Loki, This is an unbelievable assessment coming from you. ...The brother is a career law enforcement officer speaking from his unique vantage point......it appears to me that he was just attempting to redirect the focus on an issue that SHOULD be of some concern to all of us......maybe...just maybe William will see that certain subjects on this forum are a taboo and will always be met with cool reception. .....
Time will tell...my point about the Stormfronters is that they LOOOVE to perpetuate the "violent Black male" stereotype as much as they love to trot out the BM killing BM statistics. Usually they are smart enough to not come right out and state their racism, so they try to hide their agenda under the guise of "examining certain statistics".
This subject is not taboo on this site. The reasons why some individuals want to focus on this subject, especially if it's just to shine a negative spotlight on the black community or black race as a whole, that's taboo.
I hear you Arch, I have said that I am reserving judgement, that being said, I have seen much of the same language, and approach, especially this quote ("who murders at our rate? again...we make up 6% of the population but half the murders?") that he is using, from trolls of the past. If he posted proposed solutions, mentoring programs, education reform, numerous positive outreach programs that target youth, employment reforms, ect., without re-hashing the same old statistics, then perhaps my radar would not have been triggered.
You're giving the creatures at racist site too much credit. From what I've seen of them, they're a bunch of uneducated twats who struggle to string two words together and by this stage they have posted some offensive pic and broken their cover
In honesty, I don't go there to see. I do catch some of their comments on blog/sites/YT/news comment sections and they don't seem too bright, tbh. All they do is insult.
Perhaps Tarsh, (your avatar is awesome btw), I have seen this approach from such creatures before, I would be glad to be wrong on this.
Well I hear you too.....The job of black policemen can be dicey. ...trying to maintain law and order on the other streets of Detroit is enough of a personal solution. ...This guy is probably already doing his part. ....
Exactly. That was my initial impression too, especially when he compares the outrage about the trayvon martin case to our lack of response to the inner city "black men vs black men" stuff. Fact is, those are two wildly different issues. The gang violence is tragic, but to a certain extent avoidable, plus there are laws in place to see that the culprits get sentences. However, when just any vigilante/bully with a gun can stalk down and kill your sons with impunity, where can you go to avoid that? What can you do to avoid that? racist site types often try to compare the two issues or use one to justify the other. And I'll say it again: the outrage about the trayvon case was because they were initially just going to let zimmerman walk (and the fact that they are soon going to let him walk). Also in florida, in November last year, a white man, Michael Dunn, shot and killed a black teen, Jordan Davis, over Davis playing loud rap music in his car. Where's the outrage over that? Things are pretty quiet, because everyone is cooly letting the law take its course. The cops in this case weren't going to just let the killer walk, so there was no public outcry. Though he may walk in the future (Florida being what it is), the law is taking its course, just like when a black teen kills a white man. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-57554897-504083/florida-teen-shot-to-death-by-man-after-dispute-over-loud-music-police-say/ The Trayvon Martin case is different. When we don't have equal protection under the law, ALL our children are at risk. Good kids, bad kids, gangstas, whatever. So there should be outrage and outcry, more than you see for inner city gang-related killings. Inner city culture may not protect us, but the law is supposed to. Everyone should want the law to protect everyone, otherwise we have big mess Michael Dunn, in bright orange, just like he's supposed to be:
The problem in the inner cities of some place are some don't want to "drop a dime" on somebody or in today's terms "drop a text" along with no protection to people who did dropped it. The sad part is that some policemen treat all Black men the same whether they are innocent or not.
Poverty does not equal murderer, but it can absolutely be directly tied to one of the conditions that may lead to it in the context of this thread. Using your own example of the drug trade. Not all, but many who participate in the drug trade do so as an only(easier?) method of having income. Many do not have the education required to get a well paying job, and as Dead Prez put it: "We ain't getting paid commission, minimum wage, modern day slave conditions Got me flippin' burgers with no power Can't even buy one off what I make in an hour" In the context of this thread, you cannot overlook socio-economic factors contribution.... really, unless the counter argument is what? Genetic predisposition? Yes, some of the most violent men in history have been pretty well off. One could argue that the most horrendous acts of genocide have been from Caucasians. One could also look at mass murderers and again tie that to Caucasians. One could argue that the Hispanics have the most numerous and most gruesome drug trade related slayings. If the purpose of this thread were to compare ethnic groups on a worldwide scale, well... I'm not sure what the purpose or results would be. I read this thread as specifically identifying what is a very real problem in the black community.
He has a different perspective, that does not mean he should immediately be discounted. The truth of any situation is best realized by looking at it from multiple viewpoints.
The justice system is lax for Blacks if it was a Black on Black crime if its a Black on (put your race here) the term will be long.