truth be told.....petty was the one that came out the gate with the gun debate. go read. ooopppsss. you too busy not finding facts
LOL. negroes get called out for their BS and want top deflect. LL arent you suppose to verify the lie oooppps I mean the statement you posted. you know........Im trying to be a financial advisor.
LOL. TDK and Petty.....if you cant back up what you say ...then insulkt people. LOL game. set. match. lets sum this up. 1) parents gave a kid a gun to play with and he killed a child 2) i and others, except petty and tdk, believe the parents should go to jail and be held responsible 3) petty and TDK think its cool that grades pre-k- 6 kids should play with guns because ......... well just because and the parents shouldnt be held responsible