Just cause I'm late to the party, doesn't mean I'm not around. I agree that she should be in jail, ASAP. It makes it harder for the women who ARE raped to be taken seriously thanks to idiots like this. And the poor guys who were charged had to deal with those accusations! Not fair. It's disgusting.
It's also refreshing to see the cops not buy her story. We don't even see their names printed which is a wonderful thing. Less collateral damage. Now, I don't even know how this will be taken..but two things have made me wonder (and it's just simple ones, NOT set in stone)...and that's if the cops did their JOB right here because it's S.O.P (as it should be) to thoroughly investigate before deciding if to arrest the men or not, or perhaps had their suspicions because her story was off or had holes?...etc... Or, were they more motivated to do a thorough check...because she is ugly. A.k.a not believe her right away. I know rape is an act of sexual violence/power, etc...but stereotypes persist. We see some men's visceral reactions in here on her looks (ask what was yours...Mine was I can't believe she has a fiance, let alone got 3 men to do her.) But I wonder what the cops thought when she rolled up there with her story- and then wonder if she had been pretty and rolled up - If that affects cops. Or even us in general.
shit they finally did something right for once all rapes should be examined thoroughly IMO, regardless of how pretty a woman is this guilty before proven innocent, he's man he did it shit needs to stop
No mystery here. Cops told one or all three of these men they'd been accused of rape and someone broke out a sextape to contradict her story. WIthout that tape they'd probably be in jail, especially if there's a race angle to this story and at least one of these suspects has a criminal record. No tape = jail.
You're no doubt right...except I live in PA...this isn't far....and trust me if there were 3 (gang) rapists on the prowl...we'd hear about it. Meh, she probably gave their names, which dropped it to date rape status ...so they probably calmly did an investigation. But yes, def no tape = jail.
Still waiting to see what these three men look like. I know you guys know where I'm going with this but I can't be the only one thinking it.
Where are you going with it? We all know with you it's race, lol...now what I don't know... is if you're saying they are probably Black or probably White. The story could go in either directions for both races with you... or into orbit. :?
i wont even SAY it cuz i KNOW it i'm gunna wait this mothafucka out until he burns this thread the fuck down
Like I said I would love to see what they look like. It would be a great opportunity to see if things work out for black guys falsely accused because it seems like every time this shit happens the dude has to lose a shit ton of years of their life first before they sort the shit out. Either way I'm disgusted and happy at the same time because when women falsely call rape its not usually public knowledge like this. Like another poster said maybe we can stop with guilty till proven innocent bs.
that's that dumb shit we know ur innocent, but we gunna ruin ur life anyway..let you sit up in the pen until you're no good
Well we will never know their race..which is actually a GOOD THING! Especially if they were Black. But I agree Black men have always gotten a shitty deal when it comes to rape accusations. I still think other things came into play here more than the men's race, imo. Being a White male doesn't get them a pass when it comes to rape. Men in general are suspect, obviously. What has always been is a woman ('s accusation) gets the auto pass.
Sit like this is so reprehensible and not only risk then men's future and life, but also real rape victims. Should come with severe punishment. BTW, what would a punishment for this be? Anyone knows statistics on this? Bet it is lighter than it should be.
Pretty much. I had to read this thing in my ethics class where a lawyer knew for a fact that a guy doing life in prison didn't do the crime because his client confessed to it. Dude got off on knowing someone else was doing life for a crime he committed. The fucked up thing was the guy who did the crime was already doing life so they ruined a dude's life for nothing. And even after the original perp died and allowed his lawyers to come forward it still took years for them to let out the guy who didn't do it (black guy incase you guys were wondering). 28 years for some shit you didn't do and people knew the damn truth about it. I think it took place in Chicago. I'm curious as to why you think its a good thing?
Because that is 3 LESS Black men who will not be falsely PUBLICLY castigated. I know it would be good to know for our own racial barometer that great, 3 black men were believed over that vile slut, but I'd rather sacrifice having the knowledge than have the 3 innocent men be side-eyed by ignoramuses (from the accusations alone), despite the tape proof.
interesting perspective. I'm more inclined to see public exoneration where we can SEE that not every time a bm is accused of something it results in unfair imprisonment, but I see where you're coming from.