Moms Are Breadwinners and the men on fox are mad

Discussion in 'In the News' started by goodlove, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Moms Are Breadwinners and the men on foxnews are mad

    Single Moms: Pew Research Center Finds That Moms Are Breadwinners In 40 Percent Of Households

    Moms are bringing home the bacon.

    According to a new report from the Pew Research Center, a record number of mothers are the breadwinners in U.S. households.

    Based on an analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau, Pew found that 40 percent of households with children under the age of 18 include mothers who provide the sole or primary source of income for the family, up from just 11 percent in 1960. They attribute this growth to the increasing number of women in the workforce.

    And the majority of these breadwinning moms are single parents: 63 percent -- or 8.6 million -- are single mothers, and 37 percent (5.1 million) are married mothers who out-earn their husbands.

    However, the two groups differ greatly in income; the median total family income for homes with married mother breadwinners was nearly $80,000 in 2011, compared to $23,000 for families led by a single mother.

    Pew also found that married mothers who out-earn their husbands tend to be older, white and college educated, while single mothers are more likely to be younger, black or Hispanic and less likely to have a college degree.

    Not all are happy about the strides women have made in the workplace; Pew surveyed 1,003 people and found that many are worried about how this will impact families. Seventy-four percent of those polled said that women's increased presence in the workforce has made it harder for parents to raise children, and half said that it makes it harder for marriages to be successful.

    The public is also divided about single mothers: 64 percent of those surveyed said that the increasing number of single mothers in the U.S. is a "big problem," though that percentage is down from 71 percent in 2007. And young adults are less concerned about single moms than older adults; 42 percent of adults under 30 view the growing number of single moms as a big problem, compared to 65 percent of adults in their 30s and 40s and 74 percent of adults aged 50 and older. Republicans (78 percent) are also more likely than Democrats (51 percent) to view this trend as a big problem.

    Are you surprised by these findings? Let us know in the comments, then click through the slideshow below for celebrity single moms we love.
    Megan kelly goes off on the men on the lou dobbs show


    melissa harris perry on the foxnews debate over the issue


    are the men on foxnews correct in that single moms and women who work outside the home and not being stay at home are destroying the country? are they hurtful to fiber of america?
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2013
  2. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Mika said something about it on Morning Joe. She could not believe such men say those things.
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    oh yeah, those guys are catching hell right now
  4. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    I was the sole breadwinner for the last 5 years of my marriage. I don't think my working outside the home is destroying the country. If anything, I view it as setting (what I consider) a good example for my kids...showing my daughter (and my son) that women are capable of being both a mother and a working professional. I definitely agree that it can put a strain on a marriage though.

    The fact that the median income for a single mom is $23,000 is astounding. I honestly don't know how women manage to support an entire household on that salary? I'm sure it's easier in some parts of the country, but where I'm from that would only cover rent for the year...and yet single parents are figuring out a way to make it work. I know a few single moms who don't make much more than $25,000/yr and they're managing to balance school on top of being responsible for their children and their households. They recognize that it's not realistic to try and support an entire household on $25,000/yr, and they're working diligently to improve their situations. Not sure how someone could see that as "hurtful to the fiber of America".
  5. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I didn't watch the vids, but the men who think single moms in the work force is ruining the country: how are they expected to raise a family if they don't earn an income? I don't hear of (m)any single moms who are independently wealthy.
  6. ArmyRanger

    ArmyRanger Member

    I have a hard time understanding these debates sometimes.

    Being in the military, some of the strongest officers I've ever met in my life has come from single parent homes and were raised by their mothers. Guys with strong characters and moral values. Many of them go out of their way to make sure THEIR kids aren't raised like they were and become great family men.

    I think the only reason many women work who have young kids is because they have to. I think if you ask most women, many would love to be able to stay at home and raise their kids, especially when they are young.
  7. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    It would be one thing if the Pew research said women earned the most money in a household with two working adults.

