This story has apparently caught fire today. On the 24 hour live feed of the show a couple of the contestants were caught just going off on various groups and CBS after some outcry from the fans of the show decided to air some of the lighter insult in the last episode. Here is a chart of some of the other things caught on the live feed not aired. After some of these comments came to light the two main people behind them (the blond girls) have felt some of the repercussions. GinaMarie Zimmerman she refers to welfare as n****r insurance has been dropped by her employer East Coast USA Pageant, Inc. is cutting ties with the 32-year-old pageant coordinator. The other Aaryn Gries accredited with gems like "Be careful what you say in the dark, you might not be able to see that b*tch." When talking about the black female housemate and "shut up and go and make some rice" to the asian female housemate has been dropped by her modeling agency. Now because both of them are still in the house apparently they dont know about what has gone down with their careers.
These undercover racists are so stupid These undercover racists are so stupid... Why don't they keep their opinions to themselves? Don't they know they are being Recorded? How stupid can they be? They don't what happened to Paula Dean?
A few years back, the Showtime network used to air Big Brother After Dark. This was the uncensored version of the show where you see and hear everything(including the off screen director calling out housemates to go to the diary room or other things. Nothing is bleeped out or pixelated. Anything goes. The Big Brother brand had an incident in Brazil. One of the housemates there was allegedly seen raping a woman while she slept on camera. The case has not been concluded(if so, the offender was removed from the show). In these slowly changing times, it is not surprising that someone is going to do or say something stupid. I wonder how Julie Chen, BB's host took it when the woman made the rice comment to the Asian woman? That said, it is time for folks to realize that if you are on a national tv show(reality or otherwise), it doesn't help if you cannot get along with others of different races, religions, political affiliations or sexual orientations.
You know damn well ignorance isn't based on age. Hate is taught, so there'll always be youngins coming up with twisted ways of thinking. Those girls deserve what they get.
Where I grew up white kids never spoke like this. We all seem to get along. I always assumed older generations thought this way because of limited exposure. Plain sad.
Unfortunately it's that older generation teaching hate to the younger generation. It's not all ignorance. Thankfully some of these kids will think for themselves and form different opinions from their elders.
Yet mufuckas talk about "racism is dead, let it go". Mufucka please. I'm sure none of these were in a joking manner.
What's fucked up is those are the kind of women I would approach not knowing how they really are. Smh
The worst part I'd that I don't think most of these people even grasp that they are racist. In saw the episode last night and one of the blond chicks totally turned me of with her racist and bitchy remarks, she wasn't only racist, she was just all over bitchy.
So very true. Especially among men and women who view themselves as attractive and want the world to notice them. Here is where the folks at home sit them down and they have "the talk."