i knew shit was about to get real bananas when they said Walter Reed started pulling bibles from the joint, and started preventing family from bringing religious items http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarne...escind-policy-banning-bibles-at-hospital.html it's so blatant it's funny like you said..shit's about to become religious vs non you'd have to literally lock people up to stop them from bringing a cross or koran to someone laid up in the hospital defending 'freedom'
"Hey. I didn't see you in church on Sunday solider. You had something more important to do? Not on Sunday you don't, not anymore. I will make you believe, you understand?" :smt043
It is just that when right-wing media say so much shyt on Obama there had to be more than one source because of their massive lies. Plus they never credit Obama on almost anything and blame him on anything negative. Such "fair and balanced" fact must be investigated very fully.
I see what Tiger is saying. I think you (MCali) are picking and choosing what you want to adress from his post. He said a lot more than just what you higlighted. I do think a mix of what Tiger has mentioned, is leading to some demiss in the states. It's alomost like the states are being "franchised" now. The franchise alwys wants to stay neutral, not upsetting anyone to maximize profits. Religion seems like it's loosing it's foothold (except with extremeist). You can't say anything to anyone without being sued, not mention you don't want to, cause you're scared they may shoot you inthe face cause they don't have friends and where bullied. Kids having kids, not teaching them any history, manner's or etiquette, etc. The government is breathing down our necks in all diretcions. Getting the power to read our email without much due process, the drone attacks--that will more than likely happen increasingly on US soil. Add this to the pile, plus many more over controlling sneaky sly things the government try's to slide on us. It's almost as if the government isn't made of the same people that our are neighbors, borthers, cousins, etc. I mean, are the going to club in the head if I bend on one knee and say a prayer on base?
Damn near man. Chaplain talked to me for like 3 minutes on why I'm not religious. Luckily, he got sidetracked by some other officer before. He really got on a roll.
yeah, and they wonder why they get push back. i had 2 christians come to my apt and told me they wanted to educate me on the bible. i was on the way to class and these fools kept saying lets talk for a sec.. they did it for the longest. these fools wouldnt let me get around them. they were like gary payton
the sonics? that some kinda minor league team? as for the bible.....boy, we're going to make you BELIEVE :shock:
as much as i would LOVE to devote myself to religion...it's hard and only gets harder the more you educate yourself about the world there's dozens of religions, many older than Christianity, that exist all across the globe the more you educate yourself and step out of your boundary, the harder it becomes to preach how RIGHT your beliefs are, and how WRONG theirs is the same thing you are doing, they are doing you got Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Judiasm, Taoism....the whole scientology shit and dozens of others only reason Christianity and Islam are popular is because of the cultural spreading, whether forced or simply diffused wars were fought over religion and obviously the strongest ones won out not to mention the slave trades and all that other shit, which you had to adopt other cultures because you were simply robbed of yours
Christianity was literally forced down people's throats Remember what the church did to heretics and non believers in old Europe?
seriously come on now people had no choice but to follow a religion wherever they lived, or they faced punishment/death if any modern business followed that model and got away with it, shit they'd be livin large with a billion followers too oh wait right...the military is a business and we're promoting democracy everywhere at the tip of a gun...don't like it, aint much you can do about it except eat a tank shell or a JDAM democracy/Americanism is the new christianity :smt043