An opinion on the social impact of Rachel Jeantel

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Stumper, Jun 28, 2013.

  1. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Ra.... psst....

    You're going off topic, this isn't about interracial relationships (which I've realized isn't worth pursuing in America and countries with a similar dynamic to America anyway) - it's about the case. And I have made positive posts about blacks, you've forgotten because I haven't been on here often.

    Perhaps if slavery and colorism never existed within humanity, we wouldn't have people bringing up concerns about the black community. It's completely justified to talk about these concerns here. How can you not see that?
  2. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Mikey, you only ever come on this site to take digs at people here or the site. Check how you ended your previous post. And the fact that you point out that this thread has nothing to do with interracial relationships & how you are justified to talk about the black community proves the point I was making.

    And for the record for you & other like minded individuals here, there's nothing wrong at all with discussing the problems of the black community here. It's when individuals make it the ONLY thing they ever focus on and talk about on this site or bring up in some way in other threads when that's not even the focus or has any relevance that it becomes a problem. And it's a BIG problem on this site because we have individuals who do nothing but that.
  3. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Well, I do have a life beyond the site. I don't have an average of making 20 to 30 posts per day and to also take into account a self-evaluation of the kinds of posts I make.

    Do you somehow believe that if Travon Martin had a non-black significant other that her testimony would somehow boost the prosecution's case against the defense for George Zimmerman? What I got out of your posts was that you were trying to underhandedly imply something.

    This is exactly what was said when Rachel was talking to the defense attorney:

    She racialized the whole thing, which is why I thought my post was justified.
  4. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Don't be stupid. ZIMMERMAN injected race in this entire episode when he decided to follow Trayvon....for being a young Black male.

    Trayvon called Zim both a 'creepy ass cracka' AND a 'nigga' on the cell phone call with Ms. Jeantal. Just being another ignorant youth of today.

    But he sure as hell wasn't racially profiling George Zimmerman.

    Don't fall for the prosecution's weak attempts to manipulate the jury.

    Just like in the OJ case, as soon as people heard that Mark Furhman had used the n-word in the past, suddenly his entire testimony was suspect.smdh.

    Don't let bullshit distract you from the facts of this case, which are that Zim followed Trayvon in his car, got out of his car with a loaded firearm and pursued Travyon on foot.

    Minutes later Trayon was dead.
  5. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    You see this little bit of taking shots at the site you did right here?

    I'm not even acknowledging the rest of your post because you all but invalidated anything you had to say by doing that.

    And by the way if you have a life beyond this site why do you feel the need to post your opinions on this particular site and not some site that focuses strictly on the issue of the black community alone? Hmmmmm. Yeah, keep pushing that agenda all the while claiming that you're not.
  6. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    He's going to let bullshit distract him because from his POV that bullshit is fact.
  7. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    To what you posted in bold - I know that, I'm not discrediting that. What the court can't figure out is who the primary aggressor was. Was it Martin or Zimmerman? I also know that Zimmerman acted calm after shooting Martin and basically got up, started walking, then called his wife to tell her that he just shot someone. The photography of Zimmerman's injuries are inconsistent with the way he acted after Martin got shot. It wouldn't make sense to have a bloody nose, injuries to his head, and then calmly call his wife as if nothing serious really happened.

    I actually think someone just did advanced photo editing or self-injured Zimmerman to make it appear that Martin really hurt Zimmerman because the testimony from the other guy explained that Zimmerman's head was never really smashed into the concrete.

    It's only one day. And also, I could have an interracial relationship abroad. I could do that and it would still make sense for me to be here. The whole world is not North America, Ra.
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    lol. no doubt
  9. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    But everyone knows you're not involved in an interracial relationship with anyone in the U.S. or anyone abroad are you Mikey? Otherwise like most of us who are, you at the very least would make some mention of it in another section of the forum rather than run straight here to only express your opinion on "current events" only for one day since this site is about WW/BM relationships. Come out of that little isolated bubble of reality you're living in, son. You're not making any sense with that flawed logic you're employing.
  10. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    You know what's really sad? I KNEW that he would pop up on this site sooner or later and have some thing to say on this particular topic because he's one of those individuals I was making the point about. I figured he would pop up over the weekend though.
  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    well, Im gonna try to get the discussion back on track. stumper had a good topic.

    Rachel Jeantel, Trayvon Martin's Friend, May Have Helped And Hurt George Zimmerman's Defense

    excerpts from article:

    The 19-year-old could not have anticipated that day how she would come to represent the many tensions within the case, the trial and the larger intersections of race, class and law enforcement in the U.S. As Trayvon Martin's friend, the prosecution looked to her to tell his story, and as the opposing side's witness, the defense hoped she would exhibit a lack of credibility that would work in Zimmerman's favor.

    Experts say that Jeantel's testimony was a labyrinth of cultural nuances that may be difficult for the primarily white jury to understand. But others feel that sympathy for the young woman's age and raw demeanor -- and also the defense's underestimation of the jury's empathy for her -- may be key to the prosecution's success.

    But sociologists and former law enforcement personnel say the tense history between African Americans and police officers played a major role in both Jeantel's actions after her final phone call with Martin and her interactions with defense attorney Don West during her testimony Wednesday and Thursday.

    "We know that in predominantly black neighborhoods, frequently not only do we have negative interactions with police officers when they do come, but we know that when we really need them they respond slower," he said. "So if you have had previous interactions where this has happened, then why would you all of a sudden think that they’re going to take anything you may say as being something that’s important?"

