He's dead. Zimmerman's alive. Really?? That's the logic you're operating with? This whole thing is nothing but debate fodder to you isn't it. No actual human observations or connections to anything at all on any level. SMDH.
I agree 100%. They don't care about Trayvon's rights. Why should he have the right to walk down the street on his way home from the store without being accosted by some stranger in the dark? Why should he have the right to go to the store for skittles and tea in a neighborhood someone else thinks he has no business being in? Why should he have the right to be a teenager who wears what the majority of teens wear and to actually have the hood covering his head in the rain? Why should he have the right to be a typical teenager who engages in the same activities and makes the same mistakes that other typical teenagers do? Why should he have the right to defend himself against an aggressive stranger (THE KIND OF STRANGER PARENTS WARN OUR CHILDREN TO BE LEERY OF) who is threatening his safety/life? Why should he have the right not to be shot down like a damn dog by some wanna be vigilante who targets him based on his looks (race/dress)? Why should he have the right to a life and a future without having someone steal that chance from him for no damned reason? No one is saying to dismiss anything. What people need to do is to stop making Trayvon's "past" out to be more than it is. Do you consider yourself a thug since you did jail time in your past? My guess is that you would never apply that label to yourself, but for some reason you refuse to give that 17 YEAR OLD KID the same consideration you do yourself and pass unfair judgement on him based on stereotypical bullshit. If a model citizen/"victim"/killer like Zimmerman says something, regardless of how ridiculous it is, it must be the gospel truth. :smt012 According to how he comes across, other than himself and a select few, black people are always in the wrong. Then again, maybe it's because the defense made their little animation that "proved" Zimmerman's nonsense story (that anyone with common sense would never believe to be true). It's not like people can actually make animations portray whatever they want them to; if it happened in the animation, then it really happened. That's right folks, even cartoons are real. Truth be told, NONE OF THIS SHIT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF ZIMMERMAN WOULD HAVE DONE THE RIGHT THING!!!! The fault and responsibility is on him 100%, because it was his choices/actions that created the situation in the first place. Even if Trayvon beat his ass defending himself, Zimmerman brought that shit on himself. I don't care what nonsense spin anyone puts on it, the only one standing his ground that night was Trayvon, and it's a damn shame that he had his life stolen from him for no fucking reason. There is NOTHING that made Zimmerman's actions acceptable that night, and those who think otherwise should be ashamed of themselves IMO.
THIS! So much win in this entire post. So much this. All day, all night and even into the next morning. And then again at lunch time, snack time, and dinner time. What she said. Every last word.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Tamstrong again. Loving you a lot for this one right here Tam. This case must be as especially heart wrenching for you considering that you have a black son. All I know after seeing how so many people have reacted to this case I will be even more cautious around white people than I have been in the past. I know its not all of you but if anything we are learning with this case, the Paula Deen scandal, and the Big Brother controversy is that racism is still very much alive. Not only is it alive there is a growing faction who are incapable of fairness, blackness means fault no matter what and unfortunately those people own the police who will help them carry out their hate. Edit: More of us need to breed with conservative ww because it seems the only way conservatives have any sympathy is when it hits close to home. Look how quickly these mofos did a 180 on gay marriage when more them admitted to having gay children and relatives.
Tamstrong,you hit it on the head! All of the excuses and jusifications of Mr.Martin's death has not weight. The conservatives,Fox News commentators,their "experts",etc are from another planet when it comes to this case.
Never in my life have I ever encountered any black people who hate on or hold such ill will for their own on the level as some of the individuals encountered on this site until I started hanging out here. I've always up until now heard of that shit on a second hand basis from other people I've been acquainted with , but ..........DAMN!! Just ..........DAMN.........
Trust me. I know not every individual on that anti black bullshit that pops up here is not who they say they are. I've dealt with more than my fair share of racist individuals in the flesh to know what's what & how they roll. Just saying for the actual individuals that are, that shit is beyond nuts IMO.
It is the 16th century state of mind, the same way of thinking that allowed slavery to exist. The more things change the more the idiots stay the same. Funny thing is that they seem to think they have the more modern way of thinking.
That is how I truly felt about your comments - you're kidding right? STOP excusing criminal/s behavior!
I'm not excusing anything I'm just not naive enough to over simplify it to being good guys vs bad guys, the lazy vs the hard working. Don't get wrong if I find you trying to break in there's going to be in a hole in you they can't sow up via my remmington but it doesn't take away from me seeing some of the situations that lead to theft and other criminal behavior. Sometimes there is little choice in the matter.
Nothing is ever over-simplified - even a rapist will give you his 'reasons'. Nor is this about good vs evil. It's about personal accountability for our actions and choices we make. We are in a thread right now about a man who refuses to own up to his. There is no such thing as having 'little choice in the matter' in the USA. You want to rob? the Govt is the perfect pit-stop. They will give you everything you want. Trust me, TDK, barring a hard-core drug addict who feels compelled to steal to feed their habit, most robbers are lazy, selfish fucks who see what you have and want it. Have you ever been robbed at gun point? Mine had a pretty nice expensive double barrel $hotgun AND a getaway CAR...mind you I was getting off a BUS, AND he took my last $20 AND he took my cell. I was left with nothing while he took all I had. The reason assholes stripped Arch's car to its frame is because they are a criminal gang who do that shit to get paid, man, and not because they're hurting.
The State never conceded this point at all. Not once. It's still a defense theory and no more. You do know prior to this murder, Zimmerman had been doing MMA training for 8 MONTHS, three days a week?? He was in the best shape of his adult life. And his trainer had the arrogance to lie on the stand and say Zimmerman was still learning how to throw a punch??:smt043 There's no way a simple 'fight' with Trayvon made Zimmerman feel his life was in mortal danger. His MMA training was essentially structured fighting for 3 hours a week. The only way a guy trained in MMA thinks his life is on the line against someone smaller than him is if he's being choked, or the guy has a baseball bat or some similar weapon. This bullshit that Trayvon's fists were 'deadly' weapons is just that. So much BS. Zimmerman got MAD that this punk ass teen was actually fighting back and in Zim's anger, not fear, he blasted Travyon. Now he's playing the pussy card. I'm weak. I can't fight. I'm non-confrontational. I still feel the State didn't pursue more fertile lines of argument to tear apart Zimmerman's defense. Zim is going to have a target on his back for the rest of his life, in or out of prison. He's going to get justice one way or the other.
OTHER FACTS CONSERVATIVES LIKE stump and paniro ignore are...zim never identified himself so why should this kid (yes, that is what he is. zim is 28 years old....he should have the maturity on how to talk to people and oh shouldnt he have stayed in th car and let trained pros take care of it...if tray was such a menacing presence as he stated when tray walked around his car and looked at him) have burden of of respoinsibility of whatr a grown ass man is suppose to do.