I just learned recently that that 16 y.o. american citizen the gubmint killed in a drone strike was targeted in a separate strike from his father... My impression til now was that the kid was just collateral damage, killed by being near his father (the target) when they zapped him. In actuality, he was killed in a separate strike two weeks after his father. They're saying that the strike that killed the kid was in fact targeting another terrorist nearby. But that particular terrorist is still alive. Extrajudicial killings are nothing new in America. Cops get away with it all the time. But considering that the president supposedly approves all drone strikes, I'm now like, wtf? This shit could be a slippery slope, particularly once the obama administration is done.
It sucks when your dad is a terrorist and he drags your butt to come live with him in the U.S. military's kill zone in Pakistan. There's no such thing as a 'smart' munition. Things happen.
Coming to a hometown near us And the pilots are purple-heart eligible. But not the Fort Hood heroes. Go figure :?
I can understand that - collateral damage happens. But the kid was killed in a separate strike from his dad. Two weeks after his dad was zapped, he was zapped. From the looks of it, they intentionally killed a 16 y.o. U.S. citizen. What justifies targeting a minor, who is a U.S. citizen to boot? No charges, no trial, just execution. What justifies that? Not only that, but they seem to have covered up the fact that this was a SEPARATE strike from the one that killed his dad. I was walking around with the impression that the kid was in the car WITH his dad when it was hit, something like that. I think it's pretty fucked up if they're intentionally killing U.S. citizens who are minors. The kid didn't kill anyone. Other U.S. kids get held in juvie for horrible crimes and get their records expunged at age 18. What did this kid do to get zapped like that?
The 16 year old boy wasn't a target, the associates of his father who were harboring the boy were. What 'soldier' or jihadist brings his son into a warzone, unless he's willing to have his son martyred??
these clowns have been hiding behind children since god knows when theyd also hole up in religious buildings, knowing that we couldnt just level the damn things with 155mm rounds from an abrams because of ROE they do this shit to force light-infantry type of fighting, which usually ends up bloody for both sides
Ding-Ding. GRAND PRIZE WINNERS OF TODAY! TELL THEM WHAT THEY WON! A BRAND NEW SHINEY, wait no, this classified, we better not.
Naahh. So if you happen to be in proximity to someone they're trying to blow up, it's a-okay to kill you too? That's the same philosophy as the terrorists. If chris dorner is near his kid, or a stranger, or a hostage even, it's okay to torch the cabin anyway? If Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's roommates are in the car with him, go ahead and spray the car anyway? Not only that, the guy they were supposedly trying to kill when they zapped the 16 y.o. lives on to this day. Could he be just the convenient excuse made up in the aftermath? We'll never know. I think you have to ask the good guys to live up to higher standards than the bad guys. After all, they're doing all this to protect our rights as citizens, and civilized values, right? What if they killed the kid on american soil - would that be okay too? That's that ol' "he was no choir boy" mentality. It's a slippery slope. In the age in which technology could make "resistance is futile" a reality, we have to be real careful about what we give the gubmint the right to do... We aren't gonna have this "touchy-feely" "progressive" administration in power forever. What if a future administration is headed up by a giuliani, or a stalin even? We just might be setting standards of behavior that could turn on us. :toimonster: