Obama Administration Under Siege From 3 Huge Scandals: Here’s Why It Could All Come Crashing Down http://news.yahoo.com/obama-administration-under-siege-3-huge-scandals-why-130208768.html In just one week, President Barack Obama's political machine has switched from endless campaign to survival mode. And for the first time in Obama's presidency, the damage to his regime may be permanent. Three revelations have come together like an avalanche. First, there was a Benghazi hearing that proved beyond any reasonable doubt that this administration is feckless, dishonest, and cravenly politicized. But in its aftermath on Friday, an executive branch information dump dropped another bombshell: the IRS does indeed target and intimidate conservative groups. This appalling admission from a senior IRS official was obviously meant to slide into the news cycle and dissipate over the weekend. This unseemly public relations gambit has become a hallmark of the Obama approach to all issues, regardless of their importance to the nation. Deny or delay, spin and win. And, to the discredit of our electorate, it has worked--until perhaps now. As the country was still reeling from the gut-wrenching testimony of three Benghazi whistleblowers and the IRS mea culpa, yet another log was thrown onto the bonfire of the Obama administration's credibility. Yesterday the Associated Press broke a news story that Obama's Justice Department collected phone data on dozens of AP reporters as part of a national security leak investigation. Such sweeping intrusion upon a news organization's privacy--exposing all its sources and chilling all speech in the process--makes a mockery of the Constitution's guarantee of not "abridging the freedom of speech." We can now add the First Amendment to the butcher's bill of Obama administration overreach and nascent autocracy.
thats is the discussion. is it right wing? according to reports from all it did happen......so the question is being asked.....Is he being set up for impeachment? is it impeachable? there are three things going on... 1) bengahzi 2) IRS harassment 3) API phone system tapped
i hope he wasnt a dumbass and got himself in some shit. the IRS thing happen before on the NAACP in 2004
Impeachment requires a direct unlawful act by the President himself. What people in his administration do isnt a impeachable, unless they broke a law under direct orders from the President.
Them right-wingers better learn from the mistake they made with Clinton. That shit backfired like a muh-fucka....
I bet obama will be glad when 2016 rolls around. This shit is kinda like OJ - you know they were going to get him for something. :smt003 The campaign to bring down this guy started in 2008. Yet he kissed their ass and tried to meet them halfway all the way through 2013... Even if they're not successful with impeachment, it might be a distraction so that he can't get anything done (other than maybe war with Syria or Iran)
Some people just can't fathom the idea that there is an entire movement aimed against this man, simply because he is HALF black, and he's their president. Shit, there's a forum just like this one, that revolves around the hatred of black people. I was sickened when I saw it. What's scary is you can't see the faces, and have no idea who's really harboring that type of hatred towards you. Could be around them every damn day and not even know it.
The right wingers cried wolf many many times and they will fall on their butts on those as well. The spying of AP should make the news agency write about laws against spying on regular people.
Not even close to impeachment for Obama. Unless Obama is caught lying under oath, or shown to have given a direct order to someone else to break the law, he's no different than most presidents. RIchard Nixon had his lieutenants break into the Democratic National Party's election headquarters at the Watergate to steal campaign info, then ordered the CIA and the FBI to lie about what happened.
But Nixon was impeached. And shit like this has me thoroughly convinced the GOP are just a bunch of racists. No mention of impeachment when Bush lied and got us into a trillion dollar war costing thousands of America lives and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis.
The goal is rarely to impeach. The goal is to put the idea in the heads of the people in order to gain leverage for the next election. Bill lied under oath, so did George W. We rarely impeach because we are too visible to the world and we wouldn't want to lose face again (not like that at least). So, this is just a ploy to gain as much leverage over the democratic party as possible. That's all. It's good to start early.
I don't think any of these things are impeachable offenses, per se. But I am not privy to why things happened and who ordered them. However, I'm a little taken aback by how flippantly you guys are taking the Benghazi accusation and the IRS accusation. Maybe Obama didn't have anything to do with either one, maybe he did. But the Benghazi situation NEVER should have happened. And I find it telling that Hilary Clinton resigned soon after....
This president is not threatened by any impeachment,....the coals driving the heat are the supposed lies, cover-ups and lack of transparency......
Maybe some people aren't flipping out over Benghazi because Secretary of State Hilary Clinton TOLD the Republican Congress when they cut $300 million in U.S. diplomatic security, that it would create an international security threat. Guess what happened??:roll: Also, Benghazi was a CIA run covert operation. That wasn't a diplomatic consulate, it was an intelligence operation whose real mission still hasn't been revealed to the public. Most of the staff at Benghazi were CIA intelligence operatives, not State department officials. There was a reason why IMO the CIA itself downplayed the attack on Benghazi in their own talking points. No one has disputed the facts of what happened at Benghazi, the only question being argued by the GOP are who and why. As Obama said, the complete details were released 5 days later, so where's the cover up??:-| The real potential scandals are the IRS targeting Tea Party groups concerning their 501(c)(3) non profit status and the DOJ collecting data on over 100 AP reporters investigating a leak about a foiled terrorist attack. Those are the real stories if they'd happened under a Dubya Bush administration would drive most Libs like myself crazy.