In Colorado, Washington, and Oregon, voters this November will have the opportunity to pass laws that decriminalize marijuana. This would be a good change—but much, much more will need to be done to end the hideous consequences of the war on drugs. Four out of five drug arrests are for simple possession, 80 per cent for marijuana and most people in state prison for drug offenses have no history of violence. Many of these non-violent drug offenders, thanks to the popular “three strikes laws,” face mandatory minimum sentences of 25 years to life in prison—with no chance of parole until they have served every day of those 25 years. With costs varying between $25,000 and $75,000 a year per inmate, mass imprisonment has eliminated funds for drug treatment and counseling services both in and out of prison, despite evidence that these programs are widely effective Although whites are just as likely as African Americans to use illegal drugs, one out of every 14 black men are in prison on drug-related charges compared to one in 106 white men. Black people in the US serve almost as much time in federal prison for a drug offense (58.7 months) as whites serve for violent crime (61.7 months). African-Americans comprise 14% of regular drug users yet are 37% of those arrested and 56% of those subsequently imprisoned. There are now more African-Americans under the watch of correctional control today than there were enslaved in 1850—ten years prior to the Civil War. Getting Arrested: ?Although blacks comprise 13% of the population, and 14% of monthly drug users, they account for 37% of drug arrests. ?Black and Latino motorists are more likely to be stopped and frisked by the police compared to whites. ?Blacks are arrested for drug offenses at rates 2 to 11 times higher than the rates for whites. ?Blacks are more likely to be detained while awaiting felony trials. ?Blacks are more likely to be represented by a public defender, with high caseloads and limited resources. Standing Trial: ?African Americans are routinely excluded from criminal jury service. ?As is true of most defendants, most African-Americans never get a trial, and have to make a choice about accepting a plea or risking a possible lengthy sentence. Sentencing ?The U.S. Sentencing Commission reported that black offenders receive longer sentences than white offenders. ?Two-thirds of people in the U.S. with life sentences are non-white. ? African-Americans account for 56% of people in state prison for drug offenses. ? The U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics concluded that a black male born in 2001 has a 32% chance of going to jail; Latino males have a 17% chance and white males have a 6% chance. The Prison Population ?Despite black youth accounting for 16% of the juvenile youth population, they are 28% of juvenile arrests, 37% of youth in jails, and 58% of youth sent to adult prisons. ?The U.S. leads the world in incarceration and black males comprise the largest share of American prisoners. ?Research shows that 17% of white job applicants with a criminal record received call backs from employers, compared to 5% of black job applicants. ========================================================= the stats are there and it seems blacks are gettiong the shaft. should drugs be legalize and why? if the drugs get legalize will it help blacks and others or will it be a detriment?
you havent been reading the news lately Rat meat sold as lamb in China. LOL
now u know damn well as cheap as chinese food is, they aint using lamb bad enough wondering if theyre using real chickens u get so much MEAT for $4.95 is ridiculous mcdonalds charges the same price for a single beef pattie these dudes give u 2lb dish full of meat...whats the game?
They should legalize weed & tax it heavily. It's crazy how some people rail against "big government" but are against the legalization of weed..
Seems like there are a lot of jobs that depend on the enforcement of current drug laws. I don't think these three states will make that much of an impact. The powers to be will make sure that if it happens, it happens at very slow rate, like hybrid/electric/etc. powered cars. The car co's have had that tech for years & been sitting on it. They buy revolutionary ideas just to shelf them.
If they legalize/decriminalize drugs our economy would collapse. The criminal justice systems relies to heavily on drug arrests/incarcerations. Judges, lawyers, police, court officers, correction officers, court clerks, etc. This would eliminate soooo many'll never happen. Shit, prisons are BIG BUSINESS. Legalize/decriminazlize?...ain't nobody got time for that!