the two articles speak for itself. The parents need to go to jail for that
This is ridiculous. I don't care how "normal" it is in that part of the country to introduce guns to children at such young ages, why the fuck was it loaded?? Why was it within reach of a 5 year old?? If they're hell bent on introducing guns to children (which is absurd IMO), why not do it in the most responsible manner...with strict adult supervision/guidance? That death was not an was negligence on the part of the parents and yes, they deserve to be in jail. I'm so disgusted by stories like this.
Believe it or not there is less gun violence rural/country areas where kids get guns on the norm from parents than lots other places
I honestly couldn't care less where this happened (I was simply siting what the article mentioned about children being regularly exposed to guns at early ages in that part of the country). I am by no means "anti-gun", but I am a proponent of intelligent parenting. If you're going to introduce a gun to your child...fucking be responsible about it. Why keep a childs gun loaded? Why not keep it locked up, and create rules/boundries around it's use? The fact that "there is less gun violence where kids get guns on the norm" provides no comfort for me when there's a 2 year old being burried. Her brother has to live with that for the rest of his life, and while I don't blame him for the accident...someone should have to pay for the death of that baby. As a parent, I think the ultimate responsibility in this case lies with the parents. They were negligent. Period.
From the headline of the USA Today article: Coroner calls shooting "just one of those crazy accidents," says parents are devastated. A crazy accident that wouldn't have happened if the parents weren't dumb enough to let a five-year old have access to a loaded rifle. I could be missing half my brain and still not be dumb enough to give a small child a loaded weapon. What in the actual fuck is wrong with these people?
Precisely. Parents are responsible for protecting their children and that didn't happen here. Why it's not considered neglect is beyond me.
I know parents that have lost their parental rights over a lot less than this. Losing a child is every parent's worst nightmare but honestly, their son shouldn't be allowed to live with them until the parents demonstrate that they are mature and responsible enough to be even raise a child. If they don't even have enough brain cells to understand that a five year-old should never have access to a loaded rifle then they will probably never be responsible enough. They shouldn't be allowed to have a goldfish, let alone a child!
2nd Amendment collateral damage. Progress marches forward.:axe: Lose a baby, make another.:smt067 If these jagoffs had allowed their 5 year old to drive the family car and he ran it over his sister, THAT would be crime and they would've lost custody of their son. Give that same child a gun so he can shoot his two year old sister?? An unfortunate accident.:mrgreen:
negro please you're government kills more people in a month (and ruin even more lives) through policy than years of civilian gun violence :smt043
How many of those killings involve a five-year old boy shooting and killing his two-year old sister with a rifle that he never should have had? No matter how you look at it, that never should have happened and the parents are completely at fault for their daughter's death.
two wars, most bombs dropped since vietnam and drone strikes ring a bell but oh hey..they werent americans so who cares i just find this shit so hypocritical if i remember correctly, the judge from that story said that's the first time they had something like that happen in several years tons of kids are going hunting, fishing...dealing with weapons they consider to be 'tools' for survival, which can also kill that was an isolated incident fact remains more kids are killed in places where guns are 'bad,' where parents dont take their kids shooting and hunting instead the only shooting these kids receive is from call of duty or whatever
Why are you making this into a gun debate? That's completely outside the point that everyone's been trying to make. This is about a 5 year old who had access to a loaded weapon and killed his 2 year old sister, and the fact that no one is being held responsible for that child's untimely death. No one is saying guns are bad. No one is debating the fact that more deaths might be caused by those kids who are unfamiliar with guns. The fact remains that THIS death was caused by a 5 year old who should never have had access to that rifle, unsupervised. Supervision is the parents responsibility...and their utter neglect on that fateful day resulted in the death of their baby. This isn't a "guns are bad" debate, no matter how you might try to turn the tide that way.
This story is very disturbing. Very tragic. Parents are negligent to have not secured that gun, regardless if it was for the kid or not.
how many shootings happen because a kid got a hold of a gun? many shootings happen because a grown up got a hold of a gun? go ahead...ill wait
Trust YOU to make this a 2nd amendment issue. If it had been a car he got into and started up - heck even a motorbike, it would STILL BE AN ACCIDENT! They still may lose the kid depending on the laws of their State which may find the parents were criminally negligent for not securing the gun.
kids are given guns in multiple states across the US, usually in rural/country areas there are even guns marketed towards them it's been 'accepted' to give kids guns and take them hunting more shootings happen in states where parents dont give kids guns than in ones in which kids are taught how to shoot from early ages
it is those hillbilly ass kids know more about gun safety and shooting than many people twice their age, because that's all they got to do
Seriously, I think this topic is either flying right over your head, or you're choosing to make it something more than it is. Who the fuck cares that grown ups shoot/kill more people then children do? That's not the point of THIS story. Again, this story is more about the parents responsibility in the death of their child. Doesn't matter if it was a gun used, knife used, bow and arrow...the weapon doesn't matter. It's the fact that this death has been determined to be an "accident" instead of parental neglect.
So I have come to learn. I just hope the tag-team duo AB and GL don't try to make this a gun debate crapola-fest because if they do, then they better have some cold hard facts. And be ready to ban a whole lot of other shit that kills kids.