teenager choked by police for looking at them

Discussion in 'In the News' started by goodlove, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Black 14-year-old Carrying a Puppy Tackled and Choked by Police for Giving Them a "Dehumanizing Stare"


    May 30, 2013 |

    New cell phone footage shows Miami-Dade Police officers aggressively pinning an unarmed teen to the ground while choking him. His alleged crime: giving the officers “dehumanizing stares” and “clenching his fists.”

    Fourteen-year-old Tremaine McMillan says he was feeding his puppy and playing on the beach with some friends when cops riding ATVs approached him and asked what he was doing. The "peacekeeping" officers say they saw McMillan roughhousing with another teenager, told him it was “unacceptable behavior,” and asked where his mother was. When McMillan walked away, they chased him on ATVs, jumped out, pinned him to the ground and arrested him. According to police reports, McMillan “attempted to pull his arm away, stating, 'Man, don't touch me like I did something.'" See footage of the incident, captured by McMillan's mother:

    McMillan says he obeyed orders, and was leading the officers towards his mother when they jumped him. The teen adds that he was holding and feeding his puppy at the time, who got injured during the encounter.

    “I don’t like it. I feel sad. He got in front of me on the ATC and he slammed my hand,” McMillan said. “Then he started choking me. Then my 6-week old Pit Bull mix named Polo got hurt and bruised his front paw when the police grabbed me and slammed me down. It makes me feel sad.”

    Miami-Dade Police Detective Alvaro Zabaleta justified the use of force, saying McMillan was exhibiting threatening “body language,” which includes “clenched fists.” McMillan adamantly denies this charge because, well, he was holding a puppy.

    “Of course we have to neutralize the threat in front of us,” said Zabaleta. “And when you have somebody that is being resistant, somebody that is pulling away from you, somebody that’s clenching their fist, somebody that’s flaring their arms, that’s the immediate threat.”

    McMillan’s mother, Maurissa Holmes saw the incident and recorded it on her cell phone. She told WSVN-TV, "I ran over there and said, 'That's my son, that's my son. Can you get off of him? He can't breathe.'

    Police charged McMillan with resisting arrest, a felony, and disorderly conduct. The teen’s attorney entered a plea of not guilty for his client and asked the court to reconsider the charges. The judge did not grant him his request.

    McMillan’s 6-week old puppy, who suffers an injured front paw, did not make the police report.

    “At this point we are not concerned with a puppy,” said Zabaleta.

    oh come on really?
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Your link won't open for me (it just lags)

    Reading this made my blood boil. Effing Gestapo. 14 yrs old holding a puppy, and they felt threatened?? They are useless! Go fight real crime. God, feel so helpless to protest this. :(
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  4. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Miami dade police in my opinion seem to be a bunch of gangsters(not all of them). I'm not trying to be mean but everyone knows they aren't the niciest of the police departments.
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    show me a cop and I will show you a thug
  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    TY GL, I saw just stills, but good enough. Some of those comments..simply sickening. :(

    'Funnily' ironic.. to the cops, 'dehumanizing' stares > dehumanizing treatment.
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You asked....

    And all they were doing, was kissing in public...:smt120


    Out of control egos much??!
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    damn....but they want us to help them out when some cop killer is on the loose
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    lets not get it twisted Im not for cop killing but you cant be on our side when you are fucking us over over dumb shit or just because yoiu you wear a badge
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Another black kid getting mistreated by the cops. And America isn't racist? Word?
  11. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    No. Fooking. Way.

    With the couple?
    Not one of the three people who ended up arrested did anything that required that amount of force. Not one thing.
    Wow...mind. blow.

    As for the teenage boy.
    I mean, really? MD has nothing better to do than tackle and arrest 14 year olds being 14 year olds? And with a puppy nonetheless.

    I think we are heading toward 1984 30 years to late if this doesn't let up.
  12. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    What the hell did I just watch?

    And on the op topic. Wtf?!

    In wish I could say I'm surprised by the comments, sadly, I'm not. Just a fucking wtf to assholey people.
    Also, 'We are not concerned about the puppy' of course you are not, because it shows you were completely out of line. Fucking assholes. FUCK! Argh, pisses me off.
  13. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

  14. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    This transcends racism, the US Government has it's foot on the populations neck regardless of ethnicity. The police are just the strongarm of a self-serving government hell bent on power. This is yet another reason why Americans should demand the right to bear arms. Police are human beings just like everybody else, prone to error and poor judgement. We the people should be able to protect ourselves against these human beings just as any other.

    To serve and protect who? I much rather protect myself than have to rely on these self righteous gangsters. Hell, I much rather protect myself against these self righteous gangsters.

    Black Panthers got this one right.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Tell that to delusional jack asses who think no citizens should be armed. Soft headed idiots who swear everyone with a legal gun is itching to do a spree killing.
  16. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Don't get me wrong, I am not a violent person at all. But, when it comes to protecting myself and my loved ones, well.,. how does the quote go?

    "By any means necessary"

    I've witnessed enough injustices from those sworn to uphold it that I've long abandoned faith in their intention or ability to "serve and protect" me. It is our rights, not as Americans, but as human beings to protect ourselves from those who pose a threat to our wellbeing, whether they are some common street thug or a government protected thug with a badge. It is a shame we have allowed ourselves to believe otherwise.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Because cowards rather not get their hands dirty. In every corrupt regime the police are used to abuse the weak and if people haven't been paying attention wake up our regime is corrupt.
  18. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

  19. Resurrected Fear

    Resurrected Fear New Member

    We have some good cops and some bad. Imo the only good cops are the ones who stay stationed in bad neighborhoods, they actually have their mind right. These other guys rolling around pedestrian neighborhoods looking to do anything to add some more money to their paycheck are pathetic.

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