Rapper Eve on interracial dating: ‘Black men have been doing it for years’

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by qwils86, May 15, 2013.

  1. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    interestingly enough...the timberlands are just as much of a sexual prop as a woman's heels are

    quite a few 'timb fetishers' here

    they wanna be handled by a bm wearing a pair of brand new chukka
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    my girl bought me some for xmas. I caught the hint lol
  3. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    With a skully and army jacket? Is it a Mobb Deep fetish?
  4. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Yes they are!! Shoes are one of the sexiest parts of an outfit for men and women! :smt007:smt007
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    this mofo would be looking at his ass. LOL:p
  6. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    "Eve" needs to stfu and do what she wants to do...

    Why do black women who mix always have to:

    1. Start putting down black men
    2. Start evangelizing other black women to do the same

    The other thing is they always say "no one should care" yet they carry themselves like they want everyone to care, especially when out and about.

    For the guy it always seems about some warped form of conquest, and for the chick, some warped form of vengeance

    Get it together black girls. Black dick must truly be something else, because it has surely driven many black women straight crazy

    I still got love for them though. Though foreign-born ones are much better. Love my jamaican girls, and black latinas
  7. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    dunno TBH
  8. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    I remember reading Arsenio Hall's autobiography. He talked about his first major gig in Atlantic City. He thought he had a dressing room, but was kicked out of it because the dressing room belonged to Tina Turner. Arsenio had to go under the boardwalk to change. He said something like, " Damn, Ike must've really beat Tina's ass."
    Yes, I think black women ought to make up their minds where their opinions are in this issue. I get pissed when they go after black men in ir and do not do squat if black women do ir. Are they for it, or against it? They have to make up their minds. I have met a few black women who prefer to date white men. I'm not condemning them
  9. Stumper

    Stumper New Member

    You realizing you're contradicting yourself in the same post? You argue about black women putting black men down, and it direct contrast to that, you are putting black women down.

    Jes sayin.
  10. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    Are you sure you know the meaning of "contradicting"?

    Or perhaps you're trying to say I'm hypocritical?

    Black women put black men down like it's free. Black women that don't know a damn thing about me show me scorn just because they noticed me. No other people on earth have to deal with as much scorn from abject strangers as black men. Black women share our history, and that makes that behavior all the more reprehensible.

    If there's one thing I admire about black men specifically is their (our) ability to maintain and even succeed in spite of "swimming in a sewer" of scorn and spite that so much of society imposes on them (that is, when it heats up; right now we're in a cool period, it'll prolly heat up again tho). If there's one thing that I find most frustrating about black men is that they allow this stuff to remain 'free", without consequence, and without push-back. Irony of ironies.

    My personal opinion is that there's nothing wrong with shining a light on the fact that too many black women carry themselves like they're kkk sympathizers.

    (Let me add here, however, that I'm not talking about all cultures and all generations of black women. American black women of my generation are the worst. And even they didn't come up in a vacuum, but that's a longer post than I care to make right now. I think the younger generation of black women are going to be much better people than their moms, but that's another story... Yes the haters are growing old, finally growing up, dying out, and mellowing out, but they've had massive effect on black culture and black identity. For better or worse - you decide...)

    ...And even so, I don't criticize or condemn black women because they're black. I criticize because many seem to take the same tact as those forces who have a "spiritual grudge" against black men: If hating you without reason is wrong, they don't wanna be right, and that's that. These "christians" have their grudge to nurse; deal with it.

    Oh well... not a damn thing wrong with shining a light on it. It's childish and comical, and hopefully soon played out, and it looks bad on both sides, but I don't bite my tongue. If writing a sentence or two compares to a youth of having to witness something so stupid (while the rest of society constantly pushes the notion that black people are born stupid), then I guess I'm wrong for saying.

    what the hell, deal with it bro.

    I think things are getting better in fact, as black women reclaim some of their self-esteem and throw off some of that psychotic insecurity. The bad(?) news: their new self esteem and self image comes direct from acceptance outside of black culture.

    I put the question mark "(?)" because hey - whatever does the trick. Can I have my burger and fries without throwing it at me now? I just came here to eat like the next guy...

    Yes? then cool, I have my breathing room to get on to other issues. Finally.

  11. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Can you elaborate on both bolded points?

    Why do they scorn you? In their mind, what have you done wrong just by being a black men?

    I don't see insecurity in black women - just the opposite, in fact. UNLESS what and how they present is over-compensation for a feeling of insecurity.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Check out any talk show from the last 20 years Ches
  13. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I don't want to watch a talk show. I want to hear it from him, from his perspective. Or any guy here who shares that POV. I'd like to be able to ask questions so I can understand - not hear the grievances of someone who might just be looking for their 5 minutes of fame. (Besides, I work when most talk shows are on and my DVR is full of shows I don't have time to watch).

    I don't have much interaction with BW - save one, who is a close friend. Much of what I "know" I observe from a distance. My friend dates BM and we actually gravitate towards the same kind of men, both in looks and personality. She doesn't act like some of the men here describe BW.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Fair enough. What I was alluding to was the fact that no other group of men get dogged out publically the way bm do by women of their own "race". Many can't wait to tell the world how lazy and no good bm are. They never make it specific to their experience or do what every other woman does and blame men in general. I dont know if its some type of jealousy at not having as many choices or what but there is a clear disdain that bw love sharing with the world. You can only hear"bm aint shit" until part of you wants to stay clear. I know ots not alp or even most but the minority is loud and in your face its just easier amd simplier to stay clear. For me personally I never had a woman who was attracted to my skin and my nerdy personality until I started spending time with white girls. Even now as an adult I cringe when I hear grown ass women talk about swag. Black women never appreciated any of my qualities there was a heavier focus on dudes with swag who loved to fuck around and as a result just pike everything else we are judged by the worst of us. Hope that gives you some insight.
  15. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Yes, it does give me some insight. Thank you.

