Atlanta PD tickets for traffic violations are being tied to pay raises for cops according to a police union. As previously reported by The Inquisitr, Ohio courts determined traffic speeding tickets can’t be handed out based upon a guesstimate by a police officer. But Atlanta PD tickets are destined to be even more controversial if the rumors of traffic tickets being tied to pay raises are true. An email from police union President Ken Allen claims new budget restrictions are forcing police officer’s pay raises to be funded through Atlanta PD traffic tickets and court revenue: “The mayor has designated traffic court/ticket revenue for future pay increases … (This is) the first time ever that a revenue stream has been designated to salaries. Future pay increases are in our hands. We need only enforce traffic violations as we are now, but increase our attendance in court to prevent cases being dismissed.” ======================================================== Cops' jobs tied to ticket totals Police officers in Metro Detroit are often ordered to write a certain number of moving violations -- but chiefs issuing those edicts are careful not to use the "Q" word. "Nobody likes to call them quotas, but that's exactly what they are," Trenton Police Sgt. Richard Lyons said. "When you're being told how many tickets you need to write, to me that's a quota." State lawmakers banned ticket quotas in 1979, but in 1988 an exception was written into the Motor Vehicle Code that allows the number of tickets written to be used in evaluations of traffic enforcement officers, as long as ticket writing is weighed equally among other job criteria. "It's a bit of a loophole," said James Tagnanelli, president of the Police Officers Association of Michigan. "Chiefs never like to use the 'Q' word, but they're certainly telling officers they have to write 'X' amount of tickets." Law enforcement officials say they are under more pressure than ever to issue traffic citations as a way to generate revenue in the midst of a moribund economy and dwindling state revenue sharing. A Detroit News analysis of court and police records shows the number of tickets has increased dramatically in many Metro Detroit communities over the past six years, a period during which state revenue sharing dropped by $3 billion. To help offset that loss, many communities are mandating the number of tickets traffic officers must write, Tagnanelli said. "Police departments are being pressured to bring in more money by writing tickets," he said. "So we're seeing more and more of these performance standards, which are basically quotas." ========================================================= My take......this is news? Im sure they have been doing this for years. now thats "official" doesnt that state that the PD is corrupt or could lead to it.....and or leading unto abuse of power
Watching the news last night and the police are heavily using their new gizmo that can read a shitload of license plates at one time. They can pull up info on all the plates and any red flags come up...KABLAM...your ass is busted.