Stumper,if you are not from this country it happens every time a Black male is involved. Race plays a lot.
It's pretty obvious Stumper's from this country otherwise he wouldn't have played the "Al Sharpton As Race Hustler" card.......
Got to cosign this. Trayvon was a kid walking home minding his business and not bothering anybody. How would the people defending Zimmerman react to some dude looking like a drug cartel reject following them for no reason late at night. They act as though Zimmerman was in a police squad car. To Trayvon, Zimmerman looked like a potential robber or worse. "Race card" my ass. Race permeates this case. That's why racists always rally around Zimmerman.
Regardless of what happens, this will not do ANYTHING to improve race relations, especially in the South, where it seems that support is drawn by race. It's a no-win situation. Ultimately, I think he'll walk, not because of being innocent or guilty, but because of lack of concrete evidence. Way too much of it is circumstantial. The prosecution has to prove Z had malicious intent, and the defense has to prove he was in fear of his life. The murder 2 charge was only pandering to the mob at that point. Manslaughter would've stuck.
Maybe he walks. I didn't know Zimmerman couldn't be convicted of a negligent homicide/1st-2nd-3rd degree manslaughter. I hope it's not 2nd degree murder or nothing. But following a random kid at night when you're packing a loaded 9mm, a kid whom you eventually shoot dead sort of sounds like 'malicious intent' to me. I don't think the Florida DA would have taken on this case if she didn't think she could win, even in Sanford.
Since when has this whole case been about improving race relations? And why would anyone want to use this particular case to even start the process?? That makes about as much sense as people thinking that because Obama was elected twice as President he is/was some kind of miracle fix to America's Black/White race issues and racial problems in America should have somehow disappeared....:smt017
That's not malicious intent though. The defense will come back and say you can follow anybody, there's no law against it. And if he had a concealed license permit, then he wasn't breaking the law in that manner either. And if Z did follow him, why not just shoot him at that point? If there was malicious intent? Why get so close to him as to allow Martin to even initiate a struggle? And again, that's all circumstantial. Nobody knows wtf happened that night. But, for the people saying the text dump was to bias or influence a jury are missing the point entirely. The defense is doing that to indicate that Martin had a violent history, as he had been suspended from school for fighting. The pot leaf and gun ARE irrelevant though, as you won't establish, who's hand was holding the gun, the gun owner, etc.
The police told him not to follow Martin in the 911 call he made to them when reporting someone suspicious in the neighborhood. For all intent & purpose Zimmerman effectively broke the law by choosing not to obey the 911 dispatcher who told him the police were enroute & let them do their job and handle it. But since Martin was black fuck it because you know how us fucked up black people roll. Martin obviously had to be up to something and Zimmerman being an upstanding citizen was only defending his hood.....
To be fair I listened to the call again and Zimmerman did comply when he was told to stop following Martin but where I think he was ultimately negligent was not identifying himself as Neighborhood Watch. It was forseeable that Martin could take an individual following him in the night while on a cell phone as an aggressive act.
Ra, both parties (both blacks and whites) harbor racism against Trayvon. Also, Florida's judicial system is very corrupt, if the case happened in a different state, it would probably be closed by now. Also, you could even be racist against your own race and I'm sure you know this about people in your low quality society by now. We could use this particular case to improve race relations, although it wouldn't work with Obama winning the election. By the way, how are things going here? Do you and BigBrotherWise still chat everyday?
No, the police didn't tell him not to follow him. A 911 dispatcher, who is not a sworn officer, told him not to pursue. And again, you're injecting your own opinion about Z. Based on the evidence so far, you have no proof that he racially profiled, or pursued Martin because of his skin color. The whole situation makes me sick, purely because a young man is dead, in what seems to me, from a massive misunderstanding, and over reaction in fear. I do not believe Z had an intent on killing him, but horribly misrepresented himself when he walked up to Martin. Martin retaliated, the two struggled, and Zimmerman shot him. Just my opinion though.
Zimmerman didn't stop following Trayvon. Remember his last comment was, 'they always get away,' and ended the call. It was at this point Zimmerman ran after Trayvon because he lost visual contact. Armed civilians just can't follow people at night assuming they might commit a crime. Imagine if Zimmerman saw someone actually breaking into a condo?? What was Zimmerman prepared to do if he told them to stop and they didn't?? Blast all the suspects and justify his actions that he was preventing a robbery?? No, that's not how it works. You can't do that. Fact is if Zimmerman never got out of his car, none of this would have gone down the way it did. Stumper, that document dump has nothing to do with why Trayvon was shot. Zimmerman had no knowledge about Trayvon's background before he killed him, which is still irrelevant. Smoking weed?? Doesn't mean you deserve to get killed. Fought in school?? Who fucking cares?? Zimmerman is the guy who assaulted a cop and resisted arrest, but his daddy the judge got the charges dropped. I don't know what the sentencing options are in this case, but on the face of it I'd assume Zimmerman had a very good chance of being convicted of 2nd degree manslaughter, at least.
He does have a concealed license though. He is, under law, allowed to carry a firearm. It's just my opinion, but I don't think Z followed Martin with his gun drawn. I feel he wanted to ask him what he was doing in the neighborhood, since he had never seen him around. I think this is the road the defense will go down. I understand if Z stayed in his car, nothing would've happened. But he did get out, which isn't against the law either. Had a uniformed officer told him to stay put, he would be responsible for every charge that occurred after. I agree, the smoking weed picture and gun picture aren't relevant. However, if this trial goes to character content, the texts, the suspensions from school for fighting are highly relevant. It shows that Martin HAD been a fight, and in multiple instances. You can't attack or pull up Zimmermans past and use it against him, and expect the defense not to do the same against Martin.
This case could go Zimmerman's way. He could get a slap on the wrist and lose his ccw license cannot own a gun ever again. SYG would gain even more traction. More deaths like Martin's will become even more commonplace. It will all be swept under the carpet as if it never happened.
My opinion on this matter is not based any "evidence" but on straight common sense and logic. Doesn't matter if an actual police officer or a police dispatcher told him not to pursue & engage Martin. He took it upon himself to do the job of the police and follow & engage someone he though was suspicious. He was told not to do it for a reason. To avoid a possible incident with someone who may not have actually been intent on any wrong doing. Why did Zimmerman feel the need to engage Martin when all he needed to do was continue to observe what Martin was doing & where he was going? Had Martin actually been up to no good Zimmerman doing nothing more than keeping him under observation until the police came would have done more good as far as letting the police know exactly where Martin was and apprehending him, since Zimmerman was self appointed "Neighborhood Watch". What exactly was Martin doing other than walking in the neighborhood that Zimmerman thought he needed to engage him before the police arrived to deal with him? You or any other Zimmerman defender answer that question please since none of you can ever offer up any logical reason for him to do so other than Martin was young & black and therefore had every right to approach Martin just on that reason alone??