    But some of what you wrote leads to another question (bolded): Why? Why do they feel this way? Is there any truth to it, in general? I don't get that impression from the men represented here, nor from the BM I've dated. Some have worked in many and varied types of jobs, but always working. Or, is the laziness in the relationship? Male-female roles?

    I can't even generalize about WM - except maybe to say that many of them are very weight conscious when it comes to what they like in a woman. (I don't have any experience with any other men except BM and there seems to be a greater acceptance for all sizes/builds amongst BM.)
  16. free816

    free816 New Member

    spot on home boy, the real angry ones out that very thought into the children as well
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    thanks fam your girl is beautiful
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well like I stated for a lot of them its not taking responsibility for their bad choices. Its easier to say "all" bm are a certain way then to recognize your own actions that lead to less than desirable conditions. Focusing on ridiculous shit like swag instead of how well a man treats you or being more concerned about what he's driving or wearing instead of where he's going/striving to be.
    Bad decisions are not just desiginated to bw and they aren't the only ones who blame others but the scornful way they depict all bm ends up not only hurting them but their sons too. I think all men are weight conscious I just think a lot of bm take whatever they think they can get at least as far as I've seen. Don't me wrong a little meat on a curvy woman's body is sexy but some women take it a little too far. Think Monique pre weight loss, I would consider what she is now is closer to curvy.
  19. Resurrected Fear

    Resurrected Fear New Member

    My only issue is the whole your mom is black so your girl should be too. That doesn't make any sense. It's like they're trying to promote incest with that line.

    In a black women's defense, I'm pretty sure there is heat to be gotten for dating "out" but most of that heat is inevitable with all ir relations. They act like everyone's out to get them, like this is some type of knight and princess type of game, where us black men are a bunch of dragons or ogres and she's being forced held captive by us. I'm tempted to say it's the opposite... but I'll lay off that subject for now.
  20. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    This isn't a new problem. Some BW gloss over the civil rights era as if Black People always stuck together and BM worshiped BW as if she were a goddess. The truth is, all you have to do is read literature during that time. If you read Eldridge Cleaver's soul on ice, he talks about men who prefer WW and how tired they were of the attitudes of BW and the constant blame BM received. Now, considering that he wrote this while imprisoned and it was even published until 1968 you can get an idea. If you read the earlier sections of the Autobiography of Malcolm X you can see it. The main issue is a set of insecurities. When I used to get made fun of by black girls when I was a child I would ask my parents why they were mean. They told me that the only thing she hated more than me is herself. And I think it applies to some. There is nothing worse than someone who hates who they are (as a person, not necessarily as a race).

    Next we have the issue of entitlement. Unfortunately, a lot of people feel as though they are entitled to love and don't actually want to change to receive love. In the black community, some BW feel as though they are entitled to a man simply by being black. I have literally had an estimated 280 to 300 pound woman cuss me out because I was with someone who wasn't black and she honestly felt that she had something more to offer because she is black. Some of these women will guilt men into dating them by saying that they hate their mother. The truth is, my mother is only part Black and is Jewish. If you were to look at her you would assume she was either white or persian. So, I kind of laugh when I hear that. Anyway, back on subject.

    Another issue is parenting. I haven't met a woman who didn't repeat what their mother or father said growing up. A quote, " Children don't always listen to their parents, but they never fail to mimic them". I think this holds true even in adulthood. If you factor that 59% of unmarried BW with multiple children have them from multiple fathers, it's easy to assume that they will grow up hearing, "Your daddy wasn't shit". In the end, because the mother may not have respected herself to find the right man, or made a mistake young, the children grow up with nothing but negative comments about men. The issue is that they are black so they will ultimately associate that with BM.

    And finally, the media. In 1965 I think the amount of two parents homes in the Black Community was around 80%. What happened? A few things. Vietnam, which caused a big issue in the Black Community. Second Wave Feminism, As I do realize that it did push the envelope for women in the workplace, the mantra of "I don't need no man" correlates quite well with "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle". This couples with COINTELPRO and how they pushed an influx of drugs in the ghettos. Then the birth of crack cocaine (alsothe various wealthy black communities that were destroyed by whites.... heck the Carnegie family burned down a rich and famous black bank in Pittsburgh in order to get into banking). During this time all we received were negative comments by the media as well as angry BW on talk shows. There was a time where we would fight such things, but I suppose you don't need to fight if the government will pick up the slack. Also, the extreme dependence on government assistance. And before you know it, you have a community filled with women who don't actually need a man after they have given birth because the government will fix it. Not to mention that the black community is kind of oversexed.

    Also, the negative opinions of their sexuality in the media. But, then again, the media pretty much tries to get every woman regardless of race to hate themselves so that they can buy their product.

    The failure to take responsibility for the dumb ass choices they make. We all make dumb choices and the moment we can accept that we can move forward. But, some prefer to be victims and wear it on their shirt like a badge.

    All in all, a messed up situation that has affected us all. The difference is, many BM just keep moving forward, and some BW stick to entitlement issues for all of the reasons mentioned.

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