1. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Once a cheater, always a cheater.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    how long were you married?
  3. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    if you think condoms protect you totally, you ain't really fuckin. Are you guys really putting pics on this board of people eating ass, and then saying that condoms are going to protect you, like you don't even suck tongue? :lol:

    It's crazy to be swapping body fluids with someone else, then coming home and doing the same with someone you're betraying. (even if you could take herpes, hiv, cancer-causin hpv, mononucleosis, the common cold, emotional pain, etc. etc. out of the picture.) Some people can rationalize anything I guess. Life in the jungle.

    I think people who think cheating is no big deal are like those guys in 3some porn ready to tongue down the chick after she's throated the other guy's dick. Or go down on her and eat the creampie. Or if you're really horny, just fuck the other guy. I mean, it's all sex - you can't resist it right? and if noone's watching, why not? :roll:

    I have a feeling that the key to knowing if someone is going to be faithful, is like finding out anything else about them - don't ask what they're for, find out what they're against. Everyone says they're for honesty and fidelity, almost as a reflex. People are expected to say that.

    but are they disgusted and disdainful of the opposite? Or just blase? Or do they find it "glamorous"and exciting?

    Find out what people are against, what raises their ire. It's harder to fake. That's how you find out what their real attitude is toward stuff, even cheating

    Serial monogamy is the way to go, until you're just too damn old and tired and busted to move on. Then you settle :mrgreen:

    And become clingy :freehug:
  4. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    good points tdk, but keep in mind not all guys in black culture admire cheating, playerism, pimpism

    (Presuming that's what you meant.)

    We're just not as vocal as the ones who do

    Takes all kinds, tho. The pimps (and wannabees) are out there for the women who want them.

    What I hate is everyone thinking that if a black guy has anything going for him, he's not worth being with because if he can cheat, he will.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Even wack mofos like me have the option to cheat but I won't. Good things are hard to build and too easy to destroy
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You're quickly becoming one of my favorite posters!! :smt003
  8. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Will you marry me? :smt060 :p

    I can't rep you so proposing was the the next best thing. Love to hear this coming from a guy!
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    hell yeah and preventive maintenance is better than repairing
  10. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I posted the article...I didnt write it
  11. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    My bad. I thought you wrote the last couple of lines. So you didn't. But you were thinkin it....:p
  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    hell to the fuck yeah....LOL:p
  13. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    Yeah thats what they say ......I have proven that oh so wrong...
  14. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    I met him when I was 18. Was engaged for 5.5 years. Married him and divorced him 7 years later. He told me I owed him a child and I was put on this earth to recreate.....lol

    Wrong thing to tell someone who never wanted kids to begin with. Some think they can always change someone.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Damn. Would you get married again?
  16. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    I am sure I would...but they key to that is finding someone worth sharing the rest of my life with....No one has yet fit that catagory...although I haven't been single except for a few months after I returned from LA and until now ...

    Time and letting nature take its course will assit in finding that special man.....
  17. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    I think it depends on the person. I do, however, believe "once a whore always a whore" not in the sense of cheating, but if someone prostitutes themselves. Depending on the country when someone steps over that line I think it changes their mindset. In regards to cheaters, it depends on whether or not they hit rock bottom after cheating (rock bottom is normally a personal thing that only you can decide whether you are there or not). That's when people decide they aren't built for monogamy or whether they are. Granted this is only based on what a few cheater friends have told me. Me personally, I don't cheat, and am now ultimately incapable of cheating as I have given up on relationships. I hope things work out for you and that you are able to find someone who suits you. Worse comes to worse you could end up in a similar situation with you in the position of the victim.
  18. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    legit reasons ?


    Ah, infidelity. Ain't it grand? Ha, just kidding -- anyone who's done it before knows it sucks. At best, you keep your mouth shut about a one-time slip and carry on for the duration of the relationship knowing that you're a grade-A dickbag. At worst, you're having a full-blown affair and one day you wake up and three-quarters of everyone you know hates you because they found out. Not a good look, as they say.

    And yet, we persist. Well, "we" as in men, not "we" including me, but I've been there before. I've done it. But why? Why have so many of us at some point in our lives done what we all know to be the cardinal no-no in relationships? Some blame biology and our predilection to spread our genes as far and wide as possible. Technically, it's true. Reproductively speaking, indiscriminate lady boning is the most efficient way to ensure that the species flourishes. The problem is that it's been about 50,000 years since our survival was ever in question. After all, it was humans (or puffins, or penguins, I can't be sure) who invented "mating for life." Why can most men get it right, while others can't?

