Very tragic. Another reason why I won't open my door unless I'm expecting you. Especially at knock, I cock.
I recall an incident when I was in school. I lived off-campus in a motel efficiency. It was small, but somewhat popular to some of us students. Anyway, I just finished getting dressed and on my way to classes when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and saw this black guy looking at me intensely. I asked, "May I help you?" He then asked, "Why you keep messin' wit me?" I said,"Pardon?" "Why you keep messin' wit me?" "What did I do to you?" "I'm 32 goddamn years old." "And I'm 27. What did I do to you?" "Why you keep messin' wit me?, I closed the door. The dude was on crack. He bugged me for a couple of weeks with the same question. He attacked my next door neighbor. We had to call the Sheriff to get him out. Thank God things did not become lethal. This is really tragic.
Did the cops kill the perp and the girl?? That's awful. Students living off-campus should never open the door to strangers. If your roomie forgot their key, they need to call first and explain the situation so you can look out for them. I still don't understand how this guy kicked in the door. I assume they had a bolt lock.
Interesting point, AB. Didn't even notice that. I automatically assumed the perp did it. Upon re-reading it just now, is worded rather ambiguously.
They're reporting now she was killed by police. Damn shame.
come on fam all it took was one bullet to the head wonder what the response to this will be and whether or not a lawsuit will follow
Goddammit! This is terrible! :smt009 A/B, that link was just heartbreaking....! Did he NOT go down with one of the seven hits, wtf! That cop is going to have nightmares!...forever... "Rebello's father, Fernando, was too distraught to discuss the incident in detail....It's my daughter, my baby daughter," he told the Journal News through tears. "She was so beautiful. I'm so confused...I don't know what to do," he said.
its not like the movies, where a crackshot cop puts a single bullet into the perp's head while holding a hostage this will be investigated tho 8 shots is a lot.... you got the jump on the guy before he draws, so your adrenaline shouldn't be as high as if you were in a running gun battle you got the got the first move...he draws, you put him down too many shots fired and theyre going to question the possibility that less shots, may have made a difference
But he hit her with just one. Though I guess in a torrent of bullets, one was bound to hit her. I wonder how many shots he fired vs how many hit. Ugh, it's just so damn tragic. That's what I hate the most, when hostages get shot by the cops (this isn't the first time). It's even worse in some foreign countries where the cops just fire on the kidnappers, hostages be damned. I recall a recent military hostage drama that they fucked 20 hostages dead in the ordeal.
the russians were famous for that supposedly theyd shoot hostages if it meant being able to kill criminals cant find articles on it tho..but i remember a situation like that
ah yes... happened quite some time ago, but really raised some questions as to how far authorities should go in hostage situations reminds me of Waco and that standoff people died from the authorities using gas to contain the situation in both cases as for the girl in question she was a cutie
Pretty much. The media doesn't care about fat, ugly, or minority people. Shit come to think of it they don't care much about males or women over 30 unless they have kids. Like Bliss posted 2500 people going missing per day but I only hear about the pretty/white/female/young ones.
It certainly wouldn't be any less tragic if she weren't pretty. I honestly think petty was just paying a compliment to the deceased (at least that's how I took it). She was a beautiful young woman, who died much too soon. At the end of the day, I'm sure she'll be remembered for much more than her beauty. My prayers are with her family and friends. RIP baby girl. :smt085
Its always been like this. We give way too much value to beauty. There is something wrong when entertainers get more attention and money over people who make create tech to make the blind sad or rush into burning buildings to save people.
She'll be forgotten only by the people who don't matter (the public/media). She'll never be forgotten by those close to her. Quote me on that.
Don't be snaky you know what I meant. We move on very quickly in this country. Remember the Michigan who disappeared? Me neither. They didn't follow up for shit on that one.