Human beings are fucked. We are just disgusting creatures that the earth can do without. We truly are a cancer. The fact that the most innocent amongst can pick on a disabled child and find amusement says everything that needs to be said. Especially when we penalize those who defend the weak but hey if it ain't happening to me who cares right.
You can be assured I would have done the same damn thing! No, no, no. Hard work, determination, dedication, perseverance...those are all things I teach my children. I refuse, however, to allow them to walk on others to try and reach their goals. You have to look at the bigger's not JUST about getting what you want in life. You have to LIVE with your decisions. Too many people have that "screw the world" attitude, and they'll take advantage of anyone to get what they want. That's what's WRONG with the world today, so why on earth would you advocate raising the next generation that same way??
Luckily schools don't get sued over here that often at all which is why it put the fear of god into them. I also spoke to the mother if the boy and she gave my kids tips on how to not upset him. As for the do whatever it takes part, well that's not how I live my life and that's not how I want my children to live. Thoughtfulness, kindness and treating others the way you would like yourself to be treated is my philosophy in life and its what my children are learning. That's not to say that my kids are walk overs and cannot stand up for themselves, it means to seek a peaceful path in life. I want them to have peace within and I don't think your solution is one that will bring that.
Exactly! We can teach our children to be goal oriented and successful without making them into selfish monsters.
this has been going on since i was in grade school if you got bullied and told the teacher, NOTHING happened to those little bad ass mothafuckas so you ended up fighting them and getting suspended :smt108 nothing has changed at all bad ass kids need to be separated so that real mothafuckas who WANT to learn and do well and go to a good college can have an easier path
You guys are living in the past. The days of work hard and persevere are dead and gone. Look around out there. Smart hard working college kids with degrees half a 50%more unemployment rate and yeah they can go into medicine or technology bit how many of those jobs do you think will be around in a decade. It will be a cut throat society the likes of which have never sustained been imagined. Playing nice is no longer an option. Be as sunny and optimistic as you want but the opportunities that have been available for you to live your lives the way you are are vastly disappearing and no amount of positive thinking can change that. The better technology gets the less your services will be needed no matter how talented or hard working you are.
Lol then those parents will bitch about their kids being stigmatized and being unfairly labeled. This is where I am for cameras being everywhere even bathrooms now. Catch motherfuckas in the act and punish as eagerly as possible. No exceptions. You put your hands on another student that's your ass period.
Basically, and we will succeed. Keep doing what you're doing Raider, raise those kind and thoughtful adults
nursing, medical doctors, pharmacists..ALL of those professions will be around and in demand (especially MD..since the upper class makes SURE that profession is cutoff to the vast majority)....long after we're all dead they really have no shelf-life....which is why you see more and more men going into nursing schools, along with harder programs like comp sci and engineering still short on students if i had to wager, id say you had an easier chance going into a clinical healthcare profession after graduation, than you would going into engineering or computer programming market wise
I think it's easy to presume how you'd raise your childen, but let's talk when you actually have some. Being responsible for raising a couple of human beings from birth, to something I take very seriously. It's my job to raise them to be decent people, not just successful robots. I get where you're coming from, but I think your take on things is what's wrong with some parents today. It's the "the world is coming to an end anyways, so fuck everyone else" attitude. I can't get down with that, no matter how many ways you try to spin it.
Those ps announcements on tv on bullying are a joke if schools are too chicken to defend the ones who fight back.
i know, right? sad shit growing up in grade school...we had around 1 or 2 boys that were just notorious to everyone in the grade for years upon years truth be told, they should have been expelled a long time ago they were jumping kids, robbing them on the way home, all kinds of criminal shit..but they were still allowed to attend/be outside juvie
Well hopefully your kids figure it out on their own because with all due respect although I don't have kids I pay attention to the world and what your saying is like if they told us the only way to impress employers and co workers was to know our bible verses which probably worked at a point but has no application today. I know I come across as a pessimist but I just pay attention to what's happening and I see zero signs of things getting better for the common person.
Because schools aren't about teaching kids its about keeping people employed. That's nearly all civil service at this point. We don't care of kids get a good education we just want them off the streets.
You've watched one too many terminator movie my friend. I will wait until you have children to see if you change your mind about how you will bring them up. It's quite different when you are actually shaping a human being compared to just talking about it
Shit is bonkers kid We got kids fighting the teachers in the halls One counselor got attacked on the train and died Then you got the guy who sucker punched that teacher on YouTube
You don't read enough my friend. This has nothing to do with having kids its about seeing the writing on the wall. Be prepared for a world where either most jobs are either outsourced and/or automated and the only way to get ahead is to slang that crack rock or have a wicked jump shot. I would give my life right this this second for it not to happen but its coming.
Minority kids born in this country are done. As long as they can make money selling drugs or have bs fantasies about entertainment they will never change.