Black Men: Yall ever think a WW you talk to will NOT be into you...

Discussion in 'How To Meet White Women and Black Men' started by blackbrah, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. JamahlSharif

    JamahlSharif Well-Known Member

    Girl wood shwiiiiing :smt050[/QUOTE]

    just tellin it like it is
  2. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    I was raised by my mother. I did not say that single mothers are damaged goods. But I do believe that a mother's children are her First priority, regardless of their age. I am not cut out for fatherhood because a child is not like the food you eat or the clothes you ear, the books and newspapers you read or toilet paper for that matter. You cannot throw out a child like you would theses items. I respect single mothers. I just do not want to be in the way of that bond between mother and child regardless of age.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I don't think women with kids are damaged goods but whether they want to admit it or not by dating a man and bringing him into your life you are asking him to love your kids as his own, protect them as his own, and nurture them as his own. If he were cold or indifferent towards them it would be unacceptable so by bringing kids into it you are essentially asking far more than the average woman without kids.
    Been down that road twice and both times it ended because the father was way more involved in the relationship than I could deal with. Its hard getting to know someone when some sideline dude is scrutinizing you like somebody's father before prom.
    Its probably better for people with kids to date each other since they're on even footing and more likely to understand each other's struggle.

    Btw single mothers are far from the strongest people on earth. Tell that shit to some vet who had to spend the last three years dodging bullets in the desert watching friends die around them. Met some vets last weekend and when you hear some of these stories you realize how amazing most of those people are.
  4. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Ouch! I get what you're saying (I have many family members in the military), but damn!! Way to kill the single-moms buzz going on in here!
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I just hate giving credit to people for doing things they should be doing in the first place. I love my mom for everything she's done and continues to do but she's my frickin mom who else was gonna rock to sleep when I had a nightmare or kiss my boo boos lol. There's nothing noble about being a good parent because when its a dude saying he takes care of his kids people raise an eyebrow looking at the dude like "duh you're suppose to their YOUR kids" lol
    Let me reiterate I think mothers are dope, having one and developing a friendship beyond my adolescents has been one of life's greatest pleasures to me but also recognize simple biological imperatives that most mammals share. Mothers protect their young because they are hardwired to.
  6. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

  7. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    You will praise me and put me on a bloody pedestal!!!! I'm a woman, I am white, I have a perfectly pink pussy and I'm a single mother!!!!
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    LMAO ok I thought you were Queen of WWBM not the KKK woman.
    I can't help loving my fellow Monarch
  9. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member


    On another note. Russell Brand was on Ellen the other day and said that we should call kimmy and kanye kkk and reclaim it so the kkk will no longer have a logo and it will then be a positive thing.
  10. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    that statement is too easy to pick apart.

    you probably FELT like they wanted you to nuture and protect their kids as your own.....not least while you are dating. the average woman knows better. they just wanted you to be considerate and respectful toward them....just be cool with them.

    the father.....well when you have kids you will understand. let me say this.... a dude around your child she/mom just met. come on maybe a child molester, an abuser of drugs, child abuser ect...also if she marries you then the father will have to deal with your views on life versus his. big mess. so yeah,he is gonna check your ass out. fuck your feelings he has a kid to worry about.

    so moms got a lot on her plate too because hell some ashy ass negroe coming around the kids saying slick ass shit and the father finds out......shiiiit gonna be trouble in dodge.

    so yeah, i get your maybe best for you not to date a woman with kids....if you cant handle not being the total ruler.

    I promise you if my ex gets married he/the new dude can not do the following:

    1) raise his voice at my child. hell to the naw. if he has a problem with her. he talks to me. I will tighten her up. so dont think about spanking her....he will catch an ass whipping or a bullet to the head.

    2) abuse my ex. because my daughter will be around the environment. so it will effect her. she and my exwill have to leave. will I kick his ass? naw, but my ex will not stay there.

    3) somethings need not to be touching her...hell to the naw

    Last edited: Mar 12, 2013
  12. SexyBaltimorean

    SexyBaltimorean New Member

    wow, oh boy.........LOL!!
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And this is why single parents are better off just dealing with each other. Btw the womn I was talking I dated one for nearly a year and the other on and off for years before I decided it wasnt worth the headache. You apparently havent had to deal with other women with kids because NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY THEY WANT A PROTECTOR AND PROVIDER FOR THEM AND THEIR CHILDREN. Its almost impossible to keep the kids seperate from the relationship. The women want you to b part of their world and the kids are a huge part of it the main part of it. And the discipline thing as you mentioned is hard as hell on a person who grew up with it takes a village mentality. So a little kid being disrespectful to me wont fly so like I said singlr parents are better off justing dating each other.
  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    LOL. yeah, I have dated women with kids.....LOL....hell i dated a woman whose kid was in college with me ...same school. that was funny as hell. we (her daughter and me) were the same age almost. I believe I was 4-5 years older than her daughter. her daughter was fine as shit. her mom was about 45. that was some damn gooooooooood puzzzy

    Im saying if you KNOW for a fact you cant handle what Im talking about its best not to deal with it (woman with kids and the issues with it). Im just telling you from the dads position....(if he is worth his salt)

    as far as the woman want this or that. You know better. you know how women say one thing but when the rubber meets the road.....aaaahh shit.

    now yeah, if a kid disrepects you... then yeah, check him but be careful on how you do it. trust me ....... you gonna catch a case if you think you can check the kid like dad would.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2013
  15. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    ok here what you want do when a kid gets out of pocket.

    always tell moms first before you do these steps in what you are doing.....there is always boundaries. say it smooth too. its not what you say its how you say it.

    1) go bill cosby...just let him know its not gonna go down like that between you and me.

    2) If that dont work then you just give that mofo the eye. dont tell mom. the kid should know they fucking up.

    if they keep fucking up ......then dont tell moms this shit

    1) tell kid come her let me talk to you.
    2) take em to the bedroom and let them walk in front of you
    3) close the door and put em full nelsie
    4) while in the full nelsie you let them know whats up.

    problem solved
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2013
  16. Av8rdrew

    Av8rdrew Member

    You might be over thinking this bruh. If the woman meets my criteria of what's attractive, then I approach. They're usually happy for the attention. You might even get a "convert" lol.

  17. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    I'm the master of overthinking, although I've heard how attractive I was several times lol.

    I just want that 'crossover' appeal. lmao
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    then your money up homie
  19. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    Ha word.
  20. Cannondale

    Cannondale Active Member

    What up, Bruh. The best way to fight this mentality is to change your mindset and thought process. Instead of ASKING yourself "am I her type??," TELL yourself "I have qualities that women find attractive."

    Mind you, this is NOT telling you to think you're the greatest man in the world, you're better than everybody, or that ALL women should like you. Just the opposite actually.

    In actuality, there are many women who just won't like you for whatever reason, and dwelling on this fact of life is a waste of time. Instead, work on the qualities that women of all races and economic backgrounds look for in a mate:

    Sense of humor;
    Financial Stability;
    Good listener;
    Physical attractiveness;
    Self confidence (not conceit);

    Ask any woman and she'll tell you she likes many things on this list when looking for a man. If you have some/many of these qualities then you won't have to worry if you're their type. If anything, she'll start to wonder if she's YOUR type...

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