I'm 31 years old and professionally speaking, I've got more than most 50 year olds out there. I'm far from hs dear. Again...thanks for proving my point about the judgement on this board. Y'all bitch all damn day about people who've left because of the tx on this board, yet you continue to contribute to it. Why not let people enjoy what interests them? Is someone forcing you to modify your car? Put subs in the trunk? No. Having a discussion about mods/systems is one thing, but chosing to judge and stereotype people because of it seems childish ("hs", if you will).
Who cares if you think you've got it made better than 50 year olds. (like you know what 50 yr olds have). Now that right there is 'some serious stick-up-ass, better-then-everyone-else attitude' you have, missy. And will you stop accusing others of judgment already, especially since you feel it's perfectly fine to judge others. It was you who twice said you think people here are fake by sugarcoating their opinions (like you know). Don't even go there Raiders. If we want to discuss how ridiculous it is when grown-ass people soup up their cars and blast their music to the annoyance of those around them, then we will. If that runs you off, then that's on you.
LOL, Hey, ain't nothing wrong with a city man getting around on the #1 voted best transport system IN THE U.S. SEPTA gets you where you want to go, lol.
Hahaha it's comical how you want to call me out on what I think I know, when you make the same damn assumptions. As human beings, we pass judgement on people every day based on their actions. Some people go a step further and judge people based on their likes/dislikes. That'll never be me. You keep doing you though. As for me being run off...I don't scare that easily. This is the internet...this is not my life. I've met some ridiculously awesome people here in my few months, and I plan on sticking around :smt069
Now now what is all this running off talk. A brotha needz him all da white wimminz up in here, So ya'll gonna have to cool all that running off talk. Ya heard.
“You judge! I NEVER judge!” <--- The single most overused LIE in the world! Hahaha, exactly why are you getting in a tizzy about us not liking fucking assholes who bump their music to the point it breaks eardrums and looks like their car will bust? Is that you?? If it is then this makes sense. I see why you’re so mad now and crying “stop JUDGING!“ Just stop already with the phony “it’ll never be me”.. that you NEVER specifically make judgements. So there’s NO ONE HERE who you judged based on what they liked?? Go ahead, BS me some more.
Hell no I've never judged someone here on what they like. Are you kidding me?? I've judged people on their behavior, but not their personal preferences. You don't know me so I can appreciate that it might be hard for you to believe that. As for the system...hell yea that's me, so I do take it a tad personal when the typical stereotypes are used. It's a hobby...it's not my life. My life consists of my children and nursing. Period. My system doesn't define me as a person, and if you knew me, you'd understand that. Honestly, I hate stereotypes in general...this thread just struck a personal cord with me.
It's not uncommon for people to feel uneasy about what is not aesthetically pleasing to the eye. However, some feel that having extreme spoilers on their cars and so on are pleasing to the eye. I have a feeling that if the majority of consumers enjoyed looking at such things, car companies would adjust to increase revenue. Considering that they haven't done that, it's safe to assume that many people (maybe even most) find it to be an eye sore. Furthermore, in regards to loud noises coming from overly loud car sound systems or even loud motorcycles... all you need to do is google how sound/noise effects the human body, health, children, eardrum etc. No one really cares for loud noises unless they are creating them on their own. I suppose factoring all of this in is a form of judgement. But, you can easily develop the same judgement for men who wear their pants off of their bums or women who's breasts are virtually falling out of their dresses (or camel toe leggings, or men who wear dirty stinky shoes, or women who don't shave or whatever it is that puts you off). We all judge whether we say anything about it or keep it to ourselves. This is the internet and is the premier place to judge (from Fashionistas to Eco-friendly types).
http://www.whitewomenblackmen.com/forum/showthread.php?p=795457#post795457 "I usually totally dig KKs style, but this is terrible! Poor thing needs some help with her maternity fashions. "
Lmao...stalker! An opinion doesn't constitute judgment. I have no problem with the people on here who've expressed their dislike for mods/systems. My issue is the assumption (judgement) that people who enjoy such things are thugs/hoodrats. Did I lump KK into a certain category because of her choice in apparel? No. Do I think it was ugly as hell? Yes. In some regard, I get the point you're trying to make. I just disagree. I think of judgement along the lines of being biased because of someone's likes/dislikes. Stalk away...find where I've judged someone here based on what they like. We all have our imperfections, but I do make a conscious effort to not lump people together based on stereotypes.
Nope, not a stalker, I just enjoying pointing out double standards and hypocritical patters. Opinion... 1 a : a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/opinion It is a judgement. It is fine if you disagree and I respect that. But, you are ultimately getting angry with people for something you do (we all do) naturally. 9For the record, it was only a few pages into your posts to find your judgement... I mean... Opinion.
I read more into judgement than just an opinion. That's just me. "Hypocritical patterns" though?? You found one post where you say I judged KK. That's not a pattern. Find multiple posts where I judged forum members and you'd have a case. I never said I was perfect, but I certainly try to practice what I preach.
Don't take any of this shit personal babes. While some people here don't like systems and decked out vehicles, there are others that do (me). As far as it being HS/hood shit, there are other things that happen here that's on a Junior High level. Keep it moving.