France and Italy are a litmus for government and how they handle the food consumed by the people. I believe in personal accountability but not when something clearly wrong with the system. 100 million people lack personal accountability fam? What do you think of people who can't make ends meet in this economy, even those who work. Is it their fault entirely or do you think that a system that rewards greed and allows those with money to take advantage of people needs to be fixed?
Because America is LAZY. Always looking for an easy fix! I'm the worlds worst eater (fast foods, cheese cake, candy, honey buns) so I should be obese, right?? You're making this about healthy eating when it's about choices.
But you are adding to the bs notion that its completely on them. Do they have some responsibility? Absolutely but its not all on them. You "make" the system work for you within the parameters of your circumstances. You are in way better position than most to make healthier choices because the choice is more available to you. Just by having a decent job and a car puts you in a far better position than most.
And what do you think is the cause of the laziness Stiz? American people are born with a lazy gene that the rest of the world doesn't posses? Does that sound right to you? And like I said I do agree people in this country should exercise more but then you have to ask why don't they? What makes a citizen in St. Louis Missouri drive every where and eat bad shit while a person in Windsor Canada exercises more and doesn't eat as much bad choices. Its not like we're talking about a few people here were talking tens of millions.
What does the system, greed, money, France, and making ends meet have to do with a person getting off their ass and walking, running, doing squat thrust, shadow boxing, doing push ups, or doing crushes?? All that's free. (I know it's a run on sentence)
Never mind fam like I said its far easier to blame victims than to fix problems that is the major problem with this country. Its the reason the poor get demonized and why kids who get shot go through character assassinations. I know it all seems unrelated but I'm more of a big picture guy.
"BS notion that it's completely on them"?? If we're not responsible for our own actions, who is?? Our choices are completely on us...good or bad. A decent job and car do make it easier for me, however even when I was making $10/hr I still ate this way and I still exercised! Your argument just doesn't hold true imo. It really comes down to what you want from your life...determined indiviuals will always make the system work for them (and this can be done without stepping on anyone else, so don't even go there!).
Nah you just like playing the role of the fake arm chair militant guy. So do you hold yourself accountable for the people offing themselves by jumping off roofs in china because of their piss poor working conditions and dirt cheap wages being paid just so your able to talk shit and bullshit on the internet via the technology your using all day long?
Actually yes I fucking do smart guy. I've said it several posts we all wear suffering every t-shirt own every pair of shoes I wear is someone elsewhere sufferings i'm wearing so you know what I did I started buying more American made stuff or shopping at thrift stores for some of my clothes. Am I perfect? Hell no but I don't pretend to be. Good try though keep trying chump.
So basically people should just accept that healthy living requires far more effort than unhealthy eating not just because of choice but also because of bs inconvience? You don't see a problem there? Why should good healthy food be harder to come by? We live in a community/society and its not all on you alone. If we want to play that game then let's say fuck it and do it wild wild west style. Every man for himself. I got my gun.hope you got yours.
My boy rebuilt me one but I see where you're going with this since the parts were made in China. What's your point though fam?
You failed to answer the question, should you be held accountable for the millions of peoples suffering for your everyday comfort? Its a simple yes or no. After all you see the bigger picture.... by the way, how's your search for missing persons of color going?
I said yes already and since I hold myself accountable I look for other ways to meet my needs as much as my budget and circumstances will allow. I don't lead searches for people of color. What's your point?
If you're going to support a cause, support it 100%. Lol just saying. Remember when you mentioned buying "the bar"??? Wasn't it like $5xxx??? That would have bought a lot of healthy food, right??? Point being, you made that "choice" (damn, there's that word again). That's also 6 straight years at someone's fitness center assuming it $70 a month. My point, stop making excuses. There is more than 1 route to reach a destination.
First off in terms of me spending that money I was young and to be honest was doing really well at the time and wanted to show it. As far as supporting something 100% I don't know if that's truly possible. Even food given at food banks are processed by people here illegally so its easier said than done. Also I never said there were singular paths to.success or failure but its important to recognize systematic road blocks because even I'm ok it doesn't mean I should turn a blind eye to those who aren't. You go skype? We should get a group chat going at some point.
I'm torn by the AMA's decision to categorize obesity as a disease. It does seem like an excuse for many who simply are too lazy to change their lifestyle. "I'm sick, I can't lose weight. Don't you know obesity is a disease - not my fault." But, on the other hand, I'm reluctant to just toss this up to poor choices. For many, like with any addiction (drugs, alcohol, tobacco), there is often an underlying issue that people seek to resolve with wrong and unhealthy solutions.
Healthy living doesn't require far more effort. That's just another excuse from those who truly have no desire to change their unhealthy ways. I understand there are some people who may have this much more difficult than others, but the majority of overweight Americans are that way because of their own choices...choices that they could change if they wanted to.
My point is your a do nothing arm chair hypocrite who drags out mudane tired arguments just for the sake of it.