If you want to improve your mental health... ... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/...h-study_n_3390676.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular
i saw that too. i was just about to post that. I think it is a bullshit study. when you read the story deeply...it seems to have definite flaws in it.
Hey now...don't knock the results! Most studies are flawed to some extent, IMO. I think I agree with the findings in this one though. In my experience, the people I know who are more open sexually tend to be more confident in their own skin, and definitely more secure in their relationships (as the study suggested). The vanilla people that I know are the ones who tend to be high strung, all over the place emotionally, and lacking a certain level of confidence (not just in relationships, but in their every day life). Could just be a coincidence, but I can see a pattern. Those vanilla peeps are the ones I worry about, not the kinky dudes!!
At least it doesn't say that those who have consensual sex within the realms of married sex are mentally defective. *rolls eyes* ...oh....wait.. *unrolls eyes*
I think I want to marry you. You have to come after Tarshi, though. She's first on my list. Oh, and some outrageously funny chicka I don't personally know from Facebook. Then you.
I'm not too proud for third place! I am competitive though, so I'm going to shoot higher........yes, my goal will be to slide in second Outrageously-funny-chicka-from-Facebook........challenge extended
You should probably know before you accept an official proposal..I'm a practicing BDSM (nutcase) submissive But that's all good, right? Because contrary to popular consensual reality..it's the 'nillas you actually have to worry about.
...Yes. I think this is the last change for a while. By which I mean probably until tomorrow afternoon lol. It was time for a change. The dawg was making me miss football season too much.
Purely for educational reasons: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kayt-sukel/bdsm_b_1554310.html Myth: BDSM is violent. Tristan Taormino, a sex educator and author of The Ultimate Guide to Kink: BDSM, Role Play and the Erotic Edge, says that 9 times out of 10, media portrayals of BDSM link it to violence and crime. Joe, a friend of a friend who organizes a BDSM date night for over 100 people, says that is one of the stereotypes that bother him the most. "The mantra for BDSM is safe, sane and consensual. With an emphasis on consensual," he told me. "But there are so many different shades of non-vanilla sex out there. Everyone has their own flavor -- what my kinks are may not be the same as everyone else." ...There is a pervasive notion that BDSM must be linked to past abuse. Again, the science does not support this idea at all. As for the pain aspect of BDSM (not all of it involves pain) "It's unpredicted stimuli that really fires up those dopamine receptors and gives you all that pleasure," she says. "So by exploring new things, including role play and BDSM, couples can re-engage the brain's reward centers, which may be habituated to doing the same kind of sex play over and over again." This is just one of many articles that debunk the myths surrounding spiced sex. I've read many stories as of late (on a different website) about people who have been outed. They still face loss of job and condemnation as a whole in the community. One teacher from the New York State said that he would be put on a list of sexual offenders and be known as a spousal abuser (it's CONSENSUAL sex acts between his wife and himself) as well as face up to five or more years in prison regardless of what his wife has to say on the matter. Let me just highlight that by saying that here, in our district, a local man was sentenced to 6 months in jail for kidnap and rape of a minor. But mister New York dude will spend up to 5 years in jail for safe, sane and consensual. Sure. The nillas are definitely more balanced than the spiced.
Great points...especially the bolded part. I think many people tend to pass judgement on what they don't understand, instead of just letting consenting adults live their lives as they see fit.
You know what I don't understand? Maths. Hate it with a passion. Know what I don't do? Call astrophysicists "mentally unbalanced." Uh huh. True story.