Are you serious? It was a fucking cooking show. You're talking about this ignorant old woman like she's some influential & historic figure in American society. The real problem in America is elevating ignorant individuals like Paula Deen, Sarah Palin, Glen Beck or Herman Cain to some sort of relevant stature in society for their ignorance. Keeping her ass on the Food Network accomplishes what exactly? Lessening the racial & political polarization in America? :smt043:smt043 Put that Neo Confederate Kool-Aid glass down son. That way lies madness.
I think what he means is the repercussions are further reaching than just her cooking show. This has taken on a life of its own, fueled by the media and your average arm-chair bloggers, no less. Before, the Food Network would have issued a 'not renewing contract' comment and be done. With the advent of the Net, people who normally DGAF are weighing in and it has nothing to do with her show. It's now all about perceptions, that "she is being unfairly punished" beyond the scope of her 'crime'. It IS causing polarization because not every one is getting the same stories. We here know more facts because we make it out business to, but to your average layman just reading a news blurb (like this for example JUST today)... "Paula Deen Dumped By Home Depot And Diabetes Drug Company Novo Nordisk As Target, Sears, QVC Mull Next Move" FORBES story link they then comment and say... "wtf, all this, over admitting to using the word?" etc... Opinions have power, and btw, when you say she has no influence, she does or they would not be dumping her. And I really believe they are dumping her not for her indiscretions years ago, but her mortifying comments SINCE the fall out. No way can they keep her on, because soon enough, people WILL get wind of her flippant comments since then.
She has "influence" only due to the fact that people in this country have allowed ignorance to become a virtue. Something to be admired & aspire to. That's why I mentioned Sarah Palin, Glen Beck & Herman Cain as examples in the prior post because once upon a time individuals of that ilk would have been rightly recognized and treated by people with any common sense & decency as they should be : "Your ignorance is not acceptable nor will it be tolerated." Ignorance is now excused, rationalized & rewarded.
Yes, it has been like that to varying degrees, but now it seems to be more wide spread & acceptable. The advent of the internet more than likely is why allowing for like minded ignorant people to come together under a united front and express themselves more boldly where previously more reasoned minds would out number them more or less leading to less acceptance.
And you know the sad thing? We're far too PC to really look at the bigger picture with these people: they are potential terrorists and I'm going to stand by that.
Exactly. This is one of the reasons we still have racial issues & hang ups today. Same reason why we have a segment of the population, primarily in the South, who romanticize & attempt to legitimize a dark & shameful period of American history that should be viewed for what it is: a disgrace.
I saw a woman with this on her plate... And the sad thing here is that I've decided to put her to the test, so I pulled next to her, honked, and I was asking her I could find the closest farmer's market. Well, she looked in my direction with a stern look and just answered with a hoarse, "No. I'm sorry" then she drove off.
Ain't you heard? Tyrone & Pookie standing on the corner smokin' on a blunt & sippin' on a 40 oz. plottin' robberies & murder are the face of all black folks now until the end of time despite the Fredrick Douglass', Booker T. Washington's, George Washington Carver's, Martin Luther King's, Malcolm X's, Thurgood Marshall's, Colin Powell's & dudes like that light skinned big eared fellow sitting in the White House right now to leave their mark on the world. She can't be giving you directions. You might rob or kill her just because. You know how all of us black males roll........
Yo! You be right, son. My glock be packin' all dem niners and hittin' dem ol' asses. Racist muthafuggas!
MS,that is the best test you gave to that White female who professes "heritage not hate". Besides,you should had said your plate is a bold faced lie. Ra,don't make a martyr out of that btych.
I'm not making a martyr out of her. People who think she did nothing wrong or should be given a pass for her ignorance are the ones who are trying to make her into some kind of martyr or cult hero for the ignorant & prejudiced. All I'm saying is that ignorance of any kind no matter how big or small should not be tolerated or rewarded.
The List Grows: Sears, Kmart, QVC, JC Penney and Ballantine Books all dropped Paula today *Keep in mind, Ballantine Books were going to release her cook-book this October...("Paula Deen's New Testament: 250 Favorite Recipes, All Lightened Up,") but cxld production. It would have been an interesting litmus of the damage in terms of sales. Her current cook-book went from #26th to #6 since the drama. But damn, she had her name in so many major companies. Walmart carried her brands in 4,000 stores alone. Stunning downfall.
I saw that plate years ago. I had mentioned this before and I will say it again. Heritage is a double-edged sword. Heritage can bring some pride and it can bring pain to others. The challenge(not the trick)is to understand from what position a person has in terms of pride in their heritage. Some will say, "This is where my family comes from and still resides." Or, "It was my forebears attitude then, but it isn't mine now." The thing is, that noone want to be punished for their beliefs or the beliefs of their family, past or present. I have met people who were descendants of slave owners. One guy told me that he was ashamed of it(his ancestor released his slaves, but took all of their clothes leaving them naked).