted on the m/s charge, can or will GZ appeal the addum and have his manslaughter conviction overturned? *Wondering from a law/legal viewpoint.
Paniro, it's NOT his friend in the video! ^ ^ ^ Unfortunately it's authentic. GZ's lawyers tried to enter this as evidence. However, they foolishly believed it to be Trayvon's friends.... See here
Dude. Let it go. Quit giving them any credit or power here. If the jury comes back with a not guilty verdict, the majority of people here who have weigh in on this matter will still see Zimmerman as the person who created this whole sorry event because he got out of his vehicle to confront someone when he shouldn't have. No matter how much they spin that simple fact to try to justify Zimmerman's stupidity, people here see the truth. If they choose not to see what everyone else does then let them. They accomplish nothing unless you allow them to by getting upset with them & their view of things like you're doing.
Thanks bliss I refused to watch any of trial because of the fact that there shouldn't even be one airing. 6 women? Sounds sketchy. It's probably been covered a hundred pages ago but wouldn't that set up Zimmerman for some kind of do-able appeal or grounds for dismissing the conviction. I'm not an attorney so I have no idea how all that works. I can see why all women would favor the prosecution but it could just as likely backfire depending on the judge, no?
It is possible in most cases for the Judge to use discretion on jury instructions including possible alternate charges. The political pressure speculation in right on point, the burden of proof for manslaughter is lower than 2nd degree murder so the odds of conviction are higher with that charge. Good find on the CRS, article, I must confess I was not aware of that organization. I applaud the stated intent of the group - "The Community Relations Service is the Department's "peacemaker" for community conflicts and tensions arising from differences of race, color, and national origin". I will have to see if I can find out more regarding their activities and how they go about their work.