I simply asked you a question. That's all. Anywho, I had less of a problem w what she said than her excuse, that was in the way it was delivered, incorrect anyhow.and even if it was historically correct, still not an excuse. She should just have apologized from the get go. It was something she apparently said a long time age. She called al roker a chocolate face on the today show in January which was just weird. Apparently the food network is letting her go after her contract is up. Not sure I agree with that.
Nothing legitimate about it Geek. I lived in the South most of my life and I find it hard to believe her excuse. Now the Food Network has fired her. That is so fast.
Remember Dr.Laura Schlessinger? She is 60+ years old when she said the n-word more than once. For the Blacks who said it out of a "term of endearment" I find it wrong too. As I said in a past thread does other Black South Africans said "kaffir" to each other? I don't think so.
That lady set a record on tape for a person to use that word so many times. Never have I heard someone say that word so often. Sure I don't know people who use that word but I was just amazed.
This is the problem with people. They want to all of sudden fit everyone to a box. Got plenty to say when they want to shit on black people. A racist lady says insulting words and they want to turn around and take a shit on all black people. :| Also, please stop trying to put black people in a box. It is a very diverse group of people. You do us a great disservice by doing that. A large portion of black people don't speak english. let alone could they get to the n-word. My mom didn't know that word until she got the united states. I have a bunch of relative who don't speak english. Black people aren't simply the ones you know of and speak english. Your problem isn't black people. It is the folks who are using the word. They come in all races and ethnicities. Period end of story.
I hear the old, "blacks say it so why can't I?" excuse all the time. Because you're not black that's why. It doesn't carry the same weight when we say it. And, we generally know blacks don't mean it, or the attitudes of being racially superior, the way whites do. Regardless of how they mean it in their hearts. How can any thinking American not understand that. Plus, if you think the word is that reprehensible, why would you want to say it anyway? Just because another group of people say it? As my mother used to say when I wanted to do something wrong that everyone else was doing, "Silly-ass boy, if they jumped off a bridge would you do that to?" What kind of mature adult uses the "They do it so why can't I" kind of logic. Or, in this case, lack thereof. Think of it like this: I'm a man. And, as a man with all the history of male domination and abuse that goes with it, chooses to call a woman a bitch, she's going to be offended. And, rightfully so. But, i hear women, both in popular culture and every day life, call each other bitches all the time and laugh about it. Women have taken a word that was meant to degrade and oppress them and turned it into a term of endearmeant and empowerment. But I, as a man, can't say it like that. And I have no problem with it cause I understand the history of the word and I understand how we as men have used the word like a weapon against women. I'm not some petulant child. I understand the meaning of the word, "context." With that said, Paula Dean apologized. Albeit awkwardly, she said she was sorry. And as long as I don't hear otherwise, I'll accept her apology and take her at her word. Move past it.
i dont accept her apology. hell this woman wanted blacks to dress up as slaves. she was also discriminating against people due to race and being jewish. the only reason she is apologizing is because of that bank is getting hit
whoa! my point wasn't to shit on black people at all. my point is, everyone wants to come down on the ww because she said the n word. i of all people would never but all black people in a box, this is coming from an ex-con/d-boy who is now living the corporate america life. you are right, my problem is all people who use it and the fact they want to make a big deal about this lady using the word, even so much so to not renew her tv contract. i mean come on, the people who made the decision to not renew her contract prolly used the word just last week. people these days want to make a big deal out of nothing versus worrying about their own lives. the whole rick ross losing reebox over a song still pisses me off.
Why didn't Paula Dean lie? Why didn't Paula Dean lie? No one has proof that she did otherwise? 11 yrs at Food Network is at stake! She is not Mark Furman
How awkward for this man: During a talk at the New York Times, Paula Deen discusses her family's history and her great-grandfather who used to own 30 slaves She justifies her extreme views by stating 'we're all prejudiced against one thing or another.' Then, she forces an African-American colleague of hers to come up on stage in an effort to display her liberal views.
She was born in 1947. Jim Crow Laws were in effect up until the mid 1960's. So she would have been raised during the South's 'Separate but Equal' laws/times.
Her depo is public under the FOIA. When she replied “Yes, of course, it’s been a very long time.” she was under oath. So not a slip, nor her being unaware to others being shunned when they have mouthed it. Regardless, the fallout has jeopardized her Southern Cooking Empire, no question. She was/is everywhere, she has a book out next month, her restaurant is in a chain of Casinos, she sells on QVC, heck, I even purchased one of her heavy-assed cast iron skillets once. It rusted. This could have been an opportunity for some real discussion in America, but per usual, it's digressed to 'us vs them', and the opportunity for dialogue appears lost once again.
I know that. Seriously, of course I do. As i explained before. Shit like that still happens. I was speaking of specific things that was used in her excuse she was not really 'raised with'. In the since as she used it her excuse. I think its a wildly crazy excuse.
?? I was NOT even responding to her 'excuse'. I was responding to when you wrote... Wait, I don't get the math to work. She is 66 years old. So she could not have been raised w separate restaurants for white and black and black men and women in the back of the bus. ..and that ONLY.
I should have been clearer with that comment. If you talk to people her age vs people that are, say just 20 years older, in general, there is an huge difference in how that era, laws and rules were perceived as well as views of black people by contemporary whites. There is an reason that we were able to finally abolish some of the heinous rules and laws. There is a big difference between say, the 40s and the 60s in general 'racial' awareness. Had she been much older, I would probably be more inclined to buy her 'excuse' she is too young for that imo. Unless she really is racist and then all that noise she is making is moot. That is my point. She is a racist, where she realizes it or not.
in any case no matter when she was born or anything ..there is no excuse for discriminating against anyone unless they just dont have the needed skill set.
Ok, I see your point what you meant..I took your "raised with" literally to mean, 'raised' in her formative years up to young adult (and when segregation was deeply entrenched)....and not the bulk of her life which was as you said, after America's ever-growing racial awareness. Trust me though, I am in total understanding (agreement) on the wild excuse part.
This black man has probably been a "yes man "employee associated with her business empire for some time....the security of a steady paycheck can even times buy soul-selling coorporation.....It looks pitiful but, this is a case of.. "You never bite the hand that feeds you".......