    Laurie Woods, a sociology professor at Vanderbilt University and a retired special agent with the California Department of Justice, said the black community's distrust of law enforcement stems from general practices of placing officers in low-income communities and the unequal balance of power between such authorities and poor civilians.

    accordfing to the article the way the atty treated hert cuts across

    :income, gender age and race.

    stumpers article also talked about education


    now lets go from there
  12. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    And most of us who live in the real world & pay attention to things, no matter you're race know most of this. There are whites & hispanics from low income inner city areas who talk, act & think just like she does. People beating her up & judging her for just being herself & acting like she's less human or something because of that says more about us as a society than it does her.
  13. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I can't respond to all your posts because I'm not posting from a computer so I'll explain this to you. Why do you think they took so long to figure out an appropriate jury panel? A panel of 5 white women and 1 hispanic woman? If it was 4 white males and 2 white women, the state probably would have lost the case regardless of what anyone would have to say. That kind of jury would have a lingering urge (racial bias) to let Zimmerman walk and for nothing to really happen for Martin's family and supporters.

    Also, I know it's hard for you to admit, but most people just don't see this in the same way you and a few other people see it. The prosecution (state of florida) took a hit and so did the perception of black people as a whole within this country. The site is asking "Will criticism of her demeanor override her crucial testimony?"

    As you can see, she has made the case more of a national reflection of the shortcomings and failures of the black race while trying (misguidedly) to help the prosecution against the defense.

    As I've tried to explain, an article is supporting the claims that I (and other people such as Archman) have made on here about Jeantel. Someone else, perhaps a Public Defender, should have spoken on her behalf.
  14. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    She didn't make this a "national reflection of the shortcomings and failures of the black race". People like yourself with whatever hang ups you have about race have made it about that. Ignorant non black people who will always see black people as less than chose to focus on her perceived shortcomings & imperfections and make her the face of all black people per usual. Ignorant black people who are so caught up in proving to ignorant non black people that they are just like them chose to focus on her perceived shortcomings & imperfections and make her the face of all black people per usual. Business as usual in post racist America.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2013
  15. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    When I first came on here Ra, I made a post explaining that I met a girl online who was white, around my age, from Kentucky and really liked me. My parents found out and we kind of had a personal argument over white people and white women. I mentioned about all of that on this forum and I was told by someone here or a few people here (I cant remember) that because we are foreign blacks, my parents harbored racism against whites and a natural dislike for American people and American society. That was the view of *most* of the people on this forum. Initially, I sided with you guys and agreed. Then I realized I made a mistake when I began to learn more about American society, how screwed up the American media is (in regards to race), how violent American society is, the high incarceration rates and the high divorce rates which are sometimes associated with instances of domestic violence happening during the divorce.

    If the State of Florida loses the case, it will strengthen and justify my perogative further about what I think about this country. I act the way I act because it's genuinely who I am and there's no consequence for postings I'd make here. No one is going to "beat me up" through a computer, unlike in real life where someone could throw a punch at you if you say something about them. It leads me to believe that Martin and Zimmerman had a verbal altercation that turned physical. Who started it, I don't know because the FBI audio expert (Hirotaka Nakasone) was unable to determine it and said only 3.82 seconds of the audio was able to be analyzed.

    If she had the common decency and civility of Michelle Obama while testifying, she would have really, genuinely helped the prosecution's case against the defense. Come on, your head is in the sand, get it out of there. And next time, leave your name at the end of your rep. It makes you look like a coward.

    Archman! Thanks a lot for the rep!
  16. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Rachel Jeantel is who she is and that's not going to change. The fact that people can't get past the fact she doesn't present the image of the perfect Black female witness is beside the point.

    Telephone records show she was the last person who talked to Trayvon before he was murdered. She's never changed her basic recollection of that phonecall; this crazy White dude was following Trayvon and continued to follow him for several blocks, before his cell was dropped on the ground.

    This is where people need to step back and use common sense to figure out how things probably went down.
    Trayvon never hung up on his call with Rachel. He never said ' I gotta go', etc. Remember Zimmerman is testifying it was Trayvon who walked up on him unexpectedly and started this fight.

    If Trayvon saw Zim ahead of time and decided shit was about to go down, why would he DROP HIS PHONE in the grass??

    That doesn't make sense.

    Ms. Jeantel stated she heard Trayvon's cell fall in the grass and that was the end of the call.

    I can't believe some of you are personally embarrassed by Rachel Jeantel. That's real life and she's representative unfortunately of many Black folk out here. It's not ideal, but you have to deal with it.
  17. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    You know what the difference is between you & I? I'm not trying to get you or anyone else to think my views or opinions are right or that you or anyone else should subscribe to my views. I state my opinions and if anyone agrees with them, fine and if they don't still fine. You put too much time & energy posting up things to convince people you are right & they are wrong. You have every right to think what you want & have your opinions for whatever reasons, but please, PLEASE, stop trying to beat me up side the head with those useless facts & stories you post. I don't ever read them just skim them. And they frankly are not going to sway my opinions in the least. :smt109
  18. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Well.... you just admitted. You skimmed over. If you really read my last post, most of what I said are facts and realities about this case and about this country. That isn't my opinion that I just felt like making up.

    If I say it's going to rain tomorrow in your area and there's a 70% of chance it's going to rain, and the rain does fall in your area - what would you say to me? Was what I said an opinion or a fact?
  19. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Mikey? Why do you always address me as if I am unaware of anything that goes on in the world? Do you you honestly think I live under a rock or something?
  20. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    In my avatar, you see me outside knowing where to go.

    But in yours, is the character lost in a dark room or a cave?

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