2 million protest MONSANTO. Media quiet..?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Bliss, May 29, 2013.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Amazing. Not.

    Two million people marched around the world in 450 cities.
    Did you hear it as headline news? No.

    President Obama quietly JUST signed into law protection for Monsanto from prosecution. What??

    He has approx 30 former Monsanto employees on his Govt payroll, including in the FDA.

    Pretty soon, the genetic component of all original food will be eliminated and MONSANTO will be our food source. They have bought hundreds of thousands of food acres in North Africa and Libya.

    It was predicted the world will go to war over food. It's probably about to happen.

    Companies now are scrambling to find NON-GMO for their products because they smell a backlash from the buying public. They are even going overseas to find food supplies to make their food products, because GMO is so rampant here...

    Ugh, and our bees....are dying... thanks to Monsanto and their Ortho chemical. If they die, we pretty much will follow. People are clueless how dependent we are on them for our survival..
    Last edited: May 29, 2013
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    All we can do is wait at this point. Smdh
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    No way. We can't. The genetic seed/ DNA of our food is at stake. We have lost corn forever, apparently. There is no or close to none natural corn seed available in the largest grower country, which is Mexico.

    This why 2 million people protested this weekend. No more waiting. The food companies have been put on notice...they better do a u-turn.
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    How can we fight them
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    guess the time is coming where mankind will usher in its own destruction

    this planet has limited resources and someone has to have predicted that someday, our numbers will be greater than our means of survival

    i kinda see why companies are trying to come up with more effective ways of sustaining a growing population

    but you can't ignore the side effects

    reminds me of those science fiction movies (or..say china), where birth rates are controlled by the government

    someday this planet will look like one big hong-kong high rise slum
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Like I said..Companies now are scrambling to find NON-GMO for their products because they smell a backlash from the buying public. They are even going overseas to find food supplies to make their food products, because GMO is so rampant here...

    You start with your food companies. You sign the petitions, you get the word out.

    Did you know about the law Obama just signed, WITH the full approval of Congress I might add..ONLY because they didn't realize it was snuck in at the last minute in another bill/

    Section 735:

    Obama Slammed For Signing So-Called 'Monsanto Protection Act'


    5 Appalling Facts About The Monsanto Protection Act Obama Signed Into Law (GMO Heaven)

    The best action is to EDUCATE yourself on Monsanto and this bill as you do your latest phone, TV show, Movie, etc....We cant eat paper (money), we can't drink mud...this isn't the time to say 'oh well, that sucks, ohh look at the new Escalade or Coach bag, much more easy on the brain!!"

    Get on your entertainers to speak up/out, make blogs/threads/posts online, even if you think no one is listening, fuck it, they can thank you later when they're able to eat real food that wont destroy their cells and make them wonder why their kids are sick.
    All it takes in one in the crowd to do something and if they then get one in the crowd....

    This past weekend protest started as one line on FB-
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    One email or one phone call...to both your Senators. Do you know their names?

    Food Fights
    Forget the Farm Bill: New York Legislators Push for GMO Labeling


    By Sydney Brownstone Wed., May 29 2013 at 9:00 AM

    In case you missed it: Twin bills are currently moving through the New York State Senate and Assembly requiring the labeling of genetically modified foods. After Prop 37 was shot down in California last year, New York's might seem like a fruitless effort against a monolithic biotech lobby, but it's part of a renewed effort to address the issue nationwide--New York is now one of 27 states that have introduced legislation to regulate GMOs.
  9. 1449225

    1449225 Well-Known Member

    Didn't see any of this on the news,and wouldn't have none about the protests had you not said anything. You can't expect Faux news to be unbiased.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Do you pay attention to my posts? I've addressed this already and I've come to the conclusion most people are aware and wont do shit about it until its far too late. They wont boycott and they wont revolt. As long as Idol is on and they can play with their ipad the bast majority will just throw their hands up and say fuck it. Im not trying to be a downer but I see zero fight in the people I mean absolutely nothing. Just a bunch of griping and finger pointing. Obama this congress that damn the corporations but absolutely no movement. Occupy was the worlds biggest joke the youth are lazy and pathetic and the adults are fucking cowards. They'll allow an ass fucking as long as they can watch tv as it happens.
  11. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Um, with your 26,000 posts, did you really write that first line? :smt105

    So no, I don't. But I read this one.... and I'm going to ask you again... what are your Senators names? WITHOUT Googling. Nah, you can Google, if it means you will now know them!

    Here's some help. http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

    Now stop whining about those who don't do sheit and YOU do it. You may inspire others TDK.

    Of course there are people who DIDN'T know (even Mr Numbers said so), so don't say people know.
    How could they know when the Media that is controlled by only FIVE Corporations (in 1980 it was 30!) would rather report on gay marriage than Monsanto protests.

    How can you say no one gives a shit when 2 million gave a shit this weekend! I give a shit. I'm not whining like you Mr Downer, now go spread the message of Monsanto and not the message of people not caring. :smt024
  13. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    I love it when you two fight. Personally, I am no longer surprised at what this country does or doesn't do.
  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    We don't fight (anymore). We debate. We even agree at times. :smt110

    And nothing is exempt behaviorally here, or anywhere anymore. It's a global disrespect and contempt Governments have for their citizens.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    My senators take soft money from corporations like Monsanto. They are bought and paid for. And you've agreed with me on my position on posts like these so its weird that you don't remember. A protest of two million is meaningless without action. No boycotts no sit ins just names on meaningless paper. I am not the kind of person to inspire anyone people will never follow a person like me. It is what it is
  16. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Some context is necessary on Monsanto, per Politifact below...

    Our ruling

    The group Grow Food, Not Lawns claimed that the budget bill "requires the USDA to approve the harvest and sale of crops from genetically modified seed even if a court has ruled against the crop as being dangerous to public safety or the environment."

    We learned from experts that the USDA issuing temporary permits for products in litigation is not new with this law. That was already the agency’s practice. And in the sugar beet case that went to court, the dispute was not over the safety of the food but the environmental review procedure.

    However, the language in the law saying the USDA "shall" issue permits escalates that policy, with one expert telling us it "compels" the agency to allow the use of disputed products while litigation proceeds. And now the USDA itself is now questioning whether that provision is enforceable.

    The Facebook claim rightly describes the effect of the new provision, but lacks some important context. We rate it Half True.

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