Interestingly enough, you only hear about the isolated accidents involving young kids and firearms You never hear about the thousands of others that are doing the right thing Screw media bias and you gun control muppets
Its about internet traffic and sales duh. Just like you ONLY hear about broke black athletes God forbid they do a piece on dudes who are incredibly smart with their money like Magic Johnson, Jamal Mashburn, and David Robinson
Enough is enough I'm going to make some threads about youth hunting and sport shooting See how many hits it gets
LOL. I wonder who started the thread and what they stated.....some people are taking tips from fox and the conservative talk shows. LOL Deaths and Injuries Every nine hours a child or teen was killed in a firearm-related accident or suicide in 2002. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics, "Deaths: Final Data for 2002." NVSR Volume 53, Number 5. 116 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120 . Annual Totals (2002, 0-19 year-olds): Accidents=167, Suicides=828. (2002 is the most recent data available.) On average, 4 children died every day in non-homicide firearm incidents from 1999-2002. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics, 1999-2002. From 1997-2002, more than 1,324 children were killed in firearm accidents. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics, 1997-2002. In 2004, there were 13,846 kids injured by a firearm -- and an additional 15,214 kids were injured from BB or pellet guns. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control and the Consumer Product Safety Commission, "National Electronic Injury Surveillance System All Injury Program," 2002. On average during each of the last 10 years (1993-2002), 1,213 kids committed suicide with a firearm each year; more than 135 each year were kids under 15-years-old. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics, 1993-1998, 1999-2002. The overall firearm-related death rate among U.S. children aged less than 15 years was nearly 12 times higher than among children in 25 other industrialized countries combined. ======================================================= just because its not highly televised doesnt mean its not happening
Where's the other side of the statistics that show you how many kids there are that aren't having incidents happening Do you know how many kids there are/kids around firearms Thats shady reporting
LOL. yeah in the mean time... a porn star says "yeah, why dont you report all the men I didnt fuck in the last 5 years" And another: All in one week.
In a country of 300 million guns. The most deadly weapon a child ever an ADULT'S hand. Spare the tragic, but rare stats.
"Rare stats." How rare is it if you can find stories about half a dozen similar incidents that took place in the past few days in the first couple of hits of a Google search?
With 300 million guns in circulation, that's why. Do you know there's quite a few kid's who probably saved their lives from using guns on intruders. It's about the same as your stats.
The chances of a kid being killed or injured by a firearm in this country alone are very slim They're more likely to get hurt playing sports or die in a car crash
But but but its all about the kids, we have to save the kids. These people are so utterly full of shit. They make gun violence out to be the single greatest threat to the well being of American citizens. Their paranoia is entertaining as hell.
lmao a kid is more likely to die as a passenger driven in a car by one of these crazy, anti-gun paranoid sumbitches
These motherfuckas act like we live in Iraq. The stats are so damn skewed and poverty in a nutshell are taking these innocent lives not guns but this country loves treating symptoms instead of curing the disease.
Muthafuckas on here keeping their powder dry and their guns oiled ready to fight the 2nd American Revolution.:toimonster: What the fuck is a 'statistically significant' amount of gun deaths among children?? At what point is it a problem?? The fact is when a child is killed by a gun, it's usually a weapon own by an adult who lives in the home. Not someone breaking into their house.:smt067
more children are killed in car accidents by a parent driving the car. Should children never be allowed in cars?
kids banned from cars unless they HAVE to be in them duhhhhhhhhhhhh while ur at it..fuck...cut out sports too
Cosign. If there needs to be explanation for the difference between a 9mm and a motor vehicle, one whose sole purpose is to kill, I don't think there's anything gained by continuing this convo.