WW/BM in advertisements

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by xoxo, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    yo she's fucking BUILT
  2. Resurrected Fear

    Resurrected Fear New Member

    The comments on some of these videos are ridiculous. Some of those guys are complaining about not seeing many bw/wm relationships in commercials; I wonder if they really care about seeing bw/wm or if they're just using that as an excuse. I imagine an excuse.
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    tbh i cant remember the last time i seen BW/WM commercials

    statistically, i think there are more BM/WW in america, so maybe the commercials are angling at them
  4. Resurrected Fear

    Resurrected Fear New Member

    I agree, but I never hear wm talk about that openly. They don't seem to care about how ir relationships between a wm are portrayed.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Shiiit but the represent the hell out of them in movies and tv shows though
  6. Elklodge

    Elklodge Well-Known Member

    This new Macys add in right hand corner has IR couple

  7. Addolorata

    Addolorata Active Member

    interracial commercials 9 times out of then have more dislikes than likes.
  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    People are just full of hate

    It's not just whites either

    Lots of blacks aren't down with ir either

    Go to hater site and look at some of the IR articles, then read the comments
  9. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Well, considering much of the population in the U.S. or any country for that matter, doesn't consist of IR families, it only seems plausible that the majority will not identify with it and reject it, especially considering there is an invisible racial hierarchy on this planet.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I don't see this problem in countries that have less black people per capita like the UK or Canada. Their program is far more racially friendly. I remember watching Merlin which was a BBC show and one of the Arthurian knights was black. That shit would get never ending criticism here. Shows like Degrassi in Canada feature ir couples all the time and there is never an issue. America is the sole place that I see has completely missed the boat on maturity.
  11. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    Carlos Mencia in an IR movie? I always thought he was a racist fucking turd. Maybe he's trying to salvage his reputation?

    But anyway, that movie would be "black/brown" not "black/white"... Just felt the need to point that out since you all jumped down my throat when I posted the thread about Janet jackson marrying the a-rab guy. :smt120

    I thought you guys just stick to wwbm here?


    And furthermore, who's gonna go see that movie now that blacks & mexs shun each other these days?
  12. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    this one is nice. well done, ad designer. :smt023
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    for all we know the man is East Indian and the woman is asian TBH
  14. Resurrected Fear

    Resurrected Fear New Member

    I used to watch Degrassi, and it's true that there is a lot of ir in it... but if it's a bm or bw in an ir relationship it's virtually the same as america (racism, family rejection, etc.)

    Sav (indian guy) can get all the WW he wants and no one trips (except his parents who choose to ignore it). But if a black kid tries macking on any woman (white, asian, indian, etc.) there's always issues.
  15. Resurrected Fear

    Resurrected Fear New Member


    Saw this on livejournal
  16. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Love this! I so appreciate when advertisements take it past just the IR "bf/gf" look, and involve the whole family. Those babies are gorgeous! :smt049:smt049:smt049
  17. ChocolateLoverTrish

    ChocolateLoverTrish New Member

    Here's a "Verizon Wireless: Power In Numbers" commercial. Love the interracial eye contact at parts 0:03 and 0:21.

  18. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    This is a song rather than ad advertisement (filmed in one of my favorite cities!), but it has a funky little IR interplay starting at 2:36.... (I think the guy is pretty hot, too. I'd go after him... :D)

  19. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

  20. SexyBaltimorean

    SexyBaltimorean New Member

    ^^^^great commercials, guys!!!

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