    What follows is a list of "reasons" why men cheat. Reason might not be the right word, because it implies a lack of control or premeditation. That said, they aren't really excuses, either, because an excuse is usually something you offer in lieu of a truer, more embarrassing explanation. What do we call them then? Good question. Without further adieu or confusion, here are the top 6 things related to why men cheat on their ladies.

    No. 6: They aren't having it as much as they'd like to

    Let's all be adults here and agree that after a certain age, we commit to someone because we like her an awful lot and need a socially defensible way to sleep with her on the regular. I'm not trying to belittle anyone's moral or religious views on the issue, nor is sex the most important part of a healthy relationship. But it is a big part, and as adults it's really what separates friendship from romantic involvement. If you're in an emotionally fulfilling but sexually inadequate relationship, it can almost be more frustrating than having no one at all. For guys unwilling to have a difficult conversation or jettison an incomplete relationship, cheating is often seen as an option.

    No. 5: They were cheated on

    If you're in high school or are just really immature, this probably makes a lot of sense. She cheated on you, but you love her too much to end it, so you figure evening the score will iron everything out. It's tempting for any guy too weak or love-drunk to make tough decisions, although never in the history of mankind has hurting someone made you feel less hurt yourself. And, fellas, here's a tip: If she cheated on you, she's probably already checked out to the point where you turning the tables isn't going to phase her much. If anything, you're just validating feelings she already had.

    No. 4: They want to know they've "still got it"

    Everyone has a deep-seated need to feel wanted and attractive, not just by their significant other, but by the public at large. That's why you clean yourself up when you're just going out with your bros, or why your ladyfriend puts on makeup even if she's just going shopping. Even the occasional harmless flirting by or with an attractive member of the opposite sex can put a little extra pep in your step, and that's fine, because it's likely your partner who will reap the benefits. For a truly insecure man, though, that won't be enough. He needs to actually score in order to feel validated. If you combine the insecurity here with the barren sexual lake beds of No. 6, it's almost (almost) understandable why some men stray.

    No. 3: They couldn't say "no"

    If we're being honest, it's not often that gorgeous women walk around waving their hoo-has in our faces and handing out open invitations for sexual intercourse. Still, I think most men have, at some point in their lives, had an attractive woman really come on strong to them. How we handle it depends on several factors, dating status presumably chief among them. Single? Great, hit it like it owes you money. Not single? You know what the answer should be, but do you have the willpower? The kind of man who gives into this kind of temptation is often less experienced with women, and despite his being spoken for, believes it to be an opportunity he can't pass up. But if you've been around the block a time or two, you see that kind of come-on for what it is: abnormal, desperate and kind of a turnoff. If it helps, you can say you couldn't blame her because you're so handsome.

    No. 2: They find their partner less appealing than before

    Sometimes in a long-term relationship, people let themselves go. Maybe she's gained a ton of weight, maybe she's developed a drinking problem or maybe she just can't seem to get her sh*t together in general. Whatever it is, the problem with familiarity is that you don't notice these things as they happen over time, the way you would with a friend or relative you don't see very often. Instead, all of a sudden, you wake up one day and realize the creature sharing your apartment is a far cry from the girl you first said "I love you" to. Again, for some men, it comes down to choosing between having a difficult (potentially fruitless) discussion or just chasing tail elsewhere.

    No. 1: The love is lost

    Here's a fun exercise if you're single: Go find an ex you truly couldn't care less about anymore, and have sex with her. Not quite what it used to be, is it? Love (or at least feelings), we learn as we get older, is a big part of what makes great sex great. Take those away, and you're just two animals humping. It's why one-night stands usually kind of suck, and why the aforementioned ex-sex is at best disappointing. When that happens, it's tempting to replace those lost feelings with the excitement that comes with meeting and bedding someone new. It's a poor substitute and, ultimately, delays the inevitable.

    So are these reasons? Explanations? Let's call them rationalizations, something between a reason and an excuse. Whatever a man tells himself (or his partner) to rationalize his infidelity, it belies the simple fact that he is involved in something in which he does not fully wish to be involved. If you feel like you're going to cheat, try to determine if it's for any of the above reasons (or something altogether different) and see if it can be resolved. If not, suck it up, be a man and get out. Cheating, above all else, is an act of disrespect and cowardice
  19. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Forgot one: They just want to experience something new and different. "I wonder what it would be like with her...."
  20. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    Like When Women do it?

    Forgot one: They just want to experience something new and different. "I wonder what it would be like with him..."


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