AMA officially declares OBESITY a Disease

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Bliss, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Maybe it's the wake-up call this country, and even the world, needs. Help is needed. This isn't an issue of will-power anymore... hundreds of millions of people around the world can't all be this morally defective.... IMO, it's one of the most complicated mufti-factored misunderstood diseases, fueled by a systemic assault by major food/drink Corps to manipulate 2 of the 3 most inate needs to live... which is to eat and drink. Lives depends on a revolutionary way of tackling this.
  2. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Interesting article below from a Canadian university on this important issue...

    "For many years, we've looked at weight as an individual problem. It's a personal responsibility willpower, call it what you will. The general consensus still is that it is an individual problem, one that should not be medicalized," says Dr. Kirk. "Actually, there's a huge body of literature that's coming out now that says we need to look at the culture and the environment."

    Dr. Kirk is a former registered dietician and an expert on the management and prevention of obesity. The new Canada Research Chair in Health Services Research is with Dalhousie's School of Health Services Administration and is cross-appointed with the IWK Health Centre.

    "In my research I'm trying to understand what it's like for the person who has a problem to go to a doctor and then be told it's your own fault just eat less and do more activity because that's how we treat obesity. But we must also recognize that there are other things at the core, our policies need to change," she says.

    Daily life has changed so dramatically in the past 50 years that most people have little opportunity for built in activity. The western 'driving and convenience culture' is seductive. "As humans, we want to take the easy way and it's very hard to go against that," she says.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Or they can stop bullshitting and treat it for what it is a damn addiction. They put in a shit ton of chemicals into the food and then blame the consumer for not being able to resist. Its not about convince it's about mind altering chemicals like fructose corn syrup that messes with your hormones. What makes this infinitely more dangerous than recreational drugs and alcohol is you need food it can't be avoided and its available everywhere you go at any time. Nut like everything its far easier to blame victims than actually fix anything.
  4. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I read about this today from yesterday's Tribune and at first I was happy, but after reading some comments on the article, I realized that this could be an issue.

    Someone commented that basically, "fat people have an excuse now to not be self-aware. They can just blame it on the disease and not on themselves".

    I think that's a fair assessment for some obese people.

    After doing some thinking on the issue today, I just realize it's not a cut and dry issue. There are so many factors as to why obesity is such a pandemic.

    Some people overeating is just a symptom of a deeper underlying psychological issue, or a coping mechanism.

    I think we need to get to the root of the issue rather than just looking at the surface...
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    its not psychological that shit is chemical. Fucking aspartame actually causes holes in the brains of mice over a long period time.
  6. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Aspartame and the like are reasons I won't drink diet drinks. If it's not natural, your body doesn't know how to break it down properly.

    But to the other issue, not all obese people are using aspartame.

    There really IS a reason most people overeat and it involves not knowing how to deal properly with stress, etc. It's a psychological issue for some.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I would agree if our food wasn't so chemical altered. In other countries like Japan or Italy where they don't allow processed or gmo food the people aren't eating themselves to death like they are here. Its like saying drug abuse or alcoholism is psychological, which we use to think until we could start seeing how the brain is changed by this shit. We pump shitty food into people from childhood and then get morally superior with those whose body chemistry doesn't resist the addiction. Its like alcohol some people can drink two glasses of wine a day and not go overboard while some down bottle after bottle.
  8. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I agree that overeating is an addiction and yes, what we're eating and what it contains is part of the addiction. But you can't dismiss psychological reasons for overeating. Eating, especially carb-rich foods, makes us feel good - there's the chemical component. But why do we need or crave that feeling? Stress, fear, loneliness, anger....the list goes on. That's why diets alone often fail. You have to learn other coping mechanisms (healthy ones) to address the underlying issue. For many women, unhealthy food cravings are part of the monhly cycle of hormones rising & falling. And I haven't found a woman yet who is craving lettuce or broccoli when they're getting their period.
  9. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    And that's all I was getting at: for some it's a deeper issue.
  10. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    More excuses for fat ass people. Less carbs/sugar and at least 20 minutes of vigorous activity a day, your good to go. Funny no one has time for physical activities in their daily lives but have the time to post on Facebook all fucking day long. I see so many fat ass children these days its a pure shame.
  11. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Agreed. There has been a priority shift for many people who are now fat.