    But isn't the Pew stat pointing out that single women are raising their kids alone in 4 out of 10 households???

    When you step back that's a crazy stat about single mothers and absentee fathers.

    Nearly half of all households in America are run by a single parent, or only one who's working.

    I'd like to know the historical trends of that single working mother stat.
  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    funny right

    should be more like 'absentee/deadbeat' dads destroying the country by making their baby mumma work
  9. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    wouldnt call it crazy

    this shit is the NORM

    it's OK for a man to leave his wife/girlfriend with a kid that he wants no parts of...hell this shit is even acceptable to a certain degree

    shit..if you really wanna go can say that it's ALRIGHT for a man to divorce/leave his woman WHILE preggo with his damn kid :confused:

    women were/are expected to rear children....lots of people think moms are better parental figures in general anyway
  10. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    cosign on all. I also saw that those guys were threatened by women making more than them. they also discussed women should be staying home to rear the kids because the kids would be better off.

    now that is some serious sexist stuff there. why cant the man stay home. he could do just as good a job as the mom if not better
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i personally think that men...stay at home dads in particular, should be JUST as offended as the women who get chastised for going to work

    some men would rather stay home, raise the sports with them, play playstation..all that stuff that you cant do if you work sun up, sun down

    how can you blame a kid's growth on them like that

    you wonder why men run away or think they're horrible fathers

    you got dinosaurs like Lou Dobbs telling them they stink as parents
  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    yeah, I tell you I loved taking a day off and hanging with my daughter...well before she went to school. She is a nerd and if you try to take her out of school you are gonna catch hell for it.

    anyway, I would have the best time hanging out with her. she ran me till death but it was cool. I had tea parties and dress dolls with her. all kinds of stuff. it was great.

    now, she is 11 and she tries to have adult convo sometimes with me. its great and she still runs me till death...especially at the park.
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    and i bet you'd be willing to lay out (in a non violent way of on probation:smt043) anyone who'd tell you that men couldn't be good parents like that

    im sure ur daughter loves u to death and that your care for her will nurture her into a beautiful woman
  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    LOL. hell yeah, I will kill a brick for her. LOL

    man , i think she knows she has daddy wrapped around her finger. LOL

  15. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    yep. all day
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    he's such a tool

    i mean come on..even tho he wasnt heckling men when it comes to parenting directly, he still insulting them by clinging onto women's roles
  17. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    My ex has been a stay at home dad since we had our son 5 years ago. He catches hell from most people about it because they feel he should be following regular gender roles. He's a crazy good dad, and I think he's a better father because he spends his time raising our kids. Doing homework, preparing meals, chauffeuring the kids to sports/dance, volunteering at school, etc. They go to the park everyday, Legoland a few times a week, the library, etc. He knows our kids like the back of his hand...not all fathers get the opportunity (or want the opportunity) to be that involved with their kids. Being a stay at home patent is respectable regardless of which parent chooses to take that role.
  18. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    on point there. he will be sick as a dog when they go to school fulltime. or are they doing that now?
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    but see that's the fun stuff that you get to do when you have young kids like that

    why look down on a man spending time period with his kids, as bad as shit is?

    this country is bananas love to hang out with kids (my kids..ahem..if i had em), watch them play sports, play the game with them..hit up legoland or whatever

    it's a fun bonding time....and lou dobbs can eat a dick
  20. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Our baby girl is 8 so she's in school FT (out for the summer in about a week)...and our son just turned 5 a week he starts school in August. That's when my ex will have some sort of breakdown, I'm sure! It really is a lot of work being a stay at home parent...that's why I keep the legoland/seaworld/zoo/wild animal park passes paid for lol! He'd go nuts if they were couped up in the house all day (they're active youngins...not really ones to want to stay indoors and watch tv). I am secretly a little excited (hopeful) that he'll get a part time job once school starts back up in August cause this mama's dying trying to keep up two households and all their extra-curricular activities lol. Could use a little :smt100 !


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