oh i forgot...didnt zim lie about how much money he had at a bond hearing. the prosecution better bring that shit up. they should have never gone for 2nd degree...they should have gone manslaughter. so stump maybe right on that issue in that he may walk... just because he is found not guilty doesnt mean he is innocent
It was because he was black that this wasn't handled correctly from the get go. He got shot in February and this wasn't investigated till April homie. Being black was not in his favor one bit.
Here we go again with the same mantra and the same subtle innuendos replete with expletives and directed at those who don't coincide with your thinking......We are supposed to be having a civil debate of this forum with free and independent perspectives, but you can't seem to engage opposing view-points with-out make it personal with your references........
If the shoe fits wear it. Considering that you are always whining about how black conservatives allegedly get a raw deal here yet you and other conservative minded black males consistently seem to only have something to say if it somehow involves the failings of other black people or some other negative observations about black people with no rational solutions to anything of the failings you say are making YOU look bad. When you and others stop doing that and start actually offering up some actual "free & independent" thinking on EVERYTHING and not the same tired agenda you love to focus on then you'll realize no one's making this personal but you. Thank You.
If you read my post again, you see what I meant w 'accidental' I said 'if it was accidental' as in if Z would claim that, it doesn't jive with how TM was found. I heard he was found face down with his hands on his chest from news radio. But if that is incorrect, then my post is moot.
I didn't say that Z was on his back, duh. This is what Z claims and i am saying in that post that this makes no sense. Read my post again.
That shit wasn't a lack of effort it was pure indifference. They treated that boy like trash. Had his body for three days and never contacted his family even though they had his cell phone.
This is the unbelievable part. Trayvon's father said his son just DISAPPEARED after going to 7-11 for snacks. They thought at one point he was abducted. This entire case was about race from the beginning, from the perspective of the Sanford PD. Ms. Jeantel is but one small, but important piece of the prosecution's case against Zimmerman. She's there to confirm that Zim was indeed stalking Trayvon and didn't, according to Zim, double back and jump him. Her basic recollection of the phonecall with Trayvon has never changed, even if incidental elements of interviews she gave after the fact were slightly different. I don't have high hopes that Zim is convicted of 2nd degree murder, however if he never testifies in his own murder trial(!):smt011 and those dumbass jurors let him walk, this verdict will be more controversial than the Casey Anthony acquittal. A jury should expect a defendant to state his case in his own words in a murder trial. IMO it makes any defendant look guilty of something if he feels neither the desire or need to testify in court. We all knew Casey Anthony was sick and a pathological liar. She absolutely could not testify on her own behalf. What's Zimmerman's excuse?? Racial profiling is a sucker's game. Eventually you're going to get fucked by it.
Don't you think it's a little more "duh" to take offense when it's obvious none was intended? Anyway, didn't mean to ruffle yer feathers.
I think sometimes we think people like zim are more innocent than they actually are. This case was probably more about "I'm a big man because I have a gun - let me go get my jollies on this coon" than about suspecting some crime was in the works.
I didn't take offense in any way. It was just that you clearly didn't really read what I wrote. Duh was used as in obviously I didn't think he was on his back w TM on top of him. I never heard 'duh' being used in connection to being offended before
Plus it is not true Mr.Martin pounded Mr.Z on the contreate. On Fox and other conservative media outlets they trashed Ms.Jeantel.
The State of FL nonetheless has a viable objective for voluntary manslaughter which carries a significant prison term. Tomorrow, they have to effectively impress upon the jury that Zimmerman was a wannabe cop and police academy reject whose negligent behavior and flawed decisions on 2/26/12 directly caused Trayvon to get violent - i.e. that Zimmerman was attempting to physically apprehend someone that he perceived as a 'real suspicious guy' Zimmerman's failure to identify himself as Neighborhood watch while attempting to detain and question Trayvon despite being presented ample opportunity to do so was a proximate cause of the violent altercation which ultimately ended in the shooting death of an unarmed, nervous teenager. The State just has to convince the jury that Zimmerman was an overzealous, even frustrated watchman who profiles unfamiliar black men and on 2/26/12 he perceived Trayvon as a fleeing suspect who he wanted to physically apprehend until the SPD arrived - the beatdown he received was provoked by his own incompetence as a police academy reject who is unqualified to physically apprehend someone. The State must also impress upon the jury that Zimmerman was a stranger in the shadows of an unfamiliar SUV on 2/26/12 and he was ominously following the unarmed adolescent afterdark in his vehicle for an extended period of time. Through Trayvon's mother, they might persuade the all-female jury that Zimmerman was a mother's worst nightmare and from her viewpoint, any unidentified adult in an unmarked truck continuously following her child afterdark was a potential pedophile and that's what she instilled in him at an early age: the child safety rules of our time. If they could get Sybrina Fulton to testify to a mother's concern about her state's pedophile population especially those fears pertaining to the sex offender registry of Central FL and how she impassionately raised her children to always be aware of their surroundings due to those genuine concerns it could help define Trayvon's justifiable nervousness on 2/26/12. The State just has to convince the jury beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman was NOT in hot pursuit of some street signs on the night in question but rather he exited his vehicle with his firearm loaded and ready for action ("These assholes . . . they always get away"), confident that he was capable and qualified (despite being a police academy reject) to apprehend someone he perceived as suspicious. If they can successfully sell this theory that Zimmerman initiated the physical altercation then the subsequent violence was merely Trayvon exercising FL SYG where Zimmerman's injuries, such as they were, was directly due to Zimmerman's incompetence - voluntary manslaughter as a lesser included offence
That's right, she was a disaster for the state's case against Zimmerman. All she managed to do was increase anti-black sentiment with all races of people - even other black people in America. I think her testimony does more damage towards black men and black women in America than on the case its self. Anti-black sentiment was already at 56% for blacks last year in 2012 and 57% for hispanics. If the same polling center did the study again, we're probably hitting 60% of now because of the things that have happened recently with this case and with Paula Deen. But hey, you can't say anything that's too "taboo" on here about America or about race relations, you'll get told that you're arrogant or someone would tell you to shut up. Take it from my experience here.
And this little post right here illustrates my point about how we have too many black males on a site whose prime focus is WW/BM relationships and various issue surrounding it, have nothing to say or offer in the way of WW/BM relations or support, but always, ALWAYS, something to say about strictly the black community & how it is such a negative drag on the image of black people. Never mind the fact that none of these individuals ever have anything positive to say in regards to black people whether it's in general or about any of their fellow black males on this site since we too are always somehow never want to hear or are preventing them from speaking "THE TRUTH" as they see it. Agenda much??