    I see a lot of men who are executives who have guts on them - many people are working long, long hours, and they choose vending machines or fast food restaurants for sustenance.

    There are many, many different reasons why people are obese. It's not cut and dry. Yes, there are lots and lots and lots of lazy people out there. There is no denying that.

    But then you get people who work 80 hours a week and who can blame them for not wanting to work out when they finally get home from work?

    Sometimes it's just a vicious cycle and before you know it, you wake up, it's 10 years later and you're 50 pounds heavier and you can't remember where the time went.

    Obesity is a complex issue with many factors.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thenthe why wasn't obesity a problem in the 60s and 70s when we had carbon rich foods then and women still got their periods? Think about it when you were a teenager did you see as many fat teenagers as there are today? I know I didn't and shit was convenient then too.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Now if I said this motherfuckas would be craving blood lol.
    Sometimes its easier said than done especially if your starting point is 60lbsto overweight. The results don't come quick enough and people give up. The shit can be incredibly frustrating and when you're hurting guess who's there to make you feel better? Food.
  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You can also post to FB on a treadmill. On a stationary bike. In between sets...
  15. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Food was simpler then and much if it made from scratch. Fast food places weren't nearly as prolific then. And kids were more active. We played outside, not with video games.
  16. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    There are a lot of things that play into this obesity problem we have today. Society has changed tremendously since I was a youth. Lack of physical activity and serving sizes being the bulk of the issue.
    Now imagine the large soda and fries with it. People used to eat half of that for a meal. And physical technology has cut our necks. Jobs require less movement, escalators, elevators, ect. I remember when "I" was the remote for the TV. You didn't call your friend, you walked/biked there. We actually "played" outside. (Foot racing, hide n seek, climbed trees, dodge ball, jumped rope, hop scotch, basket ball, tether ball, kick ball). People are systematically lazy now. I'm fit because I choose to be. Being discipline is the key. I understand it harder for some. Some people are genetically thick (not obese, there's a difference). So be it if you have to do a little extra, do it. It's all one big choice. (Exceptions: medicines, physically impaired). Just my (3) cents.
  17. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    In a modern-day democracy which protects her freedoms to choose fiercely.....In a nation which is driven by free market capitalism with the freedom to entice consumers at all in the hell can fix what people choose to almost sound like you are buying into some of your mayor's ideology.........People who let the themselves become obese put a premium on how things have to taste and the problem starts there......I can't tell how many years I have been pleading with so many members of my family to cut back on the soul food: Put down the fried foods, the ribs, the sodas, the pastries and sweets in the evenings.....Try some oatmeal with blue berries in the morning, get into grilled white meats... make raw spinach, raw broccoli, and raw tomatoes a staple in your diet, try juicing several times a week,... drink more of fresh water.......the secrets to a lean health body are right there, but my people won't listen.....things have to satisfy their taste now, years later all these family members are overweight with blood pressure, diabetes and on medication......
    Human organs are not made to last forever, the variable is that they can begin to fail early according to your have to take the premium off of how things have to taste and help by lightening their load with your choices........
  18. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    OMG. That's another thing. How many people eat out at restaurants nowadays? Restaurants are always busy because people don't have time to cook now. And restaurant portion sizes are 2-3 times larger than what they should be and who splits their meals in half and eats it the next day?

    They teach you that in Weight Watchers. If you go to a restaurant, when you get your order, immediately ask for a take home container and split your meal down the middle before you start eating.

    Thanks for bringing up portion sizes. Our eyes and stomachs are so skewed by the amount of food that's available that if we actually eat correct portions, it looks like we aren't eating enough.
  19. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    It's like that old adage: you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.
  20. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Another bullshit excuse lazy people use. The time it took for you to ready your family up, drive to the restaurant, sit down and figure out what everyone is eating, you could of been feasting on supper at home.

    This dude told me its cheaper for him to feed his family on McDonalds then to buy groceries, I told him motherfucka you just don't know how to shop.

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