so..... are you saying that tray loses his right to the self defense because he was winning a fight? also a witness says the guy on ntop was using MMA moves. GZ took up mma. GZ also stated he didnt know anything about SYG but he took classes where it covered it and they talked extensively and he got an A in the stated by the professor of the class. now what?
Kudos to your choice in Law. The environment needs a voice. :smt038 From what I understood, Jeantel lied about her age so she would not be forced to testify? If so, I can see how it does relate directly to the case..she is basically Trayvon's last voice and they will think/say she is lying. I do not agree with you on the 'latent racial bias" of this jury, just like I didn't agree with Stumper saying the opposite that Black people were not chosen because they could not fairly decide this case due to 'a latent racial bias". Too much stereotyping going on. Have you been watching the trial? You can blame the Prosecution's witness for this. The Medical Examiner reversed his finding on trace weed not affecting behavior to affecting behavior (he said he can change his mind every half hour if he wanted to") :shock: I think the Prosecution were mortified and the Defense delighted. Which is why they asked for a hearing and the Judge had no choice but to allow an expert to speak on the effects, or GZ would be re-tried on appeal if convicted. Personally I think despite it, it'll work in the Pro's favor because weed to me is a sedative, time and actions move much slower... I don't think the jury will buy "violent tendencies" though paranoia if suggested might be a cause for concern.
i dont think her lying about going to a funeral or exactly what tray hurt them because when she came out with "cracker" ........hell....anyone with half a mind would have lied about him saying that. I mean really who would question her about exactly what he said
True, but I thought it was mentioned her later lying about her age so she didn't have to testify by law, not the funeral. I didn't know she lied about the funeral. Why did she about that, do you know? @ the cracker comment, did she tell them that in the original Depo? She may have been compelled to. (Assuming she did) If she switched it up on the stand in front of the Jury, then that would be a 3rd lie....So I see why she would admit to it, even though it didn't look good for Tray.
so you are saying its trays fault? why should he run when he is not doing anything? also why should zim take it upon himself to investigate? the police even said they wouldnt have done anything if they saw are they wrong? lastly , the law states he can stand his ground. so is tray wrong for SYG?
Let me make it absolutely clear, because earlier replies to my comments seem to indicate that I am accusing the jury and defense of being racists. I AM NOT ACCUSING THEM OF RACISM. What I am saying is that the defense IS actively painting a picture of Trayvon as a "menacing black youth" to more effectively convince the jury of a 'propensity' for violence. It is overwhelmingly composed of suburban mothers and the most effective way of counteracting their instinctive sympathy as mothers is by painting an image of Trayvon as "that kind of black kid", the one that single women driving through the city at night lock their car doors when passing. The defense attorney is doing his job. I find it nauseating, but that's what his job is: to take advantage of anything he can use to cause the jury to doubt witnesses for the prosecution (and more so when helped by bungling witnesses like Ms. Jeantel) and tell the narrative he wants to tell. I do believe it has a racial component to it because there is no cultural shorthand for crime that is as potent as the threat (implicit or explicit) of black male violence in the modern media and the average white mind. There simply is no white corollary with the same widespread cultural acceptance. Labeling someone as "White trash" simply does not provide as powerful a set of accepted images, nor convey the same threat in the mass mind, and even more so in the white mind (obviously I'm speaking in general, not every single white person in the nation). I'm not saying this is what Tray meant if/when he used the term, but I have to tell you that 'Cracker' in Florida is a non-racist phrase used in FL to refer to non-foreign born whites who have lived in the state for generations. Whites in FL call themselves 'Florida Crackers' the same way Indianans call themselves 'Indiana Hoosiers' - which is itself a pejorative in the rest of the midwest. It comes from them 'cracking' their whips during cattle drives south through the center of the state. True story.
two things../../ oner it seems the comp kept you up and i didnt catch it. two. dont you ever curse me. I never cursed you so thus be respectful.
uuuhhh hold up. yes it is. when you say it to the party you are talking are cursing at them. next, just because I accidently put u in doesnt mean its disrepectful or a slam on you. now you kindly aplogize for your disrepectful post. as you see paniro and i are having a lively debate...and no matter how wrong he is i havent cursed far as I remember.
Oh BS, if I said "YOU FUCKING IDIOT", yes that's cursing you. But if I say WTF and SMDH, then I am cursing. You said 'don't you ever curse me" You do realize that, right?
well if you want have to give it. LOL. of course GOP dont understand that. example......Dr. laura slining outr the N-word and when people call her out she screams her constitutional rights. classic. brietbart....editing the vid so a woman look like a racist to get at obama but he got put on blast and he refused to apologized. classic
bliss if you arent willing to apologize....then just ig me. what i did was accident...what you did was just outright disrepectful, mean-spirited and thought out. also, what i did wasnt disrepectful...wasnt mean spirited, nor was the tone of the post mean spirited. again if you can acknowledge your mistake like I did then ig me and be done with it... and 2nd posting of the cursing.
i heard that...but the lawyer asked her dont you think thats a derogatory term and she stated no. so the lawyer saw it as so many in that courtroom probably saw it as racist
LOL. its funny you still are unable to answer the questions....thus it shows that you are so willing to side with anyone who seeks the destruction and murder of a black person.
uuuh yeah. i can go with at least 70% accuracy and say yeah I said "a b and c. " that is a good thing. acknopwledging what I stated and manning up to it. if i offend someone and they call me out and I see wrong in it...then yeah i will apologize. thats what men do. of course you arent a man and dont understand common decency. have I said offensive stuff ....yes...mostly joking and the receiver also knows its joking so thus its no need to apologize for it. so getting the facts out before you and trying to be decent is off your rocker then sent me to the 13th floor. are you and bliss looking thru all my posts to justify you guys position.
WTF??! "Planned and thought out and mean spirited?? Do you even KNOW what those words mean? UGH. Spare me your crocodile tears, let's not speak to each other again, I am very fine with that. Peace.