This project fascinates me. Imagine someday when this becomes a reality that business managers, political consultants, corporate leaders, etc... using artificial intelligence as advisors to run their enterprises, businesses, all types of organizations. This will cut out a lot of useless layers of people in the organizational strucuture. We are getting closer to artificial brains with the huge data banks to run them. They will not need lunch breaks or vacations.
And put a lot of people out of work. I think this is what TDK said scares him in another thread. I love technnology, but when it threatens to replace tons of jobs, I agree - it's scary.
People like BT think they wont be affected so it sounds fun and exciting like a better ipad. No one considers basic economics. All you can trade with corporations is your labor. Once its no longer needed you're no longer needed you become a liability. Just some parasite sucking up resources the owners pay for but like most things people wont realize it until its far too late.
Do you own a very successful business? If you don't you know you're fucked just like everyone else right?
I spoke up about posting more in this category so I'm glad to see a new thread that isn't a porn thread. Even if the subject matter isn't something I'm enthusiastic about.
I will be fucked like everyone else. No exception on my part. Such is fucking change. Only if I let myself be fucked.
Blacktiger how do you propose you prepare yourself for a world where someone like you isn't NEEDED for anything. A world where technology can do everything for the wealthy leaves you out in the cold unless you can amass so much wealth that all your financial needs will be met for this lifetime. When AI becomes fully functional you will be obsolete and those who OWN companies will have no need to pay YOU. And if they do it will make illegal immigrant wages seem like six figure jobs, but jump on that fast ride to the bottom if you like sir. The thing that disgusted me most about your post is you sounded happy at the idea of people being put out of work. What good is "progress" if it benefits the few at the expense of the many unless you're of the mindset that believes in social darwinism which makes me even sadder for